Archives des forums MMO/MMORPG > Diablo 2 > D2 - Rumeurs d'Horadrim > Player not found...
Player not found...
Par Chapin le 15/1/2003 à 21:14:20 (#3030697)
Diablo II Realm Maintenance
The USWest Diablo II realm is back online, and new character creation has been enabled.
The Europe and Asia2 realms are still in progress.
The USEast realm was taken offline at approximately 1000 Friday January 17 UTC (5:00 A.M. EST). Our apologies for the lack of notice... due to the length of time involved, we wanted to start this process as soon as possible. Again, this process is expected to take up to 24 hours.
The Asia and Asia3 realms will be taken offline shortly after the Asia2 realm completes. Another notice will be posted with specific times.
-The Team
January 16, 2003
Diablo II Realm Maintenance
In order to address the missing character issues some users have experienced, extended realm maintenance is required. Each realm will be taken offline for approximately 24 hours, but not all simultaneously. The schedule for the first round of realm maintenance is:
The USWest realm will be unavailable until approximately 1800 Friday, January 17 UTC (10:00 A.M. PST).
The Asia2 realm will be unavailable starting 2230 Thursday, January 16 UTC (0730 Friday, January 17 KST) for approximately 24 hours.
The Europe realm will be unavailable starting 0100 Friday, January 17 UTC for approximately 24 hours.
NOTE: If you have previously created a character on a realm that is not offline for maintenance, you can play that character. If you do not have such a character, you can play Open games. To access Open select "Other Multiplayer" from the main Diablo II menu, and then select "Open". You should login with your usual account. The game will then ask you to create a new character (which is stored locally on your system, rather than on
-The Team
Diablo II USWest Maintenance
The USWest realm will be unavailable while the missing character issue is resolved. The length of time involved is unknown, but it's expected to take at least a few hours.
Downtime for other realms will follow later today.
-The Team
January 15, 2003
Diablo II New Character Creation Disabled
We have temporarily disabled new character creation for Diablo II. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience, and until this issue is resolved, we invite you to please play with pre-existing characters.
-The Team
Realm Status Update: Realm Maintenance
Some Diablo II characters are temporarily unavailable. Symptoms are a blank character list after logging into or a "Player Not Found" message after selecting a character. The Team is working to resolve this issue.
-The Team
J'espère que ce ne sera que "temporarily"...
/edit j'ai rajoûté le dernier communiqué.
Plus qu'à attendre...
Par Fedreya le 15/1/2003 à 23:27:50 (#3031586)
Par LOLOTEAM le 16/1/2003 à 1:01:27 (#3032197)
Provient du message de Fedreya
Esperons que ça ne sera que temporarily, comme tu dis,dans le cas ou les personnages devaient etre effacés, ils feraient comment?
Par hecub le 16/1/2003 à 1:56:26 (#3032393)
Par Gersho-Bastet--- le 16/1/2003 à 6:57:19 (#3032835)
Problems on BNet ?
Par Exterminator1er le 16/1/2003 à 10:59:07 (#3033607)
Diablo II New Character Creation Disabled
Blizzard Entertainment
Blizzard Entertainment
Thu Jan 16 01:40:50
We have temporarily disabled new character creation for Diablo II.
We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience, and until this issue
is resolved, we invite you to please play with pre-existing
-The Team
Diablo II: Some Characters Unavailable Team
Blizzard Entertainment
Wed Jan 15 18:37:38
Some Diablo II characters are temporarily unavailable. Symptoms are
a blank character list after logging into or a "Player
Not Found" message after selecting a character. The
Team is working to resolve this issue.
-The Team
Par Fly Havas le 17/1/2003 à 18:04:49 (#3043335)
Par Chapin le 17/1/2003 à 18:28:52 (#3043521)
Bon, tant qu'on en est à ne rien faire :p , j'ai recherché la signification de l'indication horaire UTC (je ne savais pas du tout à quoi elle correspondait) mentionnée pour l'Europe sur l'Arreat Summit et j'ai trouvé ceci.
En Europe continentale on est à GMT +1 donc la conversion devient facile à faire :).
Ca remarche ^^
/edit: triplette montee
@ La Brume : Cétait fait exprès le triple message vu les écarts auquels ils ont été postés...
Par evilgillou le 18/1/2003 à 18:06:53 (#3049553)
Par Chapin le 18/1/2003 à 18:44:36 (#3049764)
1. Diablo II Status Update | 1/18/2003 12:25:12 AM
The Diablo II character policy has always been that characters need to be "burned in" by being played at least 2 hours in the first 48 hours, or be subject to expiration. Earlier in the week, as part of normal realm upkeep, we expired all such characters. It quickly became evident that large numbers of individuals had not been playing their characters for the required 2 hours in order to prevent them from expiring. Due to the volume of complaints about expired characters, we have decided to do a one-time restore. We will not repeat this, and will make sure that the warning about character expiration rules is burned into your brains. We apologize for the confusion that this seems to have caused.
On an unrelated note, there are problems with some characters that users will see as "Player not found" or "my character was rolled back XX days". We have been working on fixing this as quickly as possible. The realm restore was NOT intended to address this issue, it was solely for the reason listed above. We expect a full fix for the missing/old character problem to come shortly.
Thank you for your patience as we work to resolve these problems.
The Team
Par contre rien sur les roll backs...
ca c'est facile..
Par Exterminator1er le 18/1/2003 à 18:46:49 (#3049773)
Par Chapin le 18/1/2003 à 19:29:33 (#3049998)
Par Dreddy le 19/1/2003 à 22:18:26 (#3056264)
par contre, tous les persos n'ont pas été restaurés, il m'en reste encore 27 (oui, j'en avais marre du bordel à ranger, alors j'ai créé tout plein de mules bien catégorisées, voilà où ça mène :rolleyes: ) qui sont toujours "non trouvés" :(
et j'ai un perso qui avait bien effectué ses 2H initiales, et qui est parti dans la grande lessive des roll-backs :doute:
et même s'ils me réactivent toutes les mules, j'ai calculé qu'il va me falloir environ 5 jours de jeu continu pour mettre "à l'abri" toutes mes mules... et beh, l'est pas dans la mouise le Dreddy :D
bon, bah je me souhaite bon courage, je crois que je vais en avoir besoin :rolleyes: et je souhaite bon courage aussi à tous ceux qui comme moi ont monté une véritable écurie à mules ;)
Par evilgillou le 19/1/2003 à 23:52:09 (#3056855)
mais uniquement avec les nouvos persos. sinon je l'ai deja dit
mais j'ai aps recup non plus mes mules armure/bouclier/ceinture/utiles
Par Flotteur Wrym le 20/1/2003 à 0:52:53 (#3057227)
Par Fly Havas le 20/1/2003 à 8:04:06 (#3058027)
Par Dreddy le 20/1/2003 à 9:59:14 (#3058453)
Provient du message de evilgillou
faut pas jouer 2 heures avec les mules qui ont ete reactivee
mais uniquement avec les nouvos persos.
JOL Archives 1.0.1
@ JOL / JeuxOnLine