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Besoin d'aide pour la création d'une guilde RP

Par Samantha le 27/6/2002 Ă  6:40:27 (#1717501)

Bonjour Ă  vous tous, je sais il est un peut tĂŽt je m'en n'excuse.

VoilĂ  je vous prĂ©sente mon idĂ©e : Je voudrais crĂ©er une petite guilde de marchand dĂ©butant "trader" ou non pour construire une sorte de petit rĂ©zo entre amis et pourquoi pas proposer par la suite nos produits sur les channels de vente ou de faire soit mĂȘme nos marcher de ventes ?

Je suis sur qu'il y a quelque chose Ă  faire de ce cĂŽtĂ© la car en voyant les prix en basic shop pour les items on comprend pourquoi il faut ĂȘtre trĂšs riche pour ĂȘtre bien Ă©quiper sans faire de mission !

Donc pour mon idée nous iront trouver nos items exclusivement en mission et aprÚs de pratiquer le marcher noir pour pouvoir gagner un capital non négligable pour pouvoir grandir suffisament.
Mais le problĂšme est que je ne suis pas arriver a crĂ©er ma guilde toute seule, donc faut il ĂȘtre plusieurs je crois qu'il faut ĂȘtre 8 ou 10 membres ?

Dites moi ce que vous pensez de mon idée, et n'hésiter pas a critiquer si il le faut merci à vous de m'avoir lus.

Par munn le 27/6/2002 Ă  6:46:37 (#1717512)

Loin de moi l'idée de vouloir critiquer ton idée , tu verras bien si ca marche ;)
Pour créer une guilde tu dois etre dans une team dont aucun des membres ne fassent parti d'une guilde puis taper:
/org create nomdelaguilde
Ta guilde seras donc crée et tu en seras leader, ensuite a toi de voir ce que tu veux en faire :)

Par Samantha le 27/6/2002 Ă  6:51:41 (#1717518)

Merci de ta réponse mais tu en pense quoi ?
Y a t'il déja trop de ce genre de guilde ?
Ou le marcher est fait de façon que nous ne pourrions jamais arriver a faire quelque chose d'intĂȘressant ?

Par Orravan le 27/6/2002 Ă  7:13:18 (#1717536)

Il y a, à ma connaissance, une guilde neutre récemment formée qui se débrouille plutÎt bien, les Weapons Dealers of Rubi Ka..
Ils sont spécialisés dans la revente d'armes, et apparemment, ça tourne bien... :)
Donc d'aprÚs moi, oui, c'est une bonne idée ;)
Enfin, à toi de voir, aprÚs on va me repprocher quelque chose si ça marche pas :p

Par munn le 27/6/2002 Ă  7:52:57 (#1717580)

Vous pouvez peut etre reussir a vous amuser comme cela , moi personellemnt c'est as trop mon trip de revendre des objets aux autres donc je peut pas trop te dire ;)

Par Wiseman le 27/6/2002 Ă  9:23:08 (#1717775)

Ca serra pas forcĂ©ment Ă©vident, vu que dans la plupart des guildes, les objets sont donnĂ©s/Ă©changĂ©s...mais, comme le dis Orravan, c'est possible, j'ai moi-mĂȘme dĂ©jĂ  rencontrĂ© un membre des Weapons Dealers of Rubi Ka. Je te conseil de faire comme eux, au dĂ©but en tout cas, te spĂ©cialiser... si tu commence d'entrĂ© avec tout types d'objets, ça serra la galĂšre, alors autant commencer par 1 type d'objet... je dirrais les nano crystaux, vu que:
1/ tout le monde en Ă  besoins.
2/ le débutant n'ont généralement pas les moyens d'acheter les nanos en shop.
3/ on en trouve facilement.
4/ Ă  haut lvl, les nanos se vendent trĂšs cher.

Pour la crĂ©ation de la guilde, j'ajouterais qu'il faut que tous les membres soit de la mĂȘme faction (clan ou neutre... :doute:... ok ok, ou omni :monstre:...).

