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Par Llewellen le 4/10/2002 à 10:30:19 (#2279845)

Par contre, y'a eu un chat sur IRC débutant vers minuit, hier soir (je suis arrivé à 0h50, juste avant la fin :()

Par Marneus le 4/10/2002 à 10:37:34 (#2279878)

Ouaip, le log a été posté sur ebportal
J'essaierais de faire une compile des trucs importants quand j'aurais 5 minutes

Par Llewellen le 4/10/2002 à 10:43:05 (#2279909)

Ils ont quand même répondu à ma question sur le chat guild/group.

"It's a tricky problem ..."

En gros, ce sera peut-être résolu un jour, quand qq'un aura compris comment marche le chat chez eux :p

Par Llewellen le 4/10/2002 à 10:46:54 (#2279927)

En tout cas, le chat log commence bien :(

[18:16] -Devon- 1D: From Most Jenquai who offer jumpstarts provide them for free, to strangers, at considerable personal risk. Their selflessness builds community, and contributes to the overall health of the player community. Is there any way to implement rewards for jumpstarts while protecting players against exploits? As other players have pointed out, a game that rewards you for simply showing up somewhere for the first time

Ils croient peut-être que les Progen qui font des jumpstarts le font sans risque ? (en plus, c'est une question de

Par Marneus le 4/10/2002 à 10:50:52 (#2279945)

C tous des jenq chez ebportal :D

Sinon, les sentinels sont quand meme mieux equipe pour soutenir quelques dommages que les explorers qui explosent des qu'on eternue a cote

Par Llewellen le 4/10/2002 à 10:51:26 (#2279949)

[18:22] -AlbinoEatpod- -Plaxico- Will self-targeting skills like PSI-shield and Shield recharge always require a player to keep him/herself targetted? This is very difficult in combat.
[18:22] -+[WW]MobiusX- What we can look into is making buffs targetted on mobs apply to the player who activated it instead of the mob. I'll research it with the designers and coders and see what we can do.

En gros, les buffs où il faut actuellement se cibler soi-même (PSI-shieldd et recharge shield), il est possible que lorsqu'on cible un mob, le buff se fasse sur soi-même lors d'un prochain patch. (Important pour nos amis TT)

Par Marneus le 4/10/2002 à 10:54:06 (#2279962)

Ouaip, ce serait pas mal...
Paske en groupe, de toute facon, le tt tire pas un coup, il heal, mais quand il est en solo, c super lourd de devoir se cibler pour se healer, puis reprendre sa cible pour tirer 2 missilles, puis se recibler... Ca va quand y a un mob dans le secteur, mais quand y en a 10...

Par Llewellen le 4/10/2002 à 11:39:38 (#2280191)

Pour les explorers

[18:16] -Devon- 1D: From Most Jenquai who offer jumpstarts provide them for free, to strangers, at considerable personal risk. Their selflessness builds community, and contributes to the overall health of the player community. Is there any way to implement rewards for jumpstarts while protecting players against exploits? As other players have pointed out, a game that rewards you for simply showing up somewhere for the first time
[18:17] -+[WW]Radrac- We would love to reward the reward those who provide Jumpstarts. Unfortunately we have not figured out a way to reward players without being subjected to exploits.
[18:18] -+[WW]Radrac- Our designers do think about this and if we come up with something I would love to implement it.
[18:18] -+[WW]Radrac- Right now there isn't anything that we have come up with.
[18:18] -+[WW]Radrac- Done

Pas d'xp pour un jumpstart réussi, trop de risque d'exploit

Pour les non explorers

[18:18] -AlbinoEatpod- -Goborchend- As a non-explorer class that tries to raise his exploration level using missions, I find that, as more people start to do missions, the mission terminals in the stations regenerate way too slowly, leaving only the nonsensical missions available in the terminal ("deliver 9 crates of goods 10 jumps away for 5000 credits"). Will something be done to either make the mission list refresh faster, or make the mission
[18:19] -+[WW]MobiusX- Sounds like a bug we'll need to investigate. I didn't know that it was recycling too slowly.

Le refresh sur les missions pourrait prochainement se faire plus rapide. (en particulier les missions à bonus d'exploration)

Tout le monde

[18:21] -Devon- 3P: Are you working to increase the level spread and population of mobs to spread out players and make finding places to hunt easier throughout all levels?
[18:21] -+[WW]Radrac- We are currently working on more content. We are concentrating on building out high level uber mobs and we are also working on creating more mid and high level missions.
[18:21] -+[WW]Radrac- Done

WW travaille sur l'ajout de contenu, de mobs haut level, les missions haut et moyen level.

Pour ceux qui ont des self-buffs

[18:22] -AlbinoEatpod- -Plaxico- Will self-targeting skills like PSI-shield and Shield recharge always require a player to keep him/herself targetted? This is very difficult in combat.
[18:22] -+[WW]MobiusX- What we can look into is making buffs targetted on mobs apply to the player who activated it instead of the mob. I'll research it with the designers and coders and see what we can do.

