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[fun] Pour les ouinouineurs faignants (et anglophones) ;)

Par Gaelynn le 4/12/2002 à 23:38:02 (#2713485)

Vous etes de mauvaise humeur ? Vous vous êtes levés du mauvais pied ? Vous venez de prendre une déculottée en RvR ? Vous n'arrivez pas a vous connecter a Camlann ? :D

Pas de panique, heureusement il y a le OUINOUINOMATIC !
Cliquez, choisissez votre sujet et hop copier/collé. Evidement faut comprendre l'anglais... Ouin :(

Par Olwenn le 4/12/2002 à 23:59:10 (#2713598)

:mdr: :mdr: :mdr:

Excellent :))

A copier sur les post des ouinouin :D

Par Larloch Oleanor le 5/12/2002 à 0:33:36 (#2713736)

Excellent :maboule:

Par Cienyc le 5/12/2002 à 0:35:59 (#2713748)

Hibs suck they have all the best classes because of loving from Mystic like heros are WAYY better than armsman or warriors even after 1.53. Moosemode is like 50% instaheal its stupid and champions are like the best hybrid in the game by miles now and why do Hib casters have like 9s stunn in BASELINE that is way overpowere. I think Mystic all play Hib now..

Marrant j'ai dit la même chose en Francais sur un post. :D

Par Elric le 5/12/2002 à 1:29:26 (#2713941)

I was exp killed to day killing snowcrabs in yggdra forest by a lvl50 infiltrator, i know he was level 50 cos he had puirple armour on. Surely he had better things to than gank loads of grey for like 15rp. Fukcing lamers.

Marre à la fin ! :rasta:

Par Pandanlag' le 5/12/2002 à 2:18:53 (#2714066)

Why did GOA open Camlann midweek, it really sucks 'cos I have to go to work and all the layabout teenagers and kids and doleys who have nothing to do just eat pizza and drink coke all day and they will be lvl50 bah It's not fair!

:D :D :D :D

Par Fioana_Orca Forever le 5/12/2002 à 2:24:57 (#2714084)

Bah Albs havn't got any skill they just zerg everywhere. They are all kids and shit and all play uber solo classes and just zerg because they havnt got any sorcerors 'cos no1 wants em in groups. And there like 1000s more Albs than anyone else they have more than 50% of the server. fs this fucing scusk.

nerf alb :monstre: :D

Par Pile le 5/12/2002 à 2:54:10 (#2714134)

Buffbots suck, its ridiculous they sad bastards who have got like 2 accounts and one is just a cleric with like 50 in enhance and they park them at tk. Sucks because buffbotted players are invinicible and they are just the best farmer. Mystic should put like buffs on a 1000 range or make them all last 10mins or somthing like wizard buffs.

Dédiée pour Slashquit et Pnj celle là :D

Par Shaoline le 5/12/2002 à 2:57:18 (#2714137)

Buffbots suck, its ridiculous they sad bastards who have got like 2 accounts and one is just a cleric with like 50 in enhance and they park them at tk. Sucks because buffbotted players are invinicible and they are just the best farmer. Mystic should put like buffs on a 1000 range or make them all last 10mins or somthing like wizard buffs

MDR :hardos: :D :D :D

Par Nemra/Hellgrim le 5/12/2002 à 5:55:13 (#2714346)

Excellent :maboule:

Par Loengrin Ismelüng le 5/12/2002 à 6:30:38 (#2714372)

Grr healers with insta AE stun and AE mezz are way opverpowered its just an I WIN button.
The only tactics the Mids have got is have a healer in every group who just presses the AE mezz or Ae stun button and they win, no other realms have those insta on 1 class it is unbalancing the game and healers are overpwoered.

Je l'entend souvent celle la, je sais pas pourquoi :D

Par Rakay le 5/12/2002 à 9:16:00 (#2714713)

Ben quoi ? c est vrai tout ca, ya de l abus a la fin, on peut pu xp tranquille à yddgra, on peut plus jouer contre les mids, il y a des gens qui levelent plus vite que moi car ils ont plus de temps, je comprends pas pourquoi on se moque à la fin ...

( marrant le site )

Par Slashquit Pnj le 5/12/2002 à 18:48:47 (#2718934)

Provient du message de Pile
Buffbots suck, its ridiculous they sad bastards who have got like 2 accounts and one is just a cleric with like 50 in enhance and they park them at tk. Sucks because buffbotted players are invinicible and they are just the best farmer. Mystic should put like buffs on a 1000 range or make them all last 10mins or somthing like wizard buffs.

Dédiée pour Slashquit et Pnj celle là :D

Blblblblblbl :p

Par caarheim le 5/12/2002 à 18:54:40 (#2718994)

Bah I was at work today and when I got home someone had stolen my name. Don't these people realise who I am, I am famous. GOA should put a search utility on the Herald so I can search to see if anyone else uses my name bah!

En plus je croi que c vrai !! :/

Par Vulcanis le 5/12/2002 à 21:36:32 (#2720253)

Bahhhhhh Albs haven't got any skill they just zerg everywhere. They are all kids and all play uber solo classes and just zerg because they havent got any sorcerors 'cos no1 wants em in groups. And there like 10000000s more Albs than anyone else they have more than 150% of the server......

Et de rajouter en Francais que des Albionnais y en a partout que ca deborde, y en a dans mon placard, dans mon panier a linges, dans mon frigo !!!!!

"I see Albies people and they talk to me"

Par Sorheim le 5/12/2002 à 23:10:39 (#2720861)

:mdr: :mdr: :mdr:

Très bon. Les oin-oin n'ont plus qu'a bien se tenir !!

Par grovilain le 6/12/2002 à 2:05:54 (#2721652)

Excellent ! Avec des vrais morceaux de fautes d'orthographe dedans :)


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