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Les focus staves la version officielle

Par coemas le 19/1/2002 à 14:15:12 (#743207)

Source :

Q: How do focus staves work?

A: Oh, boy. Okay, first let me say we are CHANGING this. The current system is not as effective as we want it to be at higher levels.

Focus staves do not affect skill, they affect power costs. It costs 120% of nominal power cost to cast a spell without a focus stave. It also costs 120% of the power cost if the spell is higher in level than the level of the stave. Having the right stave can lower your casting cost down to 90% under the current system. All existing staves are triple-foci.

That is the current system. I am going to take a risk here and tell you how the new system will work in advance. The new system combined with new staves currently in development will be more effective for the higher level players (40+) and (with the right stave) lower the casting cost to 80%, not 90%.

Again – THIS SYSTEM IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. It will be SOON. Do not write to tell me it doesn’t work this way – I know. It doesn’t yet. It will. Watch the patch notes for exact timing. The current system caps you at 90%.

Here goes, straight from the designer’s keyboard:

“The value of a focus item is based on the *level* of the spell that is being cast. It is not based on the caster casting it, or the spec level of the caster. If the spell level is equal to or less than the number on the focus staff the spell will be cast at 80% of power cost. If the spell level is greater than the focus on the staff you will see diminishing returns. If the focus is 3/4 of the spell level the spell will be cast at 90% of power cost, 1/2 of the spell level the spell will be cast at 100% of power cost, 1/4 will be cast at 110%, and no focus will be cast at 120% of power cost. Keep in mind this is a sliding scale and these are not tiers, they are just points that I chose to illustrate power costs at different intervals. Depending on the focus stave you use you can literally end up with a power cost of anywhere between 80-120%.

(Note from Sanya – in other words, if your stave is marked 20, and your spell is level 20 or below, that stave will make the spell cost 80% of the listed power cost. If the stave is 15, and the spell is 20, your spell will cost 90%. If the stave is 25 and the spell is 50, the cost will be 100%. And so on.)

There will also be staves that affect a single focus, they will have a bit more spice than the standard 3 foci staves. It will be much easier to bring a focus to minimum power cost using these new ones, albeit at the cost of focusing the other 2 foci.”

I hope to heaven that made sense. And people wonder why I prefer Unga Kill classes; you spellcasters make my head hurt on Friday afternoons. ;)

voili :p

Par Belgar Klein le 19/1/2002 à 15:31:06 (#743639)

tt le monde ne parle pas anglais

Re: Les focus staves la version officielle

Par Relpheus le 19/1/2002 à 18:10:06 (#744616)

Source :

Q: Comment fonctionnent les "batons focus"

A: Premierement, nous sommes en train de modifier cela. Le systeme actuel n'est pas aussi efficace que nous le voudrions a haut level.

Les batons focus n'interviennent pas sur les competences, mais sur le cout en puissance de feu. Lancer un sort sans baton focus coute 120% de la puissance necessaire au lancé avec baton. Il en est de meme si vous possedez un baton focus de trop faible niveau par rapport au votre.
Avec un baton adapté, vous pouvez atteindre un cout jusqu'a 90% du cout normal. Tous les batons ont un un "focus triple".

Voila pour le systeme actuel. Je souhaite prendre le risque de vous dire comment cela fonctionnera a l'avenir. Le nouveau systeme, incluant des batons encore en developpement, sera plus efficace pour les level superieurs a 40 en diminuant (avec le bon baton) le cout jusqu'a 80%, et plus 90%.

Encore une fois, CECI N'EST PAS ENCORE EN FONCTION. Ce le sera sous peu. Ne m'ecrivez pas pour me dire que cela ne marche pas comme ca, je le sais. Pas encore, mais bientot. Restez attentif aux patch notes. Le systeme actuel vous donne bien 90%.

Et voici, tiré de "designer's keyboard" :

La valeur d'un objet focus est basee sur le level du sort lancé, et non sur celui du lanceur ou encore son niveau de specialisation. Si le level du sort est inferieur ou egal au niveau du focus, le sort sera lancé a 80% du cout. Dans le cas contraire, l'effet sera moindre. Si le focus est aux 3/4 du niveau du sort, ilsera lancé a 90%. S'il est a 1/2 du sort, 100%, a 1/4 110% et sans baton, 120%.
Gardez en tete que c'est le phenomene est lineaire et non en escalier. J'ai seulement pris ces points de reperes pour illustrer mes propos a differents intervals. En fonction de la difference de niveau entre votre baton et le sort lance, le cout en puissance au lancé sera compris n'importe ou entre 80 et 120%

Pas besoin de trad ici ;) :
(Note from Sanya – in other words, if your stave is marked 20, and your spell is level 20 or below, that stave will make the spell cost 80% of the listed power cost. If the stave is 15, and the spell is 20, your spell will cost 90%. If the stave is 25 and the spell is 50, the cost will be 100%. And so on.)

La, je comprend pas trop... je suis pas jeteur de sorts ;)
There will also be staves that affect a single focus, they will have a bit more spice than the standard 3 foci staves. It will be much easier to bring a focus to minimum power cost using these new ones, albeit at the cost of focusing the other 2 foci.”

I hope to heaven that made sense. And people wonder why I prefer Unga Kill classes; you spellcasters make my head hurt on Friday afternoons. ;)

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