Archives des forums MMO/MMORPG > Asheron's Call > AC - La citadelle > Probleme..
Par Dodger le 30/5/2002 à 20:44:30 (#1557672)
Je m'etais mis a AC il y a environ un an de ca, j'avais arrete et j'arrivais plus a trouver mon nom d'account / pass...
Et vu le test gratis je m'y suis remis )
Seulement j'ai un petit (mais emmer****) probleme...
J'ai pu me connecter 7 ou 8 fois hier, sans probleme, mais aujourdhui, plus rien...
Je bloque dans le couloir de connection...
J'ai pas les stats de mon perso,... qui s'affichent, rien, et ca sur n'importe quel serveur...
Merci d'avance de m'illuminer par votre sagesse infinie qui je ne doute pas saura m'eclairer :p :p :p :p :p
-Ingrim le Terrible, Swordsman lvl 0 en attente :p
Par Dodger le 30/5/2002 à 21:08:51 (#1557853)
J'ai 0 de packet lost, et je suis quand meme LD comme si j'etais LD cote client, d'un cout, ca me ramene a la page de selec du perso, "server connection lost"...
(les 3 anneaux sont rouges), pourtant ma connection est bonne...
-Ingrim le Terrible, Swordsman lvl 0 qui essaie les decals
Par Darky le 30/5/2002 à 21:38:28 (#1558053)
tu utilises Decal ? si oui désactive le
Sinon réinstalle tout si tu peux te le permettre ...
Je suis d'une grande aide je sais :)
Par Dodger le 30/5/2002 à 22:30:09 (#1558384)
Je vais desactiver decal je verrai bien ce que ca donne :doute:
Sinon reformatage:sanglote: de toute facon j'y etais destine lol...
Mci en tout cas )
Par Dodger le 30/5/2002 à 23:04:53 (#1558582)
Ca vient peut etre de mon routeur linux qui me bloque des ports, meme si je doute bcp...
Je verrai ca demain, dois me lever a 6 heures :doute: :baille:
Mci en tt cas ;p
Par Darky le 30/5/2002 à 23:07:33 (#1558599)
si tu veux tout format ...
peut etre ton routeur mais ça m'etonne
essaie en connection directe pour voir également ....
tu seras au moins fixé !
Par Miele le 31/5/2002 à 1:09:24 (#1559264)
Provient du message de Dodger :
Toujours rien... *sigh*
Ca vient peut etre de mon routeur linux qui me bloque des ports, meme si je doute bcp...
Je verrai ca demain, dois me lever a 6 heures :doute: :baille:
Mci en tt cas ;p
oui c'est ça :) sur le site de microsoft dans la section FAQ Asheron's call (plus sur de l'endroit enfin bref si je retrouve l'adresse j'edite) il y a tout les ports a ouvrir voilou :)
tiens sinon en attendant tu peux traduire ça ;)
Connectivity Issues
(For more in-depth technical support, see Product Support Services .)
How can I get through a firewall to play Asheron's Call or play with IP masq or NAT ( Network Address Translation )?
If you are playing with a firewall, proxy, or NAT, you will need to configure your network. For Asheron's Call IP addresses and port configurations, see the article in Product Support Services on required ports . For help configuring your network for the Zone itself, please see the article on Zone connection through a firewall or proxy server.
I'm trying to play AC through a Linux Masquerading server , but I still can't connect . What's wrong ?
There is a problem running AC over ipmasq for Linux kernel versions before 2.2.3. Upgrading to a newer Linux kernel (2.2.3+) has been confirmed to fix this problem. There is also a patch out for earlier kernels -- look for the "Loose UDP Routing" patch on the Web; it might fix the problem. Note that you might realize connection problems with other firewall/proxy configurations as well.
On late (> 2.2.15) kernels, you may have to enable loose UDP routing manually. This is accomplished by performing the following command as root:
# echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_masq_udp_dloose
The presence of this file in the /proc filesystem denotes the availability of this option as a runtime parameter.
I'm trying to play AC using a FreeBSD gateway and dynamic port aliasing . I can get into the game for a short period , but after about a minute , I get the " Server has disconnected " dialog .
There is a bug in all currently available FreeBSD versions that causes dynamic UDP aliases to time out even though there is downstream traffic through the aliased ports. A fix to alias_db.c has been committed to FreeBSD -- current as of 5/20/99.
I connect to the Internet through a NAT gateway , and only one computer at a time on my network can play Asheron's Call .
You will need to change your connection settings to use a unique port for each computer. To do this, go to the AC console screen. You can get there by double-clicking your desktop shortcut for AC and then clicking Settings , or open My Computer, click the letter for the drive where Asheron's Call is installed, click Program Files , click Microsoft Games , click Asheron's Call , and then click Settings .
Once at the AC settings screen, check the box labeled "Derived from your IP address." Click OK , and then continue. You can also try to manually specify the port on each computer to be different: e.g., 9000 and 9004.
How do I play AC through Windows 98 Internet Connection Sharing ( ICS )?
If you are unable to play Asheron's Call on more than one computer at a time on your local network, you will need to change your connection settings to use a unique port for each computer. To do this, open the AC console screen by double-clicking your desktop shortcut for AC, and then clicking Settings , or open My Computer, click the letter for the drive where Asheron's Call is installed, click Program Files , click Microsoft Games , click Asheron's Call , and then click Settings .
On the AC settings screen, select "Derived from your IP address," click OK , and then continue. Note that on the computer where ICS is installed, you may need to uninstall ICS, install AC, and then reinstall ICS.
