Archives des forums MMO/MMORPG > World War 2 Online > WWIIOL - Le château de Vincennes > [4LMB-Mission] 16/12
[4LMB-Mission] 16/12
le 16/12/2002 à 13:23:15
Dec 16 - Day 17 - Monday
We are being pushed back slowly but surely.
Try to set up a defensive line along Vervins, Lacappelle, Landrecies, Solemes, Bouchain, and Orchies.
Tonight and everynight we will start Division attacks. We will pick one town and work on taking it with all of the Division. We need to learn to work together.
Division attack will be on Hirson tonight. Take all tanks to south flag and set up panhards watching east and west sides of towns for the Germans to flank the south flag.
Let pratice Division operations.