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Le Savage

Par Gurdangarak/Midgard le 17/11/2002 à 20:14:43 (#2581807)

J'voudrai savoir le type d'armure que porteron les Savage sur SI

Par magahamoth le 17/11/2002 à 20:30:59 (#2581933)

cuir me semble t'il :)

Par Magnarrok le 17/11/2002 à 20:31:14 (#2581937)


The Savage is a studded-armor wearing fighter who disdains normal weapons in favor of hand-to-hand combat. Savages aren't interested in mastering the art of complicated weapons - instead they affix simple sharp or blunt weapons to their hands and swing away.

Source :

Traduction Google :

Le sauvage

Le sauvage est un combattant portant de l'armure-clouter [...]

Par magahamoth le 17/11/2002 à 20:37:11 (#2581994)

autant pour moi :D cuir clouté donc ;)

qqun aurais pas des infos sur les 2 nouvelles classe mid ? je n'en vois pas souvent ... en francais :D


Par Gurdangarak/Midgard le 17/11/2002 à 20:42:41 (#2582038)

les traduction sont risible et incompremsible
mais merci pour l'info

Par Magnarrok le 17/11/2002 à 21:02:42 (#2582208)

Traduction d'un joueur :

le Sauvage est un combattant qui dédaigne des armes normales en faveur du combat au corps à corps. Les sauvages ne sont pas intéressés par la maîtrise des armes compliquées . A la place ils apposent les armes pointues,tranchantes, ou perçantes à leurs mains.
Ils portent jusqu'à l'armure cloutée.

Par Idhril le 18/11/2002 à 9:16:01 (#2584532)


The Savage is a studded-armor wearing fighter who disdains normal weapons in favor of hand-to-hand combat. Savages aren't interested in mastering the art of complicated weapons - instead they affix simple sharp or blunt weapons to their hands and swing away.

Savages follow the Valkyn god of war, Kelgor, who represents bloodlust and the battlefield. Kelgor has been adopted by the Norse gods, especially Modi and Odin, as a brother-in-arms so long as the Valkyn continue assisting the Norse in their fight against the Morvaltar.

The Savage receives a new weapon skill called "Hand to Hand". In general, the Savage's hand to hand weapons attach to his hands and can deal out slashing or thrusting damage. H2H is a dual-weapon skill, in that it allows the Savage to wield two weapons at the same time. However, it is set up differently from the dual wield/left axe skills that are currently in the game. H2H will always attack with the right hand by default. When the skill "fires", then the Savage will hit with both hands in that round. Please note that at higher levels, Savages have the chance of hitting more than twice per round.

The Savage learns special H2H combat styles as he specs up in the H2H spec - some of these combat styles allow the Savage to attack more than one enemy in the same round. The Savage also can specialize in a set of combat abilities called "Savagery", which allow the Savage to modify his combat chances, such as chance to evade, parry, buff attack speed or DPS, and also convert hit points to endurance. All Savagery abilities take a percentage of your base hitpoints when they wear off or are refreshed.

Valkyn, Norse, Troll, and Kobold Vikings become Savages by joining the House of Kelgor.

Par kirinyaga le 18/11/2002 à 10:25:55 (#2584835)

Rapide résumé :
Il combat à mains nues. Au fur et à mesure qu'il augmente de niveau, il peut frapper de plus en plus de fois par round et même distribuer ses attaques multiples sur plusieurs cibles au lieu d'une seule. De plus, il a une compétence qui lui donne des abilités spéciales, essentiellement des buffs : damage add, haste, augmentation des chances d'esquive, de parade, régénération d'endurance. Chaque utilisation consomme des points de vie.

Par Torgrin le 18/11/2002 à 10:57:31 (#2584997)

Oh un truc qui ressemble au paladin de d2 (sacrifice du paladin, qui lui fait perdre 10% de vie pour frapper fort...)

En fait plus on en apprend sur les 2 classes mid plus elles me plaisent... :rasta: (un Troll Myste avec ses 2 pets, quel pied!!! :maboule: )

En gros le savage sera un berserker "hc" et le bonedancer un hybride du genre empathe (je le sens bien récupérer des DoT étant donné son orientation pets et le fait que sur Mid seul un Devin les ait, interdisant hors RA les critiques dessus...)

Par uldrak le 19/11/2002 à 10:17:59 (#2592415)

trouver sur vn
depuis la lever du nda les infos arrivents

Our primary stats are Strength, Dexterity, and Quickness. We have HPs at least comparable with Thanes or Skalds. We get Evade IV at level 30, and Advanced Evade at level 35. We can spec in Savagery, Hand To Hand, normal Midgard Weapons, and Parry.

Hand To Hand

This is the best dual-wield line evar. Hehe. By speccing in this line, you get the best of all worlds:

1. Damage Variance - you decrease your damage variance and up your weapon skill in Hand To Hand weapons.

2. Multiple Damage Types - Hand To Hand weapons come in both slash and thrust damage types.

3. Chance to Dual - you not only increase your chance to dual swing; at later levels (35+) you will begin to swing 3 and 4 times per combat round.

In addition to this, the styles in the Hand To Hand line are actually pretty nice:

Hand to Hand Combat Styles

2 Kelgor's Bane - Low fatigue, medium damage bonus, increase chance to parry

4 Tribal Rage - Very low fatigue, parry opening, high damage bonus, low to hit bonus

6 Wild Call - Medium fatigue, use any time, low damage bonus, taunt target, medium defensive penalty

8 Clan's Call - Rear positional, low fatigue, high bonus damage, medium to hit bonus, short duration stun

10 Tribal Assault - Very low fatigue, #4 opening, high bonus damage, low to hit bonus, low defensive penalty, hit up to 2 targets

12 Kelgor's Might - High fatigue, no opening, no bonus damage, cause medium duration attack speed debuff on all surrounding targets

15 Taunting Call - Medium fatigue, no bonus damage, strong detaunt, high defensive bonus

18 Clan's Might - Very low fatigue, linked off #8, very high damage bonus, hit up to two targets, medium duration bleed

21 Totemic Fear - Very low fatigue, evade opening, high damage, long duration snare, high to hit bonus

25 Totemic Wrath - Very low fatigue, linked off 21, very high damage, medium to hit bonus, hit up to 3 targets

29 Totemic Claw - Medium fatigue, no bonus damage, raise chance to evade next round

34 Tribal Wrath - Very low fatigue, linked off #10, very high bonus damage, high chance to hit, medium defensive bonus, raise chance to parry next round

39 Kelgor's Fist - Low fatigue, side positional, high bonus damage, medium chance to hit

44 Kelgor's Wrath - Very low fatigue, linked off 39, very high bonus damage, high chance to hit, long duration stun

50 Totemic Sacrifice - No fatigue cost, linked off 25, very high bonus damage, very high chance to hit, hit up to 4 targets


Savagery abilities cost health, not power or endurance, to use. These abilities cap at level 6 for a cost of 9% of your total base hp pool. This means if you are buffed to the hilt, the ability may only cost about 4.5% of your total current health.

Because they cost health, the abilities kick tail.

See the Herald for the Savagery abilities.

ha il est a 1.5x par niveau de comp

(comme c'est pas officielle c'est a prendre avec des reserve ;o)

Par kirinyaga le 19/11/2002 à 10:48:10 (#2592576)

J'ai ajouté les styles dans la librairie, le tableau est dispo ici :

Vous noterez la chaîne 4-10-34, que des styles peu d'endurance/beaucoup de dégâts, qui commence par une parade réussie et s'achève par un style augmentant les chances de parer au round suivant ...

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