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Comment faire un event {facon funcom}

Par Satya le 20/1/2002 à 14:22:51 (#749587)

In Your Own World: A Player's Guide for Running Events in Anarchy Online
by Anarchy Online Events Team - Wed, 02 Jan 2002 23:00:00 Universal

Besides the missions, the hunting grounds, and the vast world around you to explore, there is one aspect of the game that is sometimes overlooked; player-run events. Several clan/departments and individuals have already planned and run several good events. The following are just a few ideas to help get the process started for anyone who may be interested in running or participating in events but is not exactly sure where to start.

The Clan/Department Factor
Player-run events are usually born within the clan/department structure. Initiated mostly by a clan/department leader, this is the best place to launch one's own events, at least when starting out. As with many organisation-related things, the clan/department leader will normally be the best to design and run events for his/her clan/department. There are a few important factors for the clan/department leader to consider before beginning the process:

The clan/department leader should be willing to sacrifice some personal time. One of the most important aspects of running events for your clan/department is to spend time levelling, and/or equipping, one or more "NPCs" (these are characters created by you, but not really for you to use as a player character, but to use as an event character) to help bring a sense of realism and substance to your event. Other expenditures of time will include spending time creating and writing the events, as well as organising your clan/department, and going through the actual event itself.

It will sometimes be a good idea to spoil the surprise for yourself in order for your members to participate in an unknown scenario. This is not to say that the clan/department leader need always run the events that his/her clan/department hosts. A good solution for this is to set up a council of your clan/department mates who can take turns designing and running events for the clan/department, much like pass-along pen and paper campaigns. If you have a clan/department BB, take a moment to set-up a section for members to post about upcoming events, discuss past events, and role-play in character when an event cycle is ongoing. This will help to focus your clan/department's efforts, and create a solid foundation for your in-game efforts.

Another key point in terms of clan/department-event issues is that of cooperation between two or more clan/departments. To hold large-scale events and accomplish major goals/deep interactive events, the old rule of the more the merrier applies. Clan/department leaders, or those responsible for organising, may want to insure that not only their clan/department is able to participate, but also that others both in and out of clan/departments, are given a chance to participate. This helps set up a system of reciprocity that will enable more cooperation and community building among the player base.

The Event Itself
So you have your clan/department ready, your board is set up, and you are ready to begin running events. But what to run? This section will help give you a few guidelines and event types to get the rat rolling.

One of the easiest and most popular event types to run is the Social Event. Events such as Friday night fight clubs, dance contests, and the like are good ways for a cross-section of clan/departments to get together and get to know each other. You may even want to have parties for new members where everyone can get to know each other, talk about the latest patch, plan a raiding/hunting trip, or just hang out. There are many suitable locations, depending on your faction. Below is a list and location of many of the more popular spots:

Rompa Bar, at 700, 698- Omni Entertainment

Baboons, at 745, 743- Omni Entertainment

Neuters R Us, at 449, 339- Newland City

Reet Retreat, at 1206, 2806- Stret West Bank

Happy Rebel Inn, at 548, 550- Tir

Enjoy It While It Lasts, at 643, 398- Tir

The Cup, at 452, 406- West Athen

Possible sources to look to are favourite books and movies that you have found to have good pacing, or a unique idea. Much like in pen and paper games, there is a vast amount of literature and cinema to pull from, and combine, to make memorable events. Whether it is the shadowy underworld, the heights of politics, the wonder of exploration, or the tragedy of war, there are many themes you can use to entertain your fellow players.

There are a few guidelines to better help you create other events rooted in good storytelling and realism. One of the most important aspects is moderation on the scope of your events. For instance destroying all the notum mining on Rubi-Ka in one fell swoop is probably a bit over the edge. But saying that a crack team of Clan members raided an important mining complex and took it offline is much more believable, and will more than likely make a good impression on other players for the nature of your events. Of course you could always declare yourself the mayor of Tir.

Event Guidelines and Information
Here are some basic guidelines and information to help you create a more believable event atmosphere in your events. Remember, if you aren't actually Philip Ross' daughter, don't say you are his daughter. By the way, none of you are Philip Ross' daughter.


Should not feature any major story characters (Ross, Radiman, etc.)

Should not create relationships for major story characters (Radiman's Mistress, Ross' daughter, etc.)

Should not trigger any major world events that might eclipse the story (wars, major political upheavals, plagues etc.)

Should not introduce any new technology (ships, weapons, etc.)

Should not introduce new breeds, races, or monsters.

Should not create personality for current breeds, races, or monsters. (Suddenly Eye Mutants know how to cook and are master chefs!)

Should not alter the existing political hierarchy (who leads the various departments of Omni-Tek, or the major Clans, etc.)

Should not contradict the main story

Should not explain historical events (old Earth war, early history of Rubi-Ka, etc.)

Should not have to rely on GM support.

However, they...

Can involve events that affect your clan/department, or your character specifically. (-My clan needs help! There is a nano-virus spreading throughout (insert clan name here) and we need someone to find a (insert item here) and bring it to (insert clan member here).)

Can involve attacks on outposts, cities, etc. But, be careful... Announcing you are the "owner" of an outpost, city, etc. can destroy the realism of your event, and Funcom isn't going to jump in and say you actually "own" Omni-1 because you killed the gate guards.

Can be announced on the Anarchy-Online website. (If you have an event that you feel should be announced ahead of time (Parties, Competitions, etc.), then you can send your invite here.. Please put them in a Role Playing sense, and provide a link to where the OOC, practical information can be found (make sure you give the dimension, time, anything important, etc.) so there can be a link in the news item.

Can be "reported" on the Anarchy-Online website. (If your event sounds newsworthy, write a report! Submit here. Please make sure the report is written in a Role-Playing sense, and as a reported story.

Make sure all submitted material follows the same guidelines as event creation.

As you can see, most of these guidelines are very general and mainly common sense. If you have time to put into the event, you can really make a name for yourself in the world of Rubi-Ka.

The Curtain Closes
Most importantly, remember this: This is your world and your community. In MMORPGs it is common that you only get what you give. Be willing to run events for others, build a strong, role-playing community, and you will reap the whirlwind. There will be more events run as people see how enjoyable they can be, it will draw more role-players in, and it will strengthen participants role-playing/event creation skills so that future events increase in quality and scale.

As a final note, it is important to stress that events run by the Events Team for AO will add to the depth of the world. This article is not a replacement for what we will run for you all, they are merely a set of guidelines to supplement and help make the game more enjoyable for you, the players.

Remember, the Future is in Your Hands.

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