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PrĂȘtre de Hel Versus Necromancien...

Par Magnarrok le 17/9/2002 Ă  19:24:24 (#2175587)

[Edit] Confondu les races et les classes :p.

Ce post est tout pourri :D.

Par Vah le 17/9/2002 Ă  19:38:51 (#2175700)

Je pense que la diffĂ©rence fondamentale entre le nĂ©cro et le prĂȘtre de hell sera que le nĂ©cro ne pourra rien faire sans cadavre alors que le prĂȘtre de hell peut, lui, invoquer un esprit pour tuer la bĂȘte avant ...

Pures spéculations mais je pense que le nécro ne pourra pas non plus healer son/ses pets ;)

Par Nof SuivantSamedi le 17/9/2002 Ă  19:40:28 (#2175713)

Le nécroamncien, c'est une classe albionnais...

L'homme singe, c'est une race de Midgard.

Ta question revient Ă  demander si le maitre d'arme va enterrer le berserker, ou si l'elfe va enterrer l'eldritch.

Sinon, il est impossible de répondre tant que nous n'aurons pas un minimum d'informations sur les dites classes...

Par Magnarrok le 17/9/2002 Ă  19:45:02 (#2175757)

Oups ?

J'avais eu des infos (que je n'ai certes pas vérifié) comme quoi le singe était un nécroman ?

Oki donc erreur de ma part.

Le singe est prévu pour quelle genre de nouvelle classe ?

Par Nof SuivantSamedi le 17/9/2002 Ă  19:46:15 (#2175770)

On n'en sait rien, seules des rumeurs circulent pour le moment.

Par Delhanil le 17/9/2002 Ă  19:48:52 (#2175789)

Hum, j'me disais bien aussi, qu'est-ce que le nécro venait faire avec les Mids...... :p

Par Vah le 17/9/2002 Ă  19:49:31 (#2