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NWN Content Installer annoncé pour la 1.25

Par Gargantuel le 8/10/2002 Ă  15:13:15 (#2297908)

Le NWN Content Installer et son outil NWN Content Installer Builder sont des fonctions additionnelles annoncées pour le prochain patch.

Elles permettront aux créateurs de modules de préparer des 'distributions' auto-installables de leurs modules.

Ces distributions pourront contenir des .mod, .erf, .hak, .bik, .bic, .bmu et enfin des .txt

Voici l'explication en anglais de Derek French

I wanted to give you all a heads up on something coming in the 1.25 patch that may help you out with getting your content packaged up for end-users.

The program is the NWN Content Installer and the NWN Content Installer Builder. This allows you to build a self-extracting and installing .exe file that puts all the right files in all the right places. It supports .erf (Toolset import/export), .hak (Module custom data), .mod (NWN Modules), .bik (Bink format movies), .bic (characters), and .bmu (BioWare Music Unit) files. Also, if you have a read-me files that are associated with your content, simply name them the same as your content and the text file will be installed in the same directory as the content. eg. "Dungeon of Bunnies.mod" and Dungeon of Bunnies.txt" will both be installed in the "modules" directory.

As a Content Builder, you can make a package that includes your module, Hak Pak, custom music, and suggested character, all bundled up into a single compressed self-installing file.

As an end-user, you now only need to download one file and run it. It will prompt you start installing as well as for overwriting existing files.

I have to ask you all to remember that if you use our program to make self-installing packages, that the installer only runs in Windows, so you should also have a plain .zip package for Linux and Mac users.

et le thread de bioware :

Par mobidique le 8/10/2002 Ă  15:33:14 (#2298018)

bien ça ... c'est pro ...


Par TyKeM le 9/10/2002 Ă  10:25:02 (#2302617)

je trouve sa tout simplement : genial :)

Par Gargantuel le 10/10/2002 Ă  9:36:35 (#2309120)

Bioware vient de sortir un tutorial de son Content Installer :

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