Possibilité de patch : si un joueur cible un mob, puis active un self-buff, celui-ci ira sur le joueur (plus besoin de se cibler, faire le buff, cibler le mob, activer les armes)

Tout le monde

[18:23] -Devon- How frequently are events like the red dragon assault going to occur,, and what would they be like
[18:23] -+[WW]Cerdith- We plan to run a wide variety of events. You'll see them spread out across all of the galaxies. A relatively large effort like the red dragon invasion will occur less frequently than those smaller events...
[18:24] -+[WW]Cerdith- But we hope to run at least one big thing per month, which might be directly associated with our evolving story or simply be something fun.
[18:24] -+[WW]Cerdith- Done.

Il y aura des events de manières régulières, avec, si possible, au moins un gros events par moi (celui-ci pour être lié au scénario du jeu, ou être fait juste pour le fun)


[18:24] -AlbinoEatpod- When will the the new JT, TE, and PT classes be available?
[18:24] -+[WW]Radrac- We are building out the live schedule and the 3 classes are high on the list.
[18:24] *** Joins: weasel-tf (
[18:25] -+[WW]Radrac- We haven't flowed out the schedule yet so I can't comment on a general date.
[18:25] -+[WW]Radrac- Done

Les nouvelles classe (Jenquai Trader(explorateur/commerçant), Terran Explorer(commerçant/explorateur), Progen Trader(guerrier/comeerçant)) sont en priorité haute. Pas de date d'arrivée.

Tout le monde et les guildes

[18:25] -Devon- Will you ever add a way to transfer items between charectors without using a third party? Or possibly adding the ability to drop goods in space to be picked up by another charector?
[18:25] -+[WW]MobiusX- Funny you should ask about transferring items between characters. We had a design meeting last night where we discussed abilities that could be purchased by a guild. A guild vault where players could transfer items and money between the guild was high on the list.
[18:26] * +[WW]Cerdith hastens to remind people that we're gathering suggestions for guild purchased rewards.

Possibilité de transférer des items entre des persos d'un même compte : il y ayra probablement un coffre de guilde, celui-ci pourra en autre être utilisé pour cela.
PS : WestWood est ouvert à toute proposition concernant les bonus qu'une guilde pourra acheter avec les points qu'elle a


[18:26] -AlbinoEatpod- *Drahn* Are the lore skills still being planned to be added to Earth and Beyond.
[18:27] -+[WW]Radrac- New skills are pretty low on the schedule so I wouldn't expect them to arrive any time soon.
[18:27] -+[WW]Radrac- done

Les nouvelles skill (Lore entre autre, qui devrait, d'après moi, servir à équiper du matériel restricted) sont en priorité basse. Ne pas s'attendre a les voir de si tôt.

Tout le monde

[18:28] -AlbinoEatpod- [ EnBf00 ] . what about a "paint station"? where a player can repaint their ship? And maybe clothe changes?
[18:28] * +[WW]DraconisRex thinks Radrac is really done.
[18:29] -+[WW]Radrac- The ability to change the look of the ship and avatar is being scheduled high on the list.
[18:29] -+[WW]Radrac- Again we are in the midst of flowing out the schedule so I can't give a general timeframe.

La possibilité de changer le look du vaisseau/avatar est en priorité haute. Pas de date d'arrivée.

Terran Trader et autres buffeurs de groupe

[18:29] -AlbinoEatpod- [ shanear ] . Taking the self-targetting suggestion on a tangent, would it be possible for classes such as the TT to be able to target their own teammates for shield regens, while still being able to engage mobs?
[18:29] -+[WW]MobiusX- Yes, probably the easiest way to do this would be to let players map skills to hotkeys that would apply to group. Ex. Alt-1 activates skill 1 on target, CTRL-1 activates on group, etc. Not sure if this is the right way to do it. This would be a good message board thread.

Il devrait, lors d'un prochain patch, être possible de créer des raccourcis complexes (style "faire regen shield sur player 1", afin de na pas avoir à changer de cible, faire le buff, cibler le mob, activer les armes). L'implémentation (faire alt-1 pour activer sur cible, ctrl-1 pour activer sur groupe, ...) n'est pas encore définie. A suivre ...

Les fabriquants

[18:30] -AlbinoEatpod- -Tern- Any chance that a way to delete manufacturable reciepes and a way for manual organize the recipes will be added soon?
[18:31] -+[WW]Radrac- We do have a new manufacturing UI design. It is a medium priority on the schedule so it will not get implemented anytime soon.

Possibilité d'effacer des recettes, de les réorganiser : Westwood a un nouveau design pour la fabrication d'objets, mais en priorité moyenne, donc pour plus tard.

