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Opera 7 beta 2 vient de sortir

Par - Altair - le 18/12/2002 à 15:22:58 (#2822788)

La nouvelle beta d'opera vient de sortir.

Elle corrige de nombreux bugs et ajoute de nouvelles fonctionalités intéressantes :)
Voici l'annonce faite sur le newsgroup :

Improved standards support
The standards support in Opera 7 has been improved with added support for
DOM level 2 and CSS2; improved ECMAScript and HTML 4.01 support; and
complete WML 1.3 and 2.0 support. Opera 7 also handles non-standard pages
using DHTML, giving Opera's millions of old and new users a hassle-free
Internet experience.
Powerful panel management
All panels can now be shown, hidden or rearranged at will.
Links panel
Opera 7 includes a new, easier way to navigate pages. The Hotlist now
includes a Links panel by default. In the panel, all the links in the
current page are listed, with icons for common types like images and
movies. Links can then be easily selected for quick navigation or
Fast Forward
The new Fast Forward button gives you immediate access to the pages you
will want to visit next.
The Wand password manager
Opera now offers one-click log-in to password protected sites. Log-in
fields with available passwords are marked with a slick golden rim, and
access provided by simply clicking the Wand icon or the keyboard shortcut
Changing the look of a browser has never been easier with Opera's new
one-click skin install. Just pick and click once on any of the many skins
available online. The skin is downloaded and applied, and users can choose
to keep or remove the new skin. As a further enhancement, even changes in
the coloring skins can be altered by selecting a color scheme from the
View menu.
Mouse gestures
Opera puts more power at your fingertips with smart and fast mouse gesture
Keyboard shortcuts
Only Opera makes it possible to navigate entirely with keyboard shortcuts,
enabling even more speed.
M2 mail client
Opera's mail client automatically categorizes and sorts e-mail messages,
has an integrated spam filter, and supports POP3, IMAP, and ESMTP.

New navigation bar
On sites that support navigation through link tags, users have more
control over how they interact with Web pages. The site navigation will be
displayed in the navigation bar, and the navigation menu will feel the
same to the user regardless of site.
Extended and improved drag-and-drop support
Rearrange or move toolbar items using drag-and-drop customization or move
bookmarks, tabs, and window sessions (MDI/SDI) URL as shortcuts on the
desktop. Open or save any page link.
Built-in search utility
Use Opera's search utility to search the Web, just enter your search in
the convenient search field at the top of Opera's window.
Multiple user style sheets
Opera comes equipped with 12 new style sheets, varying from helpful
features for users and developers, to the more zany like a Commodore 64
browser emulator. By choosing style sheets such as "Accessibility layout"
or "High contrast B/W" users can in a snap modify pages for an easy read.
Developers immediately benefit from features such as viewing structural
elements without constantly reverting to its source code.
Window management
Instead of having to choose between multiple and single document interface
(MDI/SDI) as in Opera 6, users can now combine MDI, SDI and tabbed
browsing -- without restarting the browser. Users can also save different
window combinations as window sessions, or go back and forth between
different window sessions.
Multiple or single user accounts
Set up different Opera user profiles in one Opera browser to ensure that
all your family members have the Opera set-up and look that suits them
Small Screen Rendering
Check out Opera's Web browser breakthrough for mobile phones and PDAs in
your desktop browser! See how Web pages would look on a small-screen
device by simply pressing [Shift+F11] to enable Small Screen Rendering.
Opera has been designed from the beginning with security and privacy in
mind. Opera supports Secure Socket Layer (SSL) versions 2 and 3, and
Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Refuse pop-ups
Opera can easily be configured to push all pop-up windows to the
background, or to not show them at all.
Bookmarks and history, windows sessions and e-mail can be now be managed
via the Hotlist and shown respectively as a bookmarks, history, e-mail, or
windows panel. Manage your downloads and transfers via the floatable
download and transfer manager with extensive drag-and-drop support.
Download from:
Opera 7 documentation:

Par Beate Maern/Kino le 18/12/2002 à 15:24:16 (#2822800)

c'est quoi ça opéra ? :aide:

Par Mongole à batteries le 18/12/2002 à 15:30:21 (#2822855)

Merci :)

Provient du message de Beate Maern/Kino
c'est quoi ça opéra ? :aide:

Un fureteur.

Par Leakim le 18/12/2002 à 16:25:04 (#2823350)

Provient du message de Beate Maern/Kino
c'est quoi ça opéra ? :aide:

un logiciel pour pouvoir voir les opéras retransmis sur internet...
ok je sors

c'est un navigateur internet vachement bien.... et qui ( je trouves ) est plus rapide que IE

Par Beate Maern/Kino le 18/12/2002 à 17:00:35 (#2823709)

ha ok :) et a part la rapidite y'a quoi qui change ? :)

Par - Altair - le 18/12/2002 à 17:07:30 (#2823771)

Parmi les nombreuses fonctionalités en voici quelques unes :

* blocage des popus
* blocage des banières de pub
* mail/news intégré au browser
* gestionnaire de download
* gestionnaire de mots de passe
* système d'onglets
* nombreux raccourcis clavier et souris
* les options de configurations utiles sont très facilement accessibles
* skinnable
* respecte les standards W3C
* ....

Par - Altair - le 18/12/2002 à 18:35:48 (#2824702)

Voila un screenshot de la beta 1 :

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