I am behind a firewall that prevents me from using the AC client default port of 9000 , or the " Derived from your IP address " option isn't helping . How do I make the AC client use a specific inbound port ?
You will need to change your connection settings. To do this, go to the AC console screen. You can get there by double-clicking your desktop shortcut for AC, and then clicking "Settings," or open My Computer, click the letter for the drive where Asheron's Call is installed, click Program Files , click Microsoft Games , click Asheron's Call , and then click Settings .
Once at the AC settings screen, check the "Specific port" checkbox, and in the text field, enter an outgoing port that is valid through your firewall. Ask your system administrator or ISP for this port number. Click OK . Then play the game normally.
How do I play through a SyGate Internet sharing application on a LAN ?
If you are using a SyGate Internet sharing application on a LAN you must perform the following configuration changes. On the server computer running the SyGate manager, run Settings from the AC Console. To do this, go to the AC console screen by double-clicking your desktop shortcut for AC, and then clicking Settings . Or, open My Computer, click the letter for the drive where Asheron's Call is installed, click Program Files , click Microsoft Games , click Asheron's Call , and then click Settings .
Once at the AC settings screen, select the Specific Port check box, and in the text field, enter an outgoing UDP port that falls between 3000 and 5000 (the default port of 9000 will not work if you are using the Enhanced Security features of SyGate).
Then, edit the Aprule.cfg file located in the SyGate install folder with Notepad or WordPad to un-comment the section titled "Game Zone" by removing the # symbol on each line starting with the :INIT line through the :END line.
To run AC on a client computer, configure AC to use any port between 3000 and 5000 but not the same port that is used by the server computer or any other client computer on the LAN. This should allow both the server computer and client computer to run Asheron's Call.
Edit :
le lien de la FAQ MS sur asheron's call, concernant les ports a ouvrir.;en-us;Q236430
Par Dodger le 31/5/2002 à 7:12:01 (#1559841)
Oui, mon PC sous linux fait routeur, mais a tous les ports ouverts..ce qui m'empechera pas de tester en connection directe (en plus, j'ai pu me connecter sans probleme avant, c'est ca qui est bizarre)
J'ai meme essaye hier de passer sur le port 7999 qui j'en suis sur etait bon, rien...
Prefere plus y penser =)
Par Dodger le 31/5/2002 à 21:11:25 (#1564379)
En connection directe ca passe =)
Petite question, ca fait 50 ans que j'ai pas joue a AC, et j'ai trouve un template sur un site pour un swordsman...
Probleme, etant issu d'EverQuest, je sais plus ou placer mes skills points / stats :p
Voila le template...The Swordsman
By Caelia' of Harvestgain
100 Strength, 10 Endurence, 100 Coord, 50 Quickness, 50 Focus, 20 Self
Specialize In: Arcane Lore, Sword
Train: Melee Defense, Life Magic, Mana Conversion
Item at 9, Healing at 20, Critter at 55.
100 Strength, 30 Endurence, 100 Coord, 50 Quickness, 25 Focus/Self
Specialize In: Sword
Train: Arcane Lore, Healing, Mana Conversion, Item, Melee Defense
Creature at 9, Life at 40.
The main diffrence between these 2 templates is that with template numer 1, you will have lower health but higher magic skill.
Ive done these templates numerous times, both with help and by myself. You can do it by youself just fine...the hardest levels are 1-10 :) Since you dont have critter untill 55, I spent most of my xp on Sword, Melee Defense, Strength, and Coord. Im sure that if you went more more of the magic route, your skills would be higher then what I have suggested.
Here is what to do:
Levels 1-5.
If you get powerleveled - You can either hunt the Auroch Bull spawns right outside of Yaraq, or go to "Golem Hill" which is right outside of Holtburg. Plenty of xp for both.
If you level yourself - Go to the Holtburg Dungeon. You can kill the Drudges in one hit (most of the time), without being buffed.
Levels 5-10
Fern Dungeon, right across the river in Holtburg. Good xp killing undead, but the spawns are slow. You could also just hunt around Golem Hill still.
Levels 10-15
Head over to Qalaba'r and kill Lugians. There is a bunker full of luggies near town, and a dungeon full of them too. You can also go to the Dark Lair on Marae Lassel. It may be a little bit hard solo below level 12.
Levels 15-22
Citadel! Be careful on the run, it can be dangerous. You dont need buffs, just stay to the left...that seems safest.
Levels 22-23 or 25.
Liches at Metos. Good hopfully should be casting 3's in Life and Item by now, so it shouldent be to much of a problem.
Irons at Metos. You can get yourself a writ, an atlan, and plenty of jewelry below level 4 on these guys ;)
What to do after level 28
I started hunting at High Ore, making my way further down untill I could handle at least 2 Extas Lugians by myself. No need for life magic in there, seeing as their weapons are hollow. I stayed there till about level 38 :) Then I moved on to BSD where im currently at.
Voila...Je me sers du template 2, si jamais j'entends des cris *MAIS MAIS MAIS c'est pas du tout ca qu'il fallait faire ben je recree un perso sans probleme :p
Mais pour l'instant j'aimerais savoir ou mettre mes points au fur et a mesure..
Mci d'avance =)
Edit :
Merci pour la liste des ports mais j'y avais deja jete un coup d'oeil =)
Le probleme c'est pour configurer le firewall sous linux ;p
JOL Archives 1.0.1
@ JOL / JeuxOnLine