Les guildes

[18:32] -AlbinoEatpod- [ Enslaver[FedNet] ] . Are you Considering guild controlled Starbases, and ingame retail outlets for selling equipment, parts, etc, made by members of the guild?
[18:32] -+[WW]MobiusX- Yes, these were also discussed in a design meeting last night. Guild controlled starbases, player vendors, guild vaults, special guild colors, etc. We're gathering ideas now and will implement them in a phased approach. Short term enhancements, mid-term, etc. Please continue submitting suggestions on the message boards.
[18:32] * +[WW]Cerdith reminds everyone AGAIN to post those suggestions.

Des bases controlées par des guildes, des vendeurs pour les joueurs, coffre de guilde, couleurs spéciales pour une guilde, ..., tout ça est en discussion et chaque amélioration (proposée par les joueurs) est tagguée par court terme/moyen terme/...
A suivre

Le captain's log

[18:33] -AlbinoEatpod- -Kazola- Is it possible to edit the Captain's Log from outside the game? It would be alot easier to be able to cut and paste information rather than typing it all in.
[18:34] -+[WW]DraconisRex- Tech support is testing manually updating the captain's log. Once we know our internal solution will work, we will post an FAQ.
[18:34] -+[WW]Radrac- It is possible but we will need to release the file format to all of you.
[18:34] -+[WW]Cerdith- We're going to do an explanatory article on how to do that, on our website
[18:34] -+[WW]Cerdith- When we get the go-ahead!

Il sera peut-être possible d'éditer le Captain's Log via le web, sans lancer le jeu
A suivre

La fabrication

[18:34] -AlbinoEatpod- -Nazzire_LOA- ? to ask: When will items (such as Sawed-off Scuttlebug Launcher Ammo) that require certain non-existant components (in this case Scuttlebug Dung) be fixed so that these components, well, exist?
[18:35] -+[WW]MobiusX- We're working on item bug fixes now and will get them into the next scheduled patch.
[18:35] * +[WW]Cerdith reminds everyone to submit those bug reports.
[18:35] * +[WW]DraconisRex reminds everyone that we really do read all the bug reports.

Les objets qui nécessitent des composants manquants in game seront rajoutés au prochain patch (si vous êtes dans cette situation, faire un bug report)

Les échanges et les XPs

[18:36] -AlbinoEatpod- -MaxSteele- Some players receive trade experience when they sell an item to a player. Some players don't. I'd like to ask about how it's supposed to work and what needs to be done to get trade experience when selling an item to a player.
[18:36] -+[WW]Cerdith- You only receive experience the first time an item is traded.
[18:36] -+[WW]Cerdith- If its not working that way, please let us know (Bug report it!)
[18:36] -+[WW]Cerdith- Done

On ne reçoit du trade xp que la 1ère fois qu'un item est échangé (ça, je l'avais déjà découvert :p)

Les guildes

[18:37] -AlbinoEatpod- -Aerius- Are guild rankings going to be changed so they reflect on other things other than primarily how many members are in it? As it stands, whoever has more members essentially will win most rankings.
[18:37] -+[WW]Radrac- We are working on getting more guild rankings implemented. It should be completed before the end of the year.
[18:37] * +[WW]Cerdith cheers for guild improvements

Le rang de guilde pourrait être revu selon d'autre critére que juste son level (en effet, sinon il suffit de trouver 500 personnes, et on fait une guilde lvl 130+ avec aucun perso au dessus du level 90)

Ceux qui voyagent

[18:37] -AlbinoEatpod- When looking at the galaxy map, it can become kind of confusing to try to figure out how to get from one place to another... would it be possible to have the game show you which gates you can take to get from one point to another (that is, if those two points were on your galaxy map)
[18:38] -+[WW]MobiusX- Two of our designers and coders are working on a solution to make the galactic nav map easier to use. Ideas include cleaning up the gate connection lines to make them easier to follow, tool tips to tell you a bit about each sector.

Il devrait être plus facile de s'y retrouver sur la carte de la galaxie, ils ont des designers qui planchent sur la question.

Les joueurs solo

[18:38] -AlbinoEatpod- Is it this games intention that the only way to make significant progress is to either group or be a member of the guild? Doesn't that stifle solo players or those that prefer to be guildless? It feels like if you aren't in a group/guild, you're basicly out of luck, especially with higher-level content.
[18:39] -+[WW]Cerdith- Of course not. Solo play is a style that many people enjoy. The availability of generated missions so solo players don't have to spend lots of time trying to find a group...
[18:39] -+[WW]Cerdith- Or have things they can do to make experience and credits is one example of how we're helping the solo playstyle out.
[18:39] -+[WW]Cerdith- But...
[18:39] -+[WW]Cerdith- Huge uber mobs and super high level encounters are being designed for group and guild play.
[18:40] -+[WW]Cerdith- It's always your choice how you play and what you enjoy doing.
[18:40] -+[WW]Cerdith- Done.