Par Aino le 27/6/2002 Ă  10:07:54 (#1717994)

Je pense que le concepte peut etre sympa, viable je sais pas car comme le souligne Munn les membres d'une meme guilde se donnent souvent le matos gratuitement ou les joueurs se le donnent en team quand ils trouvent du matos qui ne les interessent pas (on voit souvent defiler du matos dans les channels de team en tout cas dans celle ou je suis)

Par contre il me semble indispensable de vous specialiser dans un type d'objet particulier comme les nanos, pour prendre un exemple : Le MP sont souvent a la recherche des Mastries/infuse/Mocham car il peuvent les caster bien avant de pouvoir faire les missions donc il galere pour les avoir ;)

Apres vous pouvez aussi vous amuser a construire les nanos a partir des Instructions Disk et ça peut vous apporter une certaines reputations ;)

Par Presse-Purée le 27/6/2002 à 10:16:52 (#1718047)

Vi les nanos crystaux c'est un des trucs les plus couteux pour certaines professions qui en changent souvent, ça peut donc ĂȘtre une bonne idĂ©e de vous spĂ©cialiser dans la vente de ces trucs. En plus on est toujours a la recherche du nano crystal qui manque Ă  notre collection. D'ailleur tiens nous au courant si tu crĂ©e ta guilde, on sera sans doute client. ;)

Je te conseille d'imprimer toutes les nanos formules de ce site :

Comme ça vous pourrez facilement savoir ce qui vous manque en stock, et savoir à quel nom chercher avec clicksaver...

Par contre pour la guilde, je te conseille de la faire dans le camp neutre, ça parait plus logique pour des marchands qui vont ĂȘtre amenĂ©s Ă  vendre aux omnis et aux clanners.

Par Samantha le 27/6/2002 Ă  18:58:22 (#1720599)

Merci de vos réponses, je vais surement choisir une ligne de travail à respecter.
Sinon j'ai vue que pour gagner de l'argent asser facilement en dehors des missions, il y a l'achat des Sunglass + Full omni-med suit ?
Donc je vous tiens au courant de l'avancer de ma guilde merci Ă  vous peut ĂȘtre aurais-je besoin de vous pour la crĂ©er on ne sais jamais :merci:

Par munn le 27/6/2002 Ă  20:26:41 (#1721075)

Essaye de bien bien te renseigner sur les items qui sont recherchés , il n'y a pas que les omni med suit et les lunettes de soleil ;)

Allez je te passe ma premiere commande : je cherche un Wen-Wen :) et aussi une arbalete :)
Je te les prends a n'importe quel ql et je te les rachete un tres bon pris ( 500 000 creds ) sur Rubika 2 bien sur ;)

quelques idees

Par Kifix le 28/6/2002 Ă  0:23:08 (#1722264)

ca me parait une tres bonne idee et je suis sur que ca peut marcher. et puis tout ce qui est role play ameliore le monde de rubika ! voila quelques idees :
- je pense qu'il faudrait que ce soit des persos d'assez haut lvl de manieres a ce qu'ils aient un large choix. et plus le ql est haut, plus ca rapporte !
- chaque persos de la guilde seait specialisé (armures, armes...) ou tres spécialisé (armes pour soldier, nano pour fixer...)
- un marché serait organisé tous les vandredi soir a 11h (par exemple) avec tous les membres de la guildes. de cette maniere, cela créérait un rendez vous hebdomadaire, une sorte de mini event qui vous ferez connaitre de plus en plus
- pendant le marché, tous les membres de la guilde porteraient un meme costume, comme ca tout le monde saurait qui sont les vendeurs !
- l'accent serait mit sur les objets introuvables en shop

pour info, voici une liste des nanos qu'on ne trouve pas en shop :

This list was compiled by Virral of the Workshop (

Adventurer :

Advanced Survival Technique [146]
Biting Blades [126]
Calia's Form: Dragon [172]
Calia's Form: Parrot [149]
Calia's Form: Parrot (Team) [156]
Calia's Form: Pit Lizard [172]
Calia's Form: Pit Lizard (Other) [179]
Calia's Form: Pit Lizard (Team) [182]
Calia's Form: Sabretooth [159]
Calia's Form: Sabretooth (Other) [165]
Calia's Form: Sabretooth (Team) [175]
Calia's Form: Wolf [156]
Calia's Form: Wolf (Other) [159]
Calia's Form: Wolf (Team) [162]
Calis's Form: Parrot (Other) [152]
Corrosive Barrier [132]
Essence of Life [169]
Fiery Vengeance [136]
Flawless Stitching [143]
Glorious Healing [156]
Greater Encourage Regrowth [142]
Greater Restore Health [130]
Healing Rays of Sunrise [156]
Implacability of Life [153]
Interlocking Barbs [142]
Invocation of the Phoenix [159]
Lightning's Child [152]
Moonbeam [176]
Nature's Blessing [162]
One With Nature [182]
Personal Blizzard [149]
Pronouncement of Greatness (Other) [149]
Razor Barrier [139]
Relation to Cerberus (Other) [126]
Relation to Cerberus (Team) [132]
Retaliatory Venom Spit [159]
Retribution of the Aesir [169]
Revenge of the Valkyrie [165]
Robust Treatment [136]
Seed Life [169]
Supreme Wilderness Protection [123]
Wings of the Phoenix [162]

