Archives des forums MMO/MMORPG > Anarchy Online > AO - Quartier général de l'ICC > Quelques idées de Funcom...
Quelques idées de Funcom...
Par Orravan le 19/3/2002 Ã 18:49:41 (#1139312)
> The ability to buy and sell apartments.
> Organisation housing.
> Improvements to the trade-skills, such as – increasing the tree, armour tradeskills, the ability to create grenades and chemical weapons.
> Omni-Tek Departments (such as Omni-Pol)! Omni-Tek will be opening their ranks to their citizens - Omni Guilds will be able to join story-based official departments such as Omni-Pol.
> The ability to upgrade apartments.
> The ability to switch from one dimension to another.
> Clan special abilities – Clan organisations will be able to choose certain skills in which all members of the organisation receive a buff.
> Playing a monster – This is a very long-term goal, and not something that is likely to be seen anytime in the near future, but we agree with the players and think it’s a great idea – Planned for next summer.
New outdoor playfields.
> A black market! Stores in out of the way locations carrying illegal goods, where only certain people can get to, such as Fixers.
> The ability to change your profession – this is still in discussion as to how we want to implement this and to what degree, but it's something we think players would really enjoy – Coming around summer.
> An improvement to player-generated missions – One idea being tossed around is that the revised system could be used in conjunction with the trade skill upgrades to help players make more money – Estimated for summer.
Shop and Shopping Changes
Here are our thoughts on a design change to how shops look. What we have talked about:
> A sorting mechanism – either buttons, or "pages" inside the shop (or both).
> Easier access to the item description, possibly in a separate window inside the shop interface itself.
> Move the shop from the bottom of the panel row to the middle of the screen (or make the shop panel detachable). This way it will be easier to compare gear in the shop with the gear you have equipped.
> Make the shop window larger – and display more items at a time.
> There have been suggestions on an in-game "sell terminal" of some sort, where players can sell their items and others would be able to buy them from there. Give us your feedback on how you would like us to implement such a feature.
Fixer changes:
> Different Grid looks! The fixer gets some new looks when in the grid. There are 3 upgrades – which one you get will depend on your computer literacy level.
Bureaucrat Changes
> New XP loss reduction nanos
The bureaucrat will gain a line of nanos that let them reduce the amount of XP lost upon death. These will be a short-duration emergency nano (probably around 30 seconds in duration). They are meant to be used in the "OMG OMG OMG IÂ’m going to die! Buff me, buff me!" situation. They will be single-target nanos, not team versions.
> Briefcase
The briefcase will allow the bureaucrat to open their personal bank from any location. How the bureaucrat will obtain these items has not been finalised.
Ben moi, je trouve qu'il y a des trucs qui sont pô mal.. :)
Par Aino le 19/3/2002 Ã 20:45:32 (#1140206)
Pour les appart c'est trop cool, on pourra peut etre avoir des appart correct enfin attendons de voir ce qu'il entendent par upgrade mais soyons positif
Par contre le coup du changement de dimension (The ability to switch from one dimension to another. ) .... euh ..... oui et non ...enfin perso je en suis pas trop pour surtout que sur RK1 il y a bcq de Haut Level et de pb qu'on a pas sur RK2 :doute: Clan special abilities – Clan organisations will be able to choose certain skills in which all members of the organisation receive a buff.
Je croyais que c'etait deja en place ! il me semble avoir vu dans un shop (a NL il me semble) un truc qui donnait des bonus a certain membre d'un guilde (par ex les Atrox)> The ability to change your profession – this is still in discussion as to how we want to implement this and to what degree, but it's something we think players would really enjoy
ça aussi c'est a voir car il risque d'y avoir des desequilibre entre ceux qui vont pouvoir en bénéficier dès la creation de leur perso et les autres. Toutefois ça va permettre de faire evoluer ses perso de maniere plus original et plus en fonction des differents RP ;)
M'enfin si Funcom arrive a faire meme la moitier de tout ça ce sera un tres bonne chose
Par Orravan le 19/3/2002 Ã 20:58:19 (#1140313)
Personnellement, moi ça me plait pas, mais bon..
Les bonus pour les org ne fonctionnent pas pour le moment, d'ailleurs il n'y en a que 2 en shop de dispo : +10 (ou 20 :confus: ) en 1h blunt ou un truc comme ça, et... no Atrox Allowed.. qui es donc un désaventage, ne permetant pas à des Atrox de rentrer dans la guilde en question ! :mdr: je vois pas l'interet, mais obn, c en shop depuis le debut du jeu je pense, alors...
Le changement de profession, je sais pas... effectivement il y a des bons et des mauvais cotés..
Et pis ya un truc farfelu aussi : "play a monster" mdr :mdr:
Par krisae le 20/3/2002 Ã 12:44:27 (#1142887)
Par chevalier le 20/3/2002 Ã 14:34:35 (#1143567)
sinon je ne voie pas d autre avantages
Par Orravan le 20/3/2002 Ã 14:52:41 (#1143680)
un serveur xp/pvp et un serveur RP... :doute:
Je vois pas où es l'avantage.. enfin bon.. :)
Par Jakden le 20/3/2002 Ã 16:42:23 (#1144274)
Par Kastïelle le 20/3/2002 à 17:11:07 (#1144467)
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