Alors là, je rigole bien :)
La question : dans ce jeu, si on veut avancer relativement vite, il faut grouper ou être membre d'une guilde. Est-ce que ça ne rend pas le jeu solo irréalisable ? (NDT : faut quand même comprendre que le solo sera toujours plus difficile, il a pas l'air de savoir ça, le gars qui pose la question, et sinon, pourquoi il joue pas à un jeu offline ?)
Réponse : non, il y a les missions générées (les jobs), .... Mais les uber mobs et les rencontres super haut niveau sont prévus pour un groupe.

Les guildes

[18:40] -AlbinoEatpod- -Skink- Will guilds ever be able to purchase larger ships like capital ships?
[18:40] -+[WW]Radrac- We have designs in the works that will allow Guilds to control and fight over property. This system is high on the schedule but it is a very large system so I'm not sure when it will be done.
[18:40] -+[WW]Radrac- It is going to be very cool though :)

Possibilité pour une guilde d'avoir un vaisseau amiral : oui (en priorité haute, comme tout ce qui concerne les guildes, mais pas de date d'arrivée). Les guildes pourront se taper dessus pour la propriété (PvP ?)

Les capitalistes

[18:40] -AlbinoEatpod- -weasel-tf- Do you plan on doing anything about players selling game-related things on Ebay, or this acceptable?
[18:40] -+[WW]DraconisRex- When players use online auction sites to sell items or accounts, they often get scammed. In order to protect yourself, you should always sell accounts through the EA Account Services department. That way, the person you bought the account from can't steal it back.

Possibilité de vendre des objets via eBay (NDT putain, ils y pensent déjà ces capitalistes de ricains :()
Ce n'est pas recommandé (risque important de fake), mais on peut vendre un account via le "EA Account Services department", comme ça, pas de risque de fraude sur l'abonnement. (NDT : bonne chose, au moins y'aura pas de vente sur eBay)

Par Jabberwock le 4/10/2002 à 11:58:34 (#2280251)

Merci lewellen pour le report et les traducs:)
Bon si gothmog a pas la tête percée, je serais online à partir de ce soir:)

Par Jabberwock le 4/10/2002 à 12:01:42 (#2280266)

Au fait zavez vu que Eve à encore pris un minimum de 6 mois de retard dans la vue? (et apparemnt ca pourrait même être encore pire que ca). Donc moi ca me fait bien rigoler les gens qui disent ne pas vouloir toucher à EnB parce que soi disant Eve va tout casser! Fuadrait encore qu'il sorte ce jeu pour ca!

Par Llewellen le 4/10/2002 à 12:04:59 (#2280282)

La suite n°1 :)


[18:41] -AlbinoEatpod- -GateKeeper- What is or was the main purpose of Neptune? Will this sector be active in the future? If so, what can we expect to find there?
[18:42] -+[WW]MobiusX- Neptune contains a prison facility to house notorious criminals, including pirates from the Red Dragon Faction. Gates will open to Neptune soon and you can expect to find some serious encounters there.
[18:42] * +[WW]Cerdith reminds everyone that "soon" is relative

Dans Neptune, il y a une prison avec des criminels notoires (y compris des Red Dragons). Une gate vers Neptune devrait être ouverte prochainement (ce terme étant tout relatif)


[18:42] -AlbinoEatpod- Will large expansions to the game be in the form of a large, required patches, optional downloads or have to be purchased from a store?
[18:42] -+[WW]Radrac- The primary decision point on whether we will distribute something via a patch, an optional patch, or an expansion CD is the size of the patch.
[18:43] -+[WW]Radrac- We want to provide an ever evolving universe and at the same time we realize that we need to be sensitive to those with slower network connections.

Pour les grosses extensions : patch obligatoire/download optionnel/achat au magasin ?
Réponse : ça dépend de la taille (car il y a des gens avec des connexionx 56 (NDT pas possible ?))

La revente au PNJ

[18:43] -AlbinoEatpod- -Leniera_Honestus- What is the postition on the resell value of equipment bought at a station, cos atm it is less then a quarter of its value when sold back in good condition?
[18:43] -+[WW]DraconisRex- Just like when you buy a new car, the value of the item drops as soon as you leave the store. You can always bargain with other players for good deals on manufactured items.

Actuellement, le matériel acheté à un PNJ est revendu à moins du quart.
Réponse : ça ne changera pas. Vendez à un PJ.