Agent :

Advanced Face Graft [150]
Assassin's Grin [139]
Death's Gaze [142]
Death's Knocking [136]
Delayed Assassin [169]
Entrap Victim [142]
Greater Death's Knocking [149]
Greater Mysterious Causes [146]
Greater Paralyze with Indecision [149]
Hold Victim [132]
Leisurely Interrogation [165]
Mimic Profession: Adventurer [152]
Mimic Profession: Bureaucrat [165]
Mimic Profession: Doctor [162]
Mimic Profession: Enforcer [146]
Mimic Profession: Engineer [156]
Mimic Profession: Fixer [159]
Mimic Profession: Martial Artist [149]
Mimic Profession: Meta-Physicist [165]
Mimic Profession: Nanotechnician [169]
Mimic Profession: Soldier [146]
Mimic Profession: Trader [162]
Ruse of Taren - Phase 3 [162]
Take the Shot [152]
Unexpected Attack [136]

Bureaucrat :

Advanced Administrator-Droid [136]
Advanced Bodyguard [165]
Advanced Minion [149]
Allure of Servitude [136]
Basic Administrator [129]
Basic Bodyguard [159]
Basic Minion [142]
Baton of Command [162]
Captivating Speech [152]
Chains of Iron [165]
Charismatic Rapture [169]
Cut Red Tape [159]
Director-Grade Administrator-Droid [142]
Director-Grade Bodyguard [169]
Director-Grade Minion [156]
Disciplinary Action [149]
Disjointed From Reality [175]
Disjointed Psyche [162]
Displace Thought Patterns [189]
Disrupted Psyche [185]
Droid Overhaul [136]
Enrapturing Bondage [149]
Erasing Ray [162]
Erratic Laser [142]
Executive-Grade Administrator-Droid [139]
Executive-Grade Bodyguard [169]
Executive-Grade Minion [152]
Faithful Administrator-Droid [132]
Faithful Bodyguard [162]
Faithful Minion [146]
Fear of Attention [169]
Greater Enforced Sloth [146]
Greater Fear of Attention [179]
Greater Illusory Paralysis [146]
Greater Mass Illusory Paralysis [126]
Greater Musculature Command [162]
Horror From The Darkest Pit [179]
Inhibit Motion [132]
Insidious Beguilement [152]
Introspective Engagement [132]
Inveigle Support [162]
Lesser Fear of Attention [149]
Limited Administrator-Droid [132]
Limited Bodyguard [162]
Limited Minion [146]
Living Embalming [175]
Monofilament Cat-O [169]
Monofilament Scourger [152]
Muddled Psyche [126]
Oppressive Weight of the Guilty [152]
Powerful Blizzard of Red Tape [136]
Primal Fear [159]
Rule of One [179]
Shackles of Obedience [172]
Siren Call [123]
Sneaking Terror [83]
Splinter Missile [123]
Supervisor-Grade Administrator-Droid [136]
Supervisor-Grade Bodyguard [165]
Supervisor-Grade Minion [152]
Temporary Allegiance [159]
Thorough Overhaul [166]
*Tight Embrace [159]
Total Mental Domination [179]
Total Musculature Command [175]
Visions of a Doomed Future [130]
Void Inertia [182]
Wandering Mind [156]

Doctor :

