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Problème de quete au lvl 16.....

Par Coreloth le 21/3/2002 Ă  17:55:30 (#1149919)

Alors voila, je suis arrivé lvl 16 hier soir et je suis donc allé voir mon instructeur *maitre d'armes* et il m'a donné une "mission".....Je ne connais plus le nom mais c'est celle qui est liée a Excalibur, qui est au plus profond d'un lac.....
Il m'as dit de trouver ce lac moi meme, entre trois endroits :
Les marais d'avalon
et un autre je me rapelle plus...
Pouvez vous m'indiquer la region dans laquelle se trouve ce lac?

Merci a tous et a+

Par Astrid Moonblade le 21/3/2002 Ă  22:33:20 (#1151771)

Le lien pour le meilleur site sur les quetes ( a mon gout)
et la description de la quete
Level 15, Legend of the Lake
(The text on the steps and who you need to talk to should be the same for all claases with this quest)

Mistress Welss, in Camelot... Defenders of Albion Theurgist Trainer

Mistress Welss says, "Hail Tasauron! The Defenders of Albion have need of your skills! Are you [ready to assist] us with this task?"

Mistress Welss says, "This is good to hear! Our fight to defend this realm's borders has lead to desperate measures Tasauron. These days each battle [benefits the barbarians] of the north. Our generals know not when the tide will become too much for us to bear. Yet, that day will come!"

Mistress Welss says, "Aye! Their thirst for battle seems never-ending. This is why we have asked you to assist us! You must find a way to give The Defenders an edge in battle. You must find a weapon, which will lead us to victory! I only know of one weapon that could lead us to victory, yet it is [forever lost] to us."

Mistress Welss says, "Aye, the sword Excalibur! Tis the sword [wielded by Arthur] and his father Uther during their time of reign. A powerful sword indeed! With it at our side we might possibly change the outcome of our battles!"

Mistress Welss says, "Yes, though upon Arthur's death it was taken to an unknown lake and cast out into its depths. I do not know if anyone could find the lake, but some rumor that it was the very lake that Merlin obtained thw sword for Uther. Legend has it that a Lady of the Lake delivered the sword Excalibur into Merlin's hands. None know her name, yet it is said she [still appears] after sun down and departs before the light shines anew. Some also say she is never in the same place twice and departs as quickly as she comes."

Quest dialog box...

Mistress Welss says, "Aye, find the lady and you will find the lake. Perhaps then you will have the clues to the location of Arthur's sword!"

The quest journal hints that the Lady can be found in Avalon Marsh, Campacorentin Forest, or Snowdonia.

Lady Nimue spawns in Avalon Marsh, SE of Caer Witrin. Lady Nimue also spawns in Campacorentin Forest, a little SW of the Hermit isle. She appears just after 1900 hours, and disappears at about 0500.

Lady Nimue gives you a subquest, Wizard Lost, which runs you all over Albion.

Legend of the Lake advances to Step #3: Learn all you can of the one called Merlin. From his knowledge shall fate secure the Wisdom of Legends!

Complete the Wizard Lost quest, which Lady Nimue has given you.

Legend of the Lake advances to Step #4: Return to Lady Nimue.

Lady Nimue says, "You have done well. Yet, there is much more to be [done]!"

Lady Nimue says, "Your path turns towards the region now know as the Black Mountains. Seek out Sir Verin there. From his fate shall one read the Tome of Legends! Do not return to me until you have fulfilled what is required!"

Legend of the Lake advances to Step #4 (hmm, this may be a bug): Locate and assist Sir Verin with whatever he requires of you. From his fate shall one read the Tome of Legends!

Sir Verin is located in Swanton Keep, north of Snowdonia Station.

Complete the Barbaric Tales quest, which Sir Verin has given you.

Legend of the Lake advances to Step #5: Return to Lady Nimue.

Lady Nimue says, "You have proven yourself as a valued member of the The Defenders of Albion. Yet, there is much you still must learn before you can be of greater use. Return to me when you have risen to the title of Sapper and we shall continue this journey together."

Quest reward: Necklace of Elemental Influence
Magical Bonuses
Cold Magic, 1 pts
Earth Magic, 1 pts
Wind Magic, 1 pts

Legend of the Lake advances to Step #5 (again?): Return to Lady Nimue when you have risen to level 20.

Lady Nimue says, "Time is short Tasauron! Your skill will soon be needed to challenge the darkness that grown within our land. You must seek out and learn from [those long dead] in order to have the understanding to overcome the evil that brews within the heart of Albion!"

Lady Nimue says, "Before the time of darkness, which now blankets the realm, one would have to search out the documents of history that tells the tales of old. Yet, we have not the time for such measures and must move forward with haste! To my knowledge there exists [ways to speak] to those who have since risen and walk out lands as undead."