Decal spécial guilde

[18:43] -AlbinoEatpod- -Rypht- when can we expect some kind of guild emblem to be visible on our ships, and since FF people are probably protective of their original status, will they go in a different spot so as to not overwrite the ship emblem?
[18:43] -+[WW]Cerdith- Well.... funny you should mention that.
[18:43] * +[WW]Cerdith reminds everyone about posts about guild rewards
[18:44] -+[WW]Cerdith- We're looking into being able to place multiple decals, including a possible guild reward.
[18:44] -+[WW]Cerdith- done

L'emblème de guilde, si disponible, ne devrait pas effacer le logo FF

Les jobs

[18:44] -AlbinoEatpod- -Anarch- I have yet to encounter a job terminal that offers an item reward, are the terminals setup yet to offer item rewards instead of just credits?
[18:44] -+[WW]MobiusX- Missions from the job terminal can and are being setup to give item rewards. We decided to go primarily with credit rewards at live so we could get more missions in and balance them.

Les jobs sont prévus pour donner des récompenses sous formes d'items, bien que pour le moment, ils ne donnent que des crédits. A suivre

Les loots et l'argent

[18:44] -AlbinoEatpod- -Goborchend- At higher level, loot from kills barely pays for the missiles one single person goes through in a hunting session. Is this part of the plan (we should trade to pay for ammo and upgrades) or are there more loot upgrades on the way?
[18:45] -+[WW]Radrac- We are constantly doing analysis on the game metrics and tuning the game appropriately.
[18:45] -+[WW]Radrac- I am sure that we will upgrade the loot tables in the future as more of the playerbase hits higher levels.

A haut level (NDT il n'est pas précisé ce que haut level signifie, 100+ ?), les loots payent à peine les munitions. Est-ce que la table des loots va être revue à la hausse ?
Réponse : les réglages sont constamment analysés et ajustés. Il est possible que la table des lots soit augmenté au fur et à mesure que des joueurs atteignent les hauts levels

NDT : il a qu'à prendre un warrior dans son groupe, avec shield inversion, on économise des munitions (mais ça a pas du traverser dont petit pois :p)

La faction Red Dragon

[18:45] -AlbinoEatpod- -DocNsane- What is the possible time table for opening up the ability to take pirate faction quests and work towards that end?
[18:47] -+[WW]MobiusX- Towards the end of the year at the earliest. We'll be phasing in Pirate gameplay over the next 6 months and working up faction for special quests is the first step. We'd like to get special rewards, possibly even skills, when you are advanced enough but I can't say when this could happen.
[18:47] * +[WW]DraconisRex wants to be a pirate.
[18:47] * +[WW]DraconisRex says Arg Matey!
[18:47] * +[WW]MobiusX Shiver me tibers!

Au plut tôt à la fin de l'année pour la possibilité de se rallier aux pirates

Les exploits et le ban

[18:48] -AlbinoEatpod- -AlbinoEatpod- Was the banning of several accounts to set an example for future possible exploits?
[18:48] -+[WW]DraconisRex- We are always reluctant to ban accounts. After all, we want customers play, not to go away.
[18:49] -+[WW]DraconisRex- So far, the only accounts we have banned are for players that we confirmed through various means were breaking the rules.
[18:49] -+[WW]DraconisRex- We generally only target the worst cases or rules violators for bannings.
[18:49] * +[WW]Cerdith reminds you that if something seems to good to be true, it probably is and exploits a game bug or game mechanic.

Seuls les joueurs qui abusaient trop du sysème ont été bannis (note de Cerdith : si qq chose à l'air trop bien pour être vrai, ça l'est probablement et ça utilise un bug ou un mechanisme non prévu du jeu)

Le PvP

[18:50] -AlbinoEatpod- -Malystrix- Will there be anyway to scan a target like another player to see what weapons and systems they have installed?
[18:50] -+[WW]MobiusX- We're going to implement a scan button for use with certain mission types. It could also be used to see what other players have equipped but some people find it rude when other players inspect them. If there's a lot of community demand for this feature we could certainly put it in.

Question : sera-t-il possible de scanner l'équipement d'un autre joueur ?
Réponse : certains trouvent malpolis de se faire scanner (NDT normal), mais si il y a suffisamment de demande, il est possible de le faire.

Annuler une mission

[18:50] -AlbinoEatpod- Regarding forfeiture of missions, Can you forfeit ANY mission at any time and still return to the NPC to re-acquire the mission (s)? And if the answer is yes, Should one report it as a bug if they cannot? If no, what are the exceptions?
[18:50] -+[WW]Radrac- You should be able to forfeit any mission at any time. Please bug the ones that are not working.
[18:51] -+[WW]Radrac- There may be exceptions but I'd rather have too many bug submissions than to miss a legitamate bug.