Accumulate Scars [152]
Acidic Lesions [149]
Advanced Cellular Rebuild [136]
All-Consuming Toxin [159]
Alpha and Omega [185]
Autonomous Viral Agent [146]
Basic Omni-Med Enhancement [149]
Bestow Healing [146]
Biological-Digital Conversion [173]
Bloom of Health [129]
Bodily Purification [146]
Cellular Dismantlement [156]
Circle of Renewal [149]
Circulate Health [129]
Complete Healing [169]
Complex Nano Contagion [146]
Compress Wounds [152]
Conglomerate Health Plan [182]
Constitution Magnification [146]
Continuous Cellular Reconditioning [126]
Continuous Reconstruction [146]
Cycle of Life [149]
Cycle of Reconstruction [179]
Deathless Blessing [182]
Decrepitude [172]
Deep Tissue Repair [159]
Deep Wound Cleanser [169]
Digitizing Sequencer [140]
Distributed Care [175]
Emergency Medical Response [162]
Enhanced Health Surge [132]
Epsilon Purge [149]
Festering Plague [152]
Gargantuan Health [165]
Greater Bloom of Health [156]
Greater Field Dressings [149]
Greater Periodic Checkup [142]
Greater Policy Payout [172]
Hale and Hearty [146]
Halo of Health [172]
Healer's Hands [123]
Health Assembler [156]
Health Cartel [165]
Incandescent Venom [126]
Induce Musculature Spasms [126]
Infuse with Life [156]
Internal Decomposition [175]
Internal Renewal [156]
Lesser Policy Payout [109]
Life Balm [152]
Life Channeler [182]
Lifegiving Elixir [165]
Medical Response [132]
Molecular Rejuvenation [156]
Morgue Longings [172]
Nano Repulsor [99]
Parasitic Horde [152]
Perpetuating Nano Reaper [136]
Positive Life Reinforcement [169]
Pre-Combat Conditioning [139]
Radiant Heal [123]
Rampant Decay [165]
Rapid Palsy [159]
Recuperative Respite [162]
Remedy Dissemination [159]
Repeated Cellular Trauma [142]
Scythe B Virus [182]
Sentient Nano Gorger [185]
Superior Health Pump [162]
Superior Life Reinforcement [169]
Superior Metabolism Booster [152]
Superior Nano Bandage [142]
Superior Omni-Med Enhancement [179]
Team Compress Wounds [159]
Team Purification [159]
Team Tissue Repair [139]
Uncontrollable Body Tremors [185]
Wrack and Ruin [179]

Enforcer :

Absorb Punishment [140]
Brave Challenger to Behemoth [142]
Brave Challenger to Leviathan [132]
Challenger to Behemoth [139]
Challenger to Leviathan [132]
Coruscating Screen [146]
Deaden Pain [133]
Dominate Foe [150]
Essence of Behemoth [152]
Essence of Colossus [132]
Essence of Gargantua [123]
Essence of Leviathan [142]
Failing Impregnability [150]
Glacial Cloak [132]
Incandescent Rage [132]
Infernal Rage [139]
Lick of Fire [136]
Mighty Challenger to Behemoth [149]
Mighty Challenger to Colossus [129]
Mighty Challenger to Leviathan [136]
Mongo Crush! [149]
Mongo Smash! [132]
Primal Hatred [139]
Prodigious Strength [136]
Screen of Blades [139]
Shrug Off Blows [136]
Spine of Jelly [130]
Toxic Barrier [126]

Engineer :

A Maker's Touch [179]
Advanced Shielding Barrier [109]
Advanced Warbot [152]
Advanced Warmachine
Aegis Barrier [189]
Beacon Warp [90]
Beacon Warp [159]
Citadel of Spikes [149]
Common Warbot [146]
Common Warmachine [165]
Decommissioned Wardroid [179]
Disruptive Barrier Negator [113]
Disruptive Cocoon Harmonics [107]
Disruptive Field Harmonics [41]
Disruptive Field Negator [17]
Disruptive Phase Harmonics [156]
Disruptive Photon Absorber [83]
Disruptive Photon Annihilator [149]
Disruptive Photon Deflector [41]
Disruptive Photon Devourer [120]
Disruptive Retaliatory Negator [153]
Disruptive Retributive Negator [182]
Disruptive Shielding Negator [57]
Disruptive Void Projector [166]
Entropy Weapon [149]
Extreme Prejudice [139]
Feeble Warbot [129]
Feeble Warmachine [156]
Field Workshop [120]
Flawed Warbot [146]
Flawed Warmachine[162]
Force Field [169]
Fortress of Spikes [175]
Greater Harmonic Cocoon [159]
Greater Retaliatory Barrier [165]
Harmonic Cocoon [139]
Heavy Assault Force Field [185]
Inferior Warbot [139]
Inferior Warmachine [162]
Intricate Repairs [156]
Lesser Warbot [136]
Lesser Warmachine [159]
Military-Grade Warbot [156]
Military-Grade Warmachine [175]
Null Space Disruptor [189]
Patchy Repairs [34]
Patchwork Warbot [132]
Patchwork Warmachine [159]
Perfected Defensive Screen [149]
Perfected Protective Field [146]
Perfected Shielding Barrier [139]
Perfected Warbot [152]
Perfected Warmachine [172]
Plasma Shield [185]
Quick Fix [14]
Rapid Weapon [129]
Reactivated Wardroid [182]
Reactive Harmonic Cocoon [179]
Rebuild Casing [84]
Recondition Parts [50]
Retaliatory Barrier [132]
Semi-Sentient Guardbot [123]
Semi-Sentient Warbot [156]
Semi-Sentient Wardroid [175]
Semi-Sentient Warmachine [182]
Slayerdroid Guardian [189]
Slayerdroid Protector [185]
Slayerdroid Sentinel [189]
Slayerdroid Transference [185]
Slayerdroid Warden [185]
Sparkling Field Array [159]
Sympathetic Armor Boost [34]
Sympathetic Arms Enhancement [80]
Sympathetic Defensive Screen [146]
Sympathetic Energy Cocoon [153]
Sympathetic Entropy Infusion [176]
Sympathetic Force Field [163]
Sympathetic Fortress Screen [189]
Sympathetic Harmonic Cocoon [116]
Sympathetic Harmonic Field [90]
Sympathetic Plasma Shielding [189]
Sympathetic Protective Field [97]
Sympathetic Reactive Cocoon [186]
Sympathetic Reactive Field [159]
Sympathetic Retaliatory Barrier [93]
Sympathetic Shielding Barrier [70]
Ultimate Force Field [189]
Upgraded Warbot [149]
Upgraded Warmachine [169]
Warbot [149]
Warmachine [165]