Lady Nimue says, "I know not these ways, but I do know who has the power to glean such details of the dead. If you are truly interested in unlocking the key to master your own [fate], then speak and I shall prepare the way for your journey!"

Lady Nimue says, "You have chosen! All that transpires from this point further will be laid upon the hand of the fates and those who have gone before you and have yet to return! Your path exists in the land known as the Black Mountains. There you will seek out a shaman who once traveled the barbaric lands in the north. She alone can speak to the dead and tell thee how you may yourself perform the unholy act. Now be gone! Many others may come to seek their own fate and I must be ready for them. Do not return to me before you have learned all that is required to speak to the dead!"

Legend of the Lake advances to Step #6: Seek out the shaman in the Black Mountains. She alone can teach one to hear the speech of the dead!"

Follow the path straight from north side of Camelot, across the stone bridge, and you will see two guard towers. Traveling East from the towers, and a little north, you stumble across a dwarf bandit camp. In the center of the camp are 3 named dwarfs, and one is the shaman you seek. Talk to her (and I dare you to capture the dialog), and she will reveal many secrets about talking to the dead. Then she tries to demonstrate by killing you. Kill her, and the 3 or 4 things she has summoned, and you get the Collar of the Dead in your backpack.

Or, you can do it the hard way... (talk to her, die to the swarm of monsters)

Legend of the Lake advances to Step #7: Kill the shamaness.

Kill her ! You get a Collar of the Dead in your backpack. (a pretty nice item by itself, 15 hp, 3 str, 3 int, 3 piety)

Legend of the Lake advances to Step #8: Return to Lady Nimue.

Lady Nimue says, "It soon shall be time for your to continue your journey alone. Those you have helped will in time help you as well. They shall deliver unto you the tools required to unlock your fate. When you have established yourself as an Engineer, return to me and we shall continue. Until that time, keep your shaman prize safe and do not lose it!"

Quest Reward: Elemental Staff of Wonders
Magical Bonuses
Earth Magic, 18 lvls
Cold Magic, 18 lvls
Wind Magic, 18 lvls
Power, 6 pts

Legend of the Lake advances to Step #8 (again?): Return to Lady Nimue when you have risen to level 25.

Lady Nimue says, "Welcome back Tasuaron. I am suprised you have returned so quickly. [Fate] must surely have an important path for you."

Lady Nimue says, "You have come far since we first spoke, Theurgist. your deeds already spread through the fate of others. The keys to your understanding have now produced their fruit. They do not know it yet, but in their possission are the tools your require. Seek them out and return to me when you have completed this task."

Legend of the Lake advances to Step #9: Once again seek those you have helped. Secure from them the tools that will lead you to your fate."

I tried Sir Verin in Swanton Keep first (between Snowdonia Station and Snowdonia). Luckily, he was talkative...

Sir Verin says, "Tasauron! I am glad you have returned to us! I have news! We were able to determine the [contents] of the tome you found for us."

Sir Verin says, "Aye! Our friars have produced a copy of the tome in our own language. I would gladly give it to you. While its contents tell us much, it may lend more help in your travels. Here, take the tome!"

you receive the "Tome of the dead" in your backpack.

Next, I tried Magess Islia in the casters tower near the round table in Camelot. She was also talkative... (I took the precaution of getting my Collar of the Dead out of the vault, seems like you should be carrying it around during this quest)

Magess Islia says, "Tasauron! We were able to [break the spell] on that box you recovered."

Magess Islia says, "Yes! It took us quite some time. Unfortunately what it contained was two scrolls that are unreadable. As they serve no purpose here, I will give them to you in hopes you can find some use of them."

you receive the "Scrolls of Fate" in your backpack.

Yay !!

Legend of the Lake advances to Step #10: Return to Lady Nimue.

Lady Nimue says, "Sir Tasauron! Your path has shown itself! From the pages of the tome you hold shall come the legends you must seek. From the scrolls will rise the wisdom of your fate. The key to your understanding lies in the polished metal of the shaman collar. Seek out one known as Alain. He will be able to read unto you the pages of the tome and show you the wisdom contained in the scrolls. He can be found within the walls of The Academy. Now off with you! Evil comes on the heels of those who tarry!"

The Legend of the Lake quest disappears from your quest journal, and you notice a nice new cloak in your backpack!

Quest Reward: Wind Threaded Cloak
Wind Magic, 1 pts
Power, 2 pts
Dexterity, 4 pts

Quest xp boost: about 8 minibubbs at level 25... not bad... :)

c pas long desole mais je suis trop crever pour faire le resumer et puis au moins comme ca t as tout ;)

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