Question : est-il possible d'annuler TOUTES les mission à n'importe quel moment et retourner au PNJ pour l'obetnir à nouveau ? Si oui, faut-il reporter un bug si ce n'est pas possible ? Si non, quelles sont les exceptions ?
Réponse : ça devrait être possible à n'importe quel moment (merci de faire un report de bug pour celles où ce n'est pas possible). Il peut y avoir des exceptions, mais il vaut mieux avoir trop de report de bug que d'en rater un (NDT : pas mal celle là, faut que je la retienne :) )

Par Marneus le 4/10/2002 à 12:12:46 (#2280329)

Provient du message de Llewellen
L'emblème de guilde, si disponible, ne devrait pas effacer le logo FF

Je vois bien le vaisseau couvert de decalco facon panneau publicitaire, ca pourait etre marrant :D

Par Llewellen le 4/10/2002 à 12:24:11 (#2280385)

La suite n°2 :)

In game help

[18:51] -AlbinoEatpod- -Tanin- In game help is often responding to players with inappropriate help / answers do they think their CS needs a rethink??

Pas de réponse

[18:51] -AlbinoEatpod- -Menegra- Will mobs guarding resource fields reflect more of what's in the resource field? Level 38s guarding level 4 ore doesn't seem quite right IMHO
[18:51] -+[WW]MobiusX- Adjustments to mobs in resource fields are being worked on now for the next scheduled feature patch. A lot of people were complaining about high level mobs popping out of asteroids. It's especially bad when players had no idea that it could happen.

Les mobs dans les zones de minage sont ajustés au fur et à mesure (pas de mob lvl 38 dans une zone avec des minerais lvl 4, par ex), surtout quand un mob pop lors d'une explosion d'un astéroid miné, et qu'il a 20 lvl de plus que le mineur. (NDT : paf, one-shot)

Le jeu dans le jeu

[18:53] -AlbinoEatpod- -Wynne- Will gambling, other than the Saracen Races, ever be implemented in Glenn Sector? It sure would be fun to be able to actually use those slot machines at Friendship Seven or play a hand of Black Jack!
[18:53] -+[WW]Radrac- Gambling is on the list of features that we will add to E&B. Right now its at a medium priority so don't expect to see it appear anytime soon.

La possibilité de jouer sur la station Friendship Seven est en priorité moyenne.

Les pirates

[18:53] -AlbinoEatpod- Are there consequences for joining the Red Dragons? And if so, what are they?
[18:54] -+[WW]MobiusX- The only consequence currently for raising Red Dragon faction is that certain other factions, like InfinitiCorp, don't want to deal with you. We'll add more consequences as we add pirate gameplay, but there will also be a lot more rewards. Smuggling anyone? Contraband, etc. Fun stuff.

Pour le moment, quand on monte sa faction Red Dragon, la seule conséquence est que certaines autres faction (InfinitiCorp entre autre) ne veulent plus vous parler. D'autres conséquences seront ajoutés au fur et à mesure que le gameplay du petit pirate associé sera développé.


[18:54] -AlbinoEatpod- -Proclone- Will eventual PvP options somehow reflect faction alignment? For example, will those with Pirate affiliation be targetable?
[18:54] -+[WW]Radrac- We are still in the process of working out PvP. Initially PvP will most likely revolve around Guilds so for the first incarnation of PvP faciton alignment will most likely not be reflected in how it works.

Le PvP dans sa 1ère forme devrait concerner les guildes (donc les factions des PJ n'entreront pas trop en compte)

Mission bugguée (NDT moi aussi, je l'ai cette mission là :()

[18:55] -AlbinoEatpod- Ghent89 when will the Data Satellite missions in GO be fixed.... AGAIN!
[18:56] -+[WW]MobiusX- I'll double check our bug database to see if this has been fixed, is being worked on now, or if we don't know about it. We'll get it fixed ASAP.

A suivre

Le lag

[18:57] -AlbinoEatpod- The special event you held at the end of Beta was neat - except for the fact that there were so many people in the same sectors at one time that the lag was impossible. You could not move or attack. You couldnt even chat half the time. If PvP is ever going to be an option the lag must be cut down severly. Is anything being done about the lag when there are to many people in one area?
[18:57] -+[WW]Cerdith- We're always working to optimize the servers. Part of the cause of the lag there was the fact that we'd never done an event of that magnitude and I've never seen so many burning pirate (and player) corpses in one spot.
[18:58] -+[WW]Cerdith- We'll be very careful how we design events now that we've had the chance to test the limits in beta :)
[18:58] -+[WW]Cerdith- done

L'event de la fin de la beta (NDT surtout pour les ricains, nous on a rien vu) a donné lieu a un sérieux lag avec beaucoup de monde dans la même zone.
Les prochains events seront mieux étudiés (car WW a testé les limites des serveurs avec cet event)

---- Fin du chat, maintenant le flood de question :)

At this point everybody had to spam, so I have cleaned it up to questions the dev's answered for readability.

