Archives des forums MMO/MMORPG > Neverwinter Nights > NWN - Maskado > en cas de mort a -10
en cas de mort a -10
Par Blam le 31/1/2003 à 20:09:17 (#3144104)
de mort a -10 (en considérant que de 0 a -9 on est inconscient)
mais comment faire pour que le perso inconscient ai une chance de voir son état se stabiliser, puis recuperer petit a petit ses points j'usqu'a 1 ?
hein ?
pas fastoche ! si ?
Par Jaha Effect le 31/1/2003 à 20:17:18 (#3144161)
Jaha Effect :D
Par Blam le 31/1/2003 à 20:31:30 (#3144267)
On Dying script created by EtherDragon, Jun 27, 2002.
Send comments to my Bioware Message Board account.
This script creates an more authentic D&D3e dying
sequence. The character will begin to bleed at 0 HPs.
When they reach -10 HPs they will die.
NPCs and Monsters will stop attacking the character
once they are unconcious.
void main()
//Initialize objects, variables and effects.
object oPlayerDying = GetLastPlayerDying();
object oAttacker = GetLastAttacker(oPlayerDying);
int iHPs = GetCurrentHitPoints(oPlayerDying);
effect eHPLoss = EffectHitPointChangeWhenDying(-1.0);
effect eSanctuary = EffectSanctuary(99);
effect eGive1HP = EffectHeal(abs(iHPs)+1);
effect eDeath = EffectDeath(FALSE, FALSE);
//Main condition, If the Player is between 0 and -9 HPs make them bleed.
//...otherwise make them die.
if (iHPs >= -9)
//Inform the people around that the player is dying.
AssignCommand(oPlayerDying, SpeakString("Help! I'm Dying!", TALKVOLUME_TALK));
FloatingTextStringOnCreature("You are bleeding to death!", oPlayerDying);
//Stop the NPC from attacking the player
SetPCLike(oPlayerDying, oAttacker);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eSanctuary, oPlayerDying, 10.0);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eHPLoss, oPlayerDying, 10.0);
//Make the Player die if at -10 or below.
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDeath, oPlayerDying);
oui ok, mais un perso a zero reste bloqué, il perd pas de points donc ne peut pas respawnerk
JOL Archives 1.0.1
@ JOL / JeuxOnLine