Fixer :

Advanced Augmentation Cloud [142]
Advanced Policy Skim [142]
Bootleg Beamers 'n Bolters (OP-C) [67]
Bootleg Beamers 'n Bolters (OP-CC) [120]
Bootleg Beamers 'n Bolters (OP-CLX) [107]
Bootleg Beamers 'n Bolters (OP-CLXXX) [113]
Bootleg Beamers 'n Bolters (OP-CXL) [103]
Bootleg Beamers 'n Bolters (OP-CXX) [90]
Bootleg Beamers 'n Bolters (OP-LX) [34]
Bootleg Beamers 'n Bolters (OP-LXXX) [54]
Bootleg Beamers 'n Bolters (OP-XL) [21]
Bootleg Beamers 'n Bolters (OP-XX) [8]
Bootleg Blades 'n Blunts (OP-C) [67]
Bootleg Blades 'n Blunts (OP-CC) [120]
Bootleg Blades 'n Blunts (OP-CLX) [107]
Bootleg Blades 'n Blunts (OP-CLXXX) [113]
Bootleg Blades 'n Blunts (OP-CXL) [103]
Bootleg Blades 'n Blunts (OP-CXX) [90]
Bootleg Blades 'n Blunts (OP-LX) [34]
Bootleg Blades 'n Blunts (OP-LXXX) [54]
Bootleg Blades 'n Blunts (OP-XL) [21]
Bootleg Blades 'n Blunts (OP-XX) [8]
Contact Poison [27]
Emergency Vector Tap [146]
Flawless Medical Claim [129]
Gravity Bindings [126]
Greater Delay Retreat [139]
Greater Nano Boost [136]
Greater Prolong Encounter [152]
Grid Excursion [123]
Grid Phase Accelerator [136]
Gridspace Freedom [156]
Karma Harvest [152]
Mass Gravity Bindings [136]
Meld With Grid Stream [159]
Neural Interfaced Augmentation Cloud [159]
Omni-Med Incursion [149]
Prolong Encounter [123]
Re-Matrix Grid Vector [169]
Restock Ammo (Level OP-C) [107]
Restock Ammo (Level OP-CC) [107]
Restock Ammo (Level OP-I) [4]
Restock Ammo (Level OP-II) [18]
Restock Ammo (Level OP-X) [60]
Restock Ammo (Level OP-XX) [74]
Ruinous Grid Jump [140]
Semi-Sentient Augmentation Cloud [169]
Smuggler Shipment (OP-C) [70]
Smuggler Shipment (OP-CC) [120]
Smuggler Shipment (OP-CLX) [107]
Smuggler Shipment (OP-CLXXX) [113]
Smuggler Shipment (OP-CXL) [103]
Smuggler Shipment (OP-CXX) [90]
Smuggler Shipment (OP-LX) [34]
Smuggler Shipment (OP-LXXX) [54]
Smuggler Shipment (OP-XL) [24]
Smuggler Shipment (OP-XX) [8]
Spin Nanoweb [156]
Summon Grid Armor Mk I [60]
Summon Grid Armor Mk II [93]
Summon Grid Armor Mk III [116]
Summon Grid Armor Mk IV [140]
Targeted Augmentation Cloud [149]

Martial Artist :