Nerj du Jenquai Defender

[19:00] -SkitBra- Why did you decide to downgrade the JD to an explorer without prospect between combat lvl 15-25, was it a mistake to nerf the lvl4 psi and will it be tuned without a sledgehammer this time?
[19:00] -+[WW]Cerdith- As Kohiba posted, psi shield was overpowered, giving JD a huge advantage over all other professions. That's why it has been adjusted.
[19:01] -+[WW]MobiusX- We made the change to Psi shield because there were several people exploiting it. It let people kill things WAY above their level, which wasn't something we intended. We should have caught it during the beta.

PSI shield était trop puissant, donnant au Jenquai Defender un gros avantage, d'où l'ajustement.
Certains abusaient du PSI shield, qui leur permettait de tuer des mobs largement au dessus de leur lvl. (on aurait du corriger ça en beta)

Radio Net7

[19:00] -Nuke- Quesations, will there be anyway for us to listen to the Net-7 broadcast via radio?
[19:01] -+[WW]Radrac- Radio stations would be neat. We would just have to figure out how to fill the airtime :)

La radio Net7 pourrait diffuser en continu, faut juste trouver quoi :)

Journal Net7

[19:01] -Eridicus- Question: Will it be possible to write for Net7?
[19:01] -+[WW]Cerdith- Yes Eridicus

Il sera possible d'écrire des articles pour Net7

Missions de Promotion

[19:01] * Seraya just wants to know if there'll be more promotion missions beyond level 30.
[19:01] -+[WW]Cerdith- Absolutely. That's a project that Arcutrus and I are working on.

Plus de missions de promotions après le lvl 30, c'est en projet (NDT après le lvl 30 ?? je vois pas de quoi il parle)

Les nouvelles classes

[19:01] -+[WW]Radrac- When we implement the three additional classes we will implement new skills for them.

Avec les 3 nouvelles classes, apparaitrons les nouvelles skills spécifiques.

Les loots

[19:02] -+[WW]MobiusX- There's a problem with loot drops on higher level mobs. We're working on the fix right now.

Problème de loot sur mob haut level, en étude. A suivre.

Le reskin

[19:02] -+[WW]Radrac- Putting in the ability to change the way the avatar and ship looks is high on our features list.

Changer l'avatar et le vaisseau, déjà discuté et en priorité haute

Le logo FF

[19:02] -Tanin- Cerdith I was on holiday in the states during the last wipe (buying your game :-]) and missed creating a char with the FF decals...why cant I have them on my ship i have now??
[19:02] -+[WW]Cerdith- Tanin, the interface to put them in was removed.
[19:02] -Tanin- to be honest I feel a little cheated :-(
[19:03] -+[WW]Cerdith- Sorry Tanin ;/

Pas possible d'avoir le logo FF après la release.

Les jobs d'exploration

[19:02] -+[WW]MobiusX- We're adding jobs to the job terminal for exploration experience.

Ajout de jobs au terminal pour obtenir de l'xp d'exploration

Le bug du chat guild/group

[19:02] -TheThief- Question : I constantly loose guild/groupd chat (but I'm able to read them), when will it be fixed ?
[19:02] -+[WW]Cerdith- TheThief, we're working on that. IT's a tricky one it turns out.

Le bug de chat guild/group (c'est moi qui ait posé la question ;) ), en étude, mais difficile.

L'xp d'exploration

[19:02] -LordLinus- There are only so many places to explore, and the exploration xp off of prospecting is really really LOW
[19:02] -+[WW]Radrac- We are working on ways to increase the ability to obtain exploration experience. This is high on our feature list.
[19:03] -+[WW]Radrac- LordLinus we are working on other methods for players to obtain exploration experience that do not involve the jobs terminal

L'xp d'exploration, une fois tout exploré, est difficile et le minage rapporte pas gros. D'autres méthodes pour obtenir de l'xp sont en étude.

Par Llewellen le 4/10/2002 à 12:48:27 (#2280507)

La suite n°3 et fin :p

L'xp de trade

[19:02] -Sagboy-RzP- What do you guys plan on doing about the trade xp, it seems harder to gain trade xp then explore and combat. Getting only 250xp pair item seems a little low.
[19:03] -+[WW]MobiusX- We're investigating the trade XP issue you mention but have no solutions yet. It's difficult to come up with a solution that doesn't lead to exploits for certain classes.

250xp/item est un peu limité quand on est haut level.
Malheureusement pas de solution pour le moment (car sinon ça permet un exploit

Net7 et les guildes

[19:03] -GateKeeper- how about having some net 7 interviews with guilds?
[19:03] -+[WW]Cerdith- GateKeeper, we'll do more with Net-7 pretty soon

Des interviews de guilde sur Net7 ?
Réponse : Net7 va faire pas mal de chose sous peu

