Archives des forums MMO/MMORPG > World War 2 Online > WWIIOL - Chez Francis et Günther > Event !!!
Event !!!
Par cdar le 18/12/2002 à 1:35:31 (#2819058)
Operation: Cerberus "The Channel Dash" is set to run on Saturday, December 28th from 1200-1500 Central Standard Time (U.S.A.). This no-cost event requires you to pre-register in order to participate. Here are the highlights from the special event page...
"On January 1st, 1942, at just 29 years of age, Adolf Galland was given full command of the Luftwaffe's Fighter Arm. Almost immediately German Command gave the young General the onerous task of providing air cover of of the most daring naval operations of World War II. Coded 'Operation Cerberus', the pride of the German Navy - the two battlecruisers Gneisenau and Scharnhorst and the cruiser Prinz Eugen were ordered to leave the French Port of Brest and make a dash through the dangerous straits of the English Channel. The fleet would pass within a few miles of the British coast, within easy striking distance of the R.A.F.; secrecy, careful planning, ample air cover and the element of surprise would be the key components of the exercise. So successful was the air protection afforded by Galland's pilots that the entire fleet made it through one of the narrowest, most difficult and heavily defended straits in the world. The CHANNEL DASH is remembered today as one of the most remarkable air-sea adventures of World War II."
The new destroyers which are still currently under development will be a part of this special event and provide a great test bed for the technologies behind this new vehicle type. Players will be able to choose to play for the forces of Germany or Britain in this historic recreation. The capital ships will be piloted by CRS employees and are not available for player spawn.
Visit the special events page to register and report to the special battle planning forums.
Sink the Rats in
En gros, il va y avoir un "event", pour lequel il faut s'inscrire..
Nous pourrons jouer anglais ou allemand..
Ce sera la 1 ere sortie des destroyers (qui sont encore en developpement).. ces derniers seront controlé par les membres de CRS.
A mon avis les places sont limité, mais Lindir va nous en dire beaucoup beaucoup plus ;) pas vrai.. :doute:
OB de l'event..
Par cdar le 18/12/2002 à 1:37:21 (#2819068)
· Ciliax: 12 Destroyers (All Destroyers will be piloted by CRS employees)
· Bey (1st R-boot Flotilla): German Fairmiles from Launch port 1.
· Erdmann (2nd R-boot Flotilla): German Fairmiles from launch port 2.
· Wilcke (3rd R-boot Flotilla): German Fairmiles from Launch port 3.
· Schmidt (4th R-boot Flotilla): German Fairmiles from Launch port 4.
· Dornitz (5th R-boot Flotilla): German Fairmiles from launch port 5.
· Rudel (Luftflotte 1): Ju87 Attack AC available from multiple German airfields.
· Sperrle (Luftflotte 2): Bf110 Attack AC available from multiple German airfields.
· Udet (Luftflotte 3): Bf109 Escort AC available from multiple German airfields.
The Axis plan calls for the "capital" ships to leave Le Crotoy between 1200 and 1230 hours and to proceed at best speed to the port of Antwerp. The Germans will be able to provide Fairmile Escorts from 5 different ports along the French coast. Continuous air cover by Axis strike and escort aircraft will be extremely important for these ships to make it to the homeport of Antwerp. The aircraft will be sortied from 5 pre-selected airfields along the channel route as authorized by the commanders of each type of AC mission.
· Foxglove (MGB 41): Fairmiles from Launch port 1.
· Hemlock (MGB 42): Fairmiles from launch port 2.
· Baneberry (MGB 43): Fairmiles from Launch port 3.
· Bloodroot (MGB 44): Fairmiles from Launch port 4.
· Nightshade (MGB 45): Fairmiles from Launch port 4.
Royal Air Force:
· Mosquito (110 Squadron): Blenheim IV Bomber AC available from multiple English airfields.
· KillerBee (137 Squadron): Blenheim I Attack AC available from multiple English airfields.
· Yellowjacket (607 Squadron): Hurricane I escort AC available from multiple English airfields.
· Wasp (124 Squadron): Spitfire MkI escort AC available from multiple English airfields.
Costal Command:
· Hornet (42 Squadron): Blenheim IV Attack AC available from a single English airfield. Location: TBD
The British plan is ALL about sinking these "capital" (new destroyers) ships after they leave the port of Le Crotoy and before they get to the port of Antwerp. They will need to use their bombers and attack aircraft to inflict maximum damage. Since the Germans will probably be using patrol boats for extra anti-aircraft fire support, the British will be able to use their Farmiles and fighters to help eliminate those German AA escorts, while the bombers and attack groups focus on sinking the primary targets. The Motor Gun Boats (Farmiles) are much slower than the fast capital ships. This means reconnisance units, and coordination of forces along the route. Since the targets ships are faster than everything but aircraft, any MGB attacks will mean pre-positioning your forces in front of the German Fleet.
Par Wonderchris le 18/12/2002 à 2:15:19 (#2819228)
Par morchee le 18/12/2002 à 3:05:21 (#2819376)
je vais les noyer au fond de la manche moi
Par Ceodryn le 18/12/2002 à 4:09:38 (#2819478)
Ca va lagger a fond n'est ce pas?
Bon, je vais prendre un avion pour etre bien haut, et contempler tout ca.
Par Messer le 18/12/2002 à 11:25:21 (#2820676)
Par morchee le 18/12/2002 à 11:35:57 (#2820715)
rahh un jour les u-boat ^^
Par Messer le 18/12/2002 à 11:40:22 (#2820748)
Par cdar le 18/12/2002 à 12:54:53 (#2821248)
Par Eruwill le 18/12/2002 à 12:56:25 (#2821259)
Par Messer le 18/12/2002 à 13:02:23 (#2821313)
On pariera sur votre temps de survie ;)
Par Quicky29 le 18/12/2002 à 13:04:09 (#2821331)
Par Lafarge le 18/12/2002 à 13:34:51 (#2821627)
Par Wonderchris le 18/12/2002 à 13:45:29 (#2821736)
donc lisez bien tout les forum de préparation au cas ou à la dernier minute un pilote se retrouve sur un fairmile.
Par w2totor le 18/12/2002 à 15:56:59 (#2823097)
ça fait quelle heure en france ça ?
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