Chirp of the Mournful Cricket [142]
Cohort [132]
Diamond Skin [142]
Enlightened Aura of Healing [142]
Eternal Enmity [162]
Fists of Stellar Harmony [165]
Fists of the Lightning Crane [146]
Fists of the Sorrowful Toad [126]
Form of Tessai [165]
Four Fists of Kali [169]
Greater Restore Essence [129]
Greater Shen Protection [132]
Greater Team Restore Essence [132]
Greater Titanium Skin [123]
Horde [149]
Inner Peace, Outward Rage [169]
Last Minute Adjustments [139]
Monomolecular Skin [152]
Partial Diamond Skin [136]
Reduce Inertia [136]
Return Attack [146]
Seething Resentment [136]
Summer Rain [152]
Supreme Shen Protection [146]
Transcendent Shen Protection [159]
Universal Vulnerability Compendium [169]
Waiting Panda [132]

Meta-Physicist :

Anima of Fathomless Rage [110]
Anima of Implacable Hatred [156]
Anima of Maddening Wrath [189]
Anima of Pure Malevolence [212]
Anima of Relentless Fury [67]
Anima of The Abomination [239]
Anima of Unleashed Malice [37]
Anima of Unrestrained Ferocity [14]
Calling of Altumus [156]
Calling of Belamorte [186]
Calling of Curatem The Grand [169]
Calling of The Vivificator [143]
Chant of Effortless Strikes [130]
Curse of Chronos [169]
Creation: Asp of Semol [116]
Creation: Azure Cobra of Orma [215]
Creation: Belthior's Flame Ward [147]
Creation: Bitis Striker [136]
Creation: Coplan's Hand Taipan [90]
Creation: Death Ward [177]
Creation: Gold Acantophis [190]
Creation: Living Shield of Evernan [112]
Creation: Mocham's Guard [187]
Creation: Notum Defender [72]
Creation: Shield of Asmodian [205]
Creation: Solar Guard [85]
Creation: The Crotalus [48]
Creation: Viper Staff [66]
Creation: Vital Buckler [59]
Creation: Wave Breaker [129]
Creation: Wixel's Notum Python [160]
Dedication of Thought [146]
Dominate: BioMet [142]
Dominate: MatCrea [142]
Dominate: MatMet [139]
Dominate: PsyMod [142]
Dominate: SenseImp [142]
Dominate: SpaceTime [139]
Enmity Personification [159]
Frenzy Embodiment [129]
Glacial Lance [159]
Greater Enmity Personification [165]
Greater Frenzy Embodiment [146]
High Chant of Effortless Strikes [182]
High Chant of Frenzied Blows [156]
Inferior Enmity Personification [159]
Inferior Frenzy Embodiment [123]
Infuse With Knowledge: Biological Metamorphose [123]
Infuse With Knowledge: Material Creation [130]
Infuse With Knowledge: Material Metamorphose [126]
Infuse With Knowledge: Psychological Modification [136]
Infuse With Knowledge: Sensory Improvement [133]
Infuse With Knowledge: Time and Space [130]
Instill With Enduring Wrath [166]
Instill With Malign Intent [189]
Instill With Righteous Frenzy [150]
Lesser Enmity Personification [156]
Lull Wrath [162]
Mind Banshee [146]
Mind Quake [173]
Mocham's Gift: BioMet [165]
Mocham's Gift: MatCrea [165]
Mocham's Gift: MatMet [162]
Mocham's Gift: PsyMod [169]
Mocham's Gift: SenseImp [165]
Mocham's Gift: SpaceTime [162]
Mocham's Neural Interface-Web [159]
Nano Shutdown [162]
Neuron-Notum Interface [129]
Notum Rejection [149]
Odin's Missing Eye [165]
One Mind, One Purpose [162]
Summon Cacodemon [189]
Summon Demon [189]
Summon Fiend [182]
Summon Lemur [179]
Summoning of Tumulten [189]
Superior Enmity Personification [162]
Superior Frenzy Embodiment [139]
Supreme Enmity Personification [172]
Supreme Frenzy Embodiment [149]
Temper Wrath [136]
Transcendent Enmity Personification [175]
Transcendent Frenzy Embodiment [152]
Wrath Abatement [179]
Wrath Ebb [149]

Nano-Technician :