Les programmes tiers

[19:03] -+rkzad- Please: How far can 3rd party utilities/programs go without being frowned upon by the E&B team? And will there ever be support for these utilities?
[19:04] -+[WW]Cerdith- rkzad, I think it'll depend on what the utility does.
[19:04] -+[WW]Cerdith- LIke, I think Travelmate is cool.
[19:04] -+rkzad- [WW]Cerdith: for instance TravelMate :/
[19:04] -+[WW]Cerdith- But if you write something that's trying to do unpleasant things to our servers, we won't be happy about it.
[19:04] -+rkzad- but I've had people suggest that TravelMate should have the ship automatically travel from the source to the destination
[19:04] -+[WW]Radrac- rkzad it depends on the 3rd party utility/program. If we feel that it seriously imbalances the game then we will heavily frown on its use. It is a tough subjective call but we will communicate clearly to those who create the apps if we have any issues with them.
[19:05] -+[WW]Cerdith- Yah rkzad, seems a logical extension but we'd have to look into it very carefully when the app is created.
[19:05] -+rkzad- and other people have also suggested somehow having TravelMate more integrated into E&B
[19:05] -+rkzad- [WW]Cerdith: ok thanks
[19:05] -+[WW]Radrac- TravelMate is an example of a utility that we do not feel imbalances the game. I think its very cool!
[19:05] -+[WW]DraconisRex- rkzan - another problem with 3rd party programs is that they are often used to hide trojan horse programs to steal passwords.
[19:05] -+rkzad- [WW]Radrac: thank you :)
[19:06] -[QT]Munky- welcome to the rkzad ego trip :)
[19:06] -+[WW]DraconisRex- You should never download *.exes from people/places you do not know

Apparemment TravelMate (NDT je connaissais pas) est accepté par WestWood. C'est apparemment l'outil qui permet de calculer le trajet le plus rapide d'un point à un autre (il est offline, je pense, donc pas vraiment un outil de triche). Certains voudrait qu'il soit incorporé éà E&B (ce serait pas mal) et qu'on puisse programmer tout un trajet.

Le marteau et le caillou

[19:04] -SkitBra- Pls..use the little hammer when tweaking , not the 600kg sledgehammer
[19:05] -+[WW]MobiusX- SkitBra, the 600kg sledgehammer broke so we're using a rock right now. :-)
[19:05] -SkitBra- hehe, i noticed u were not very skilled at tweaking with rocks

NDT : J'ai pas compris

Changer de serveur

[19:06] -illumanti- Questions:: Are we going to be able to travel between the different Galaxies (Servers)???
[19:06] -+[WW]MobiusX- illumanti, there are no plans to allow players to travel between galaxies (shards). If you mean galaxies within a shard, that's entirely possible.

Sera-t-il possible de traverser les galaxies (ie changer de serveur) : non

xp de trade

[19:07] -Utena|NC- Question: Is the current system where builders get no trade experience whatsoever when trading items they have manufactured to other players if even a single component in the item is store-bought working as intended, or is this broken?
[19:07] -+[WW]Cerdith- Utena, I'll check into it

Apparemment, un trader ne gagne pas d'xp en vendant un objet fabriqué si un seul de composants est acheté à un PNJ. Affaire à suivre pour les trader.

Par Marneus le 4/10/2002 à 13:31:22 (#2280672)

[19:04] -SkitBra- Pls..use the little hammer when tweaking , not the 600kg sledgehammer
[19:05] -+[WW]MobiusX- SkitBra, the 600kg sledgehammer broke so we're using a rock right now. :-)
[19:05] -SkitBra- hehe, i noticed u were not very skilled at tweaking with rocks

SkitBra - svp, utilisez le petit marteau quand vous faites des ajustements, pas le marteau de guerre de 600kg
MobiuXX - SitBra, le marteau de 600kg est cassé, on utilise un rocher maintenat :)
SkitBra - Hehe, j'ai remarqué que vous n'etes pas très doués pour l'ajustement à coup de rocher...

Bref, encore un gars qui pleure parce qu'il y a eu du nerf

Par Jabberwock le 4/10/2002 à 13:32:27 (#2280677)

concernant Travelmate je l'ai mis en lien y a quelqu'un temps sur un autre post.
Je vais déplacer ca dans les liens utiles :)

Par Llewellen le 4/10/2002 à 14:16:17 (#2280934)

Provient du message de Marneus
SkitBra - svp, utilisez le petit marteau quand vous faites des ajustements, pas le marteau de guerre de 600kg
MobiuXX - SitBra, le marteau de 600kg est cassé, on utilise un rocher maintenat :)
SkitBra - Hehe, j'ai remarqué que vous n'etes pas très doués pour l'ajustement à coup de rocher...

Bref, encore un gars qui pleure parce qu'il y a eu du nerf

lol Marneus, j'avais bien compris le texte :p

Mais bon, ça apporte rien au débat son truc.

Par Marneus le 4/10/2002 à 14:20:02 (#2280952)

Nope, c du flood a 2 balles, mais bon, ca a le merite d'etre vaguement marrant, surtout la reponse du gars de chez ww :)

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