Archives des forums MMO/MMORPG > Neverwinter Nights > NWN - Maskado > [Script] La revenge des Objets
La revenge des Objets
Par Daynos le 12/10/2002 à 16:20:01 (#2322994)
//:://///////////////////// ////////////////////////
//:: FileName object_revenge
//:://///////////////////// ///////////////////////
//:://///////////////////// ///////////////////////
//:: Created By: Iskander of Plomar
//:: Created On: 6/21/2002 6:32:52 PM
//:://///////////////////// ///////////////////////
// un petit script qui detruit la personne qui detruit
// un objet....utilie pour les "briseurs de coffres"
#include "nw_i0_generic"
void main()
object oNaughtyOne = GetLastAttacker( OBJECT_SELF );
if ((OBJECT_INVALID == oNaughtyOne) && GetLastSpellHarmful())
oNaughtyOne = GetLastSpellCaster();
if (OBJECT_INVALID == oNaughtyOne)
SpeakString("Hmmmm. You should watch what you're doing...");
SpeakString("Fool! You would bite the hand that feeds you?");
EffectDamage( GetMaxHitPoints(oNaughtyOne), DAMAGE_TYPE_DIVINE), oNaughtyOne, 0.0f);
JOL Archives 1.0.1
@ JOL / JeuxOnLine