Advanced Collapsing Barrier [163]
Annihilating Hadron String [165]
Atomic Collapse [159]
Blaze of Hephaestos [169]
Boil Blood [152]
Boil from Within [126]
Boundless Humidity Extractor [149]
Brutal Cornea Attack [159]
Burden of Atlas [189]
Burning Bones [182]
Burning Quartet [126]
Cascade of the Storm [175]
Chaos Lights [139]
Coherent Positron Stream [142]
Collapsing Barrier [146]
Collapsing Hadron String [149]
Compacted Neutron Missile [165]
Conduction Stream [156]
Contained Plasma Sphere [136]
Coronet of Frost [132]
Crown of Frost [156]
CrunchCom Nano Compressor Pro [123]
Discourage Involvement [129]
Electrifying Containment [185]
Encircle With Blades [142]
Enfraam's Augmented Fortification [156]
Enfraam's Fortification [47]
Enfraam's Glorious Fortification [140]
Enfraam's Greater Fortification [93]
Enfraam's Lesser Fortification [37]
Enfraam's Major Fortification [80]
Enfraam's Minor Fortification [24]
Enfraam's Perfected Fortification [166]
Enfraam's Superior Fortification [60]
Enfraam's Supreme Fortification [113]
Enfraam's Trivial Fortification [14]
Engulf in Flame [149]
Eviscerate Eyes [152]
Eye of Light [169]
Eyeblighter [139]
Feet of Lead [165]
Ferocious Impactor Missile [162]
Fiery Blast [142]
Fleeting Immunity [182]
Fold Time and Space: Borealis [156]
Fold Time and Space: Newland [163]
Fold Time and Space: Omni-1 [163]
Fold Time and Space: Rome [156]
Fold Time and Space: Tir [156]
Fold Time and Space: West Athen [166]
Foul Eyeblighter [162]
Frigid Landscape [159]
Full-Body Acid Coating [185]
Glacial Finality [175]
Gravitational Anomaly [169]
Gravity Pull [149]
Greater Crystalizing Ray [139]
Greater RNA Reaper [129]
Greater Searing Stream [172]
Greater Shower with Sludge [132]
Greater Viral Assault [179]
Impactor Missile [123]
Impaling Tracer [139]
Internal Combustion [162]
Isotope Waves [146]
Izgimmer's Death of a Thousand Cuts
Izgimmer's Enveloping Flame [182]
Izgimmer's Last Word [212]
Izgimmer's Little Nuke [185]
Izgimmer's Mockery [182]
Izgimmer's Obfuscated Recompiler [179]
Jobe Nano Libraries [152]
Kel's Neutronium Plaything [212]
Legions of the Eyeblighter [162]
Linear Acceleration [159]
Liquefying Sphere [132]
Localized Dimensional Inversion [189]
Major Chemical Burn [146]
Malign Devourer [149]
Mass Pronounce Blindness [132]
Mephitic Ichor [123]
Meta-Dioxin Spray [136]
Molecular Deconstruction [185]
Molecular Flechettes [165]
Momentum Impaler [123]
Nano Cloud Supplement [149]
Nanoblade Cloud [146]
Neural Stunner [152]
Notum Overload [175]
Nullity Sphere [90]
Nullity Sphere MK II [159]
Particle Accelerator [123]
Particle Flare [129]
Peaceful Intentions [159]
Personal Notum Harvester [169]
Photon Deflector [172]
Quark Collapse [182]
Rend Flesh [129]
Searing Circle [152]
Searing Stream [159]
Shrapnel Burst [123]
Shroud of the Grave [182]
Solar Wind [152]
Stargasp [156]
Stinging Missile Swarm [179]
Sudden Affliction [162]
Superior Malign Devourer [172]
Team Fold Time and Space: Borealis [159]
Team Fold Time and Space: Newland [166]
Team Fold Time and Space: Omni-1 [166]
Team Fold Time and Space: Rome [159]
Team Fold Time and Space: Tir [159]
Team Fold Time and Space: West Athen [166]
Team Warp Time and Space: Borealis [97]
Team Warp Time and Space: Newland [113]
Team Warp Time and Space: Omni-1 [113]
Team Warp Time and Space: Rome [97]
Team Warp Time and Space: Tir [97]
Team Warp Time and Space: West Athen [113]
Toxic Sphere [126]
Toxic Spill [132]
Tremor [175]
Visions of the Void [189]
Volcanic Eruption [182]
Warmth of the Grave [189]
Warp Time and Space: Borealis [87]
Warp Time and Space: Newland [103]
Warp Time and Space: Omni-1 [103]
Warp Time and Space: Rome [87]
Warp Time and Space: Tir [87]
Warp Time and Space: West Athen [103]

Soldier :

Absorption Shield [66]
Advanced Absorption Shield [132]
Battlefield Endurance [152]
Greater Reflective Field [129]
Greater Reflective Field (Extended) [132]
Heavy Assault Absorption Shield [159]
Heavy Assault Combat Barrier [152]
Helepolis of the Besieger [139]
Id Assault [132]
Lesser Reflective Field [123]
Lesser Reflective Field (Extended) [123]
Major Reflective Field [136]
Major Reflective Field (Extended) [139]
Offensive Steamroller [159]
Only You, Only Me [152]
Perfected Absorption Shield [142]
Perfected Combat Barrier [139]
Phalanx [142]
Ranged Energy Weapon Mastery [63]
Reactive Reflective Field [142]
Reactive Reflective Field (Extended) [142]
Reflective Field [126]
Reflective Field (Extended) [126]
Riot Control [126]
Survivor's Resilience [139]
Total Focus [136]
Total Mirror Shield Mk VII [126]
Total Mirror Shield Mk VIII [129]
Total Mirror Shield Mk IX [132]
Total Mirror Shield Mk X [146]

Trader :

Advanced Delayed Health Payment [123]
Advanced Health Plunder [169]
Armor Trade-In [185]
Average Health Plunder [149]
Control Ends and Means [176]
Digital Existence [136]
Divest Skills [156]
Divest Skills (Advanced) [179]
Divest Skills (Average) [132]
Divest Skills (Lesser) [149]
Divest Skills (Major) [165]
Draw AC [136]
Draw AC (Advanced) [159]
Draw AC (Greater) [165]
Draw AC (Invasive) [179]
Draw AC (Major) [149]
Entrepreneurial Thrall [182]
Exceptional Delayed Health Payment [169]
Fine Tuning [126]
Flow of Time [132]
Forced Bankruptcy [185]
Glib Health Haggler [136]
Greater Delayed Health Payment [149]
Greater Detain Customer
Greater Embrace of Greed
Greater Health Plunder [175]
Grid Gateway [166]
Guard Convoy [149]
Health Plunder [159]
Imaginary Distractions [146]
Impoverish Accounts [146]
Insolvency [123]
Irresistible Health Haggler [149]
Lend Nano: 1000 [172]
Lesser Health Plunder [156]
Liquidation [156]
Maestro: Electrical Engineering [152]
Maestro: Field Quantum Physics [152]
Maestro: Mechanical Engineering [152]
Maestro: Pharmaceutical [156]
Maestro: Weapon Smithing [156]
Major Armor Distributor [189]
Major Health Plunder [162]
Minor Health Plunder [146]
My Brain For Your Brain [186]
Patchy Health Plunder [142]
Pawnbroker's Armor [185]
Pay the Pauper [169]
Plunder Skills [162]
Plunder Skills (Advanced) [185]
Plunder Skills (Average) [146]
Plunder Skills (Lesser) [152]
Plunder Skills (Major) [172]
Plunder Skills (Minor) [123]
Preeminent Health Haggler [159]
Premium Delayed Health Payment [182]
Profit Preoccupation [159]
Quantum Uncertainty [139]
Redeem AC [149]
Redeem AC (Advanced) [165]
Redeem AC (Greater) [175]
Redeem AC (Lesser) [129]
Redeem AC (Major) [156]
Redirect Neural Signals [149]
Relentless Slayer [159]
Simple Mind, Simple Pleasures [162]
Siphon AC [123]
Siphon AC (Advanced) [152]
Siphon AC (Greater) [162]
Siphon AC (Invasive) [172]
Siphon AC (Major) [146]
Skill Wrangler (Exceptional) [176]
Skill Wrangler (Greater) [150]
Skill Wrangler (Premium) [189]
Skill Wrangler (Sophisticated) [156]
Skill Wrangler (Superb) [163]
Skill Wrangler (Superior) [126]
Sophisticated Delayed Health Payment [156]
Sophisticated Health Freeloader [123]
Sophisticated Health Plunder [182]
Superior Delayed Health Payment [140]
Team Skill Wrangler (Advanced) [123]
Team Skill Wrangler (Exceptional) [169]
Team Skill Wrangler (Greater) [153]
Team Skill Wrangler (Premium) [189]
Team Skill Wrangler (Sophisticated) [159]
Team Skill Wrangler (Superior) [140]
Thought Controller [126]
Thought Juggler [159]
Trading Mogul [165]
Traffic AC [152]
Traffic AC (Advanced) [172]
Traffic AC (Greater) [182]
Traffic AC (Lesser) [139]
Traffic AC (Major) [159]
Weak Health Plunder [132]

Par Samantha le 28/6/2002 Ă  1:34:20 (#1722486)

He be ! :monstre: Y a du boulot hihi !

Par Valandra le 2/7/2002 Ă  6:59:19 (#1743025)

coucou samantha,
si tu joues sur rubika 2, j'ai surement un perso qui serait interessé par ta guilde... ;)

contacte moi par pm si tu veux...



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@ JOL / JeuxOnLine