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Methlon, ou, Comment se faire virer de Funcom...

Par Khalzaam le 7/5/2002 à 11:40:50 (#1413594)

This morning, around 2 AM, I received a tell from a friend of mine in another guild. Due to security purposes, his name will not be revealed. He told me that Methlon had been banned from Rubi-Ka. This was a serious matter, and I was surprised to learn. Here is a list of events that led up to his discharge from Rubi-Ka.

1. A few days ago, he slaughtered the NPCs in Rompa, including the bartender. This was done in a 100% zone. Obviously, there was some... exploitation. ARK was contacted, but they ignored it.

2. Three days ago. Methlon opened fire on a person in Rompa, he was a PC. That person was killed. ARK was contacted, but they still ignored it.

3. Two day ago, Methlon was attacking a few members of a guild that were against him, in a 75% zone. This was also impossible unless an exploit had been used. ARK was called, but they told them to leave Methlon alone(!!!)

4. One day ago, Methlon had suddenly changed his race. He was no longer Nanomage, but Opifex. That was definite evidence of tampering.

5. Yesterday, the person who told me about all this, and his guild assaulted an ARK in a 25% zone, because the previous petitions were IGNORED!! They finally sent a GM, who explained that they were investigating the matter.

6. 6 hours later, Methlon was BANNED.

What really happened:

Several days ago, Methlon was given GM powers by a GM, of who I will not disclose his/her name at this moment. That GM made a grave mistake. He gave too much power to someone who would ABUSE IT. Methlon also had close ties to some ARK members. A ARK member warped him to the Character Creation are to reset his race to Opifex.


Methlon and his cohort, Freen from SA were banned.
The ARK who helped Methlon is fired.
The GM who helped Methlon has been demoted.

There are other details that I became aware of. They may destroy the ARK system as we know it, so I will not disclose the information here.

Thank you for your time Meister. I hope this email is helpful. This information is correct as far as I know.

Sincerely Yours,

Rachel "Trasey" Callagher

He he he ;)

Par pompoko le 7/5/2002 à 11:51:20 (#1413674)

eh be :eek:

provient du site de FC

On Live Server

Changes 02.05.02

Beacon Warp: Some "creative" players found a way to get into Character Creation and the GM playfield by using this nano. That should no longer be possible.

c'est pas très honnête mais je suis quand même assez admiratif pour les gars qui arrivent à faire des exploits complètements incroyables (tant qu'ils ne nuisent pas au jeu)


Par Orravan le 7/5/2002 à 12:15:19 (#1413841)

his guild assaulted an ARK

ça fais peur ça :mdr:
pour l'histoire du Rompa, il serait possible sans l'aide d'un ARK d'exploiter un truc, car un des WC est pvp, une fois un npc attaqué à l'intérieur, on peux sans doute attirer les autre... :mdr: :rolleyes:

m'etonne pas

Par Satya le 7/5/2002 à 13:35:58 (#1414294)

Bah les GM => ce sont des humains, donc pas parfait

suffit de les connaitres, et vs pouvez vs logger sur tout les comptes que vs voulez ;)

vs voulez une démonstration ? :D

le pire c'est que c'est vrai :confus:

Par Psycho le 7/5/2002 à 13:40:00 (#1414321)

Mais ma parole, ils peuvent faire ce qu'ils veulent les GM !!
Ils controlent la matrice ! :rasta:

Par Satya le 7/5/2002 à 14:27:22 (#1414610)

Provient du message de Psycho :
Mais ma parole, ils peuvent faire ce qu'ils veulent les GM !!
Ils controlent la matrice ! :rasta:

nan c'est juste comme la politique ...

vs voulez un exemple ? Voila, event avec ross = qui va y participer, comment dai galean prend les idées des joueurs, et j'ai encore des tonnes d'autres logs, plus croustillant les uns que les autres sur comment tt ca est dealé ...

c'est en partie pq j'ai arreté AO, c'est dégoutant tt ca ..

a vi biensur, quand funcom a vu cette page ils m'ont demandé de la viré parske ils allaient gérer ca en interne ... lol, comme d'hab.

jpeux aussi vs expliquer pq y'a un serveur allemand et pas un suisse, belge, francais, ou autre ...

pq certaines personnes ont des accounts gratuits et d'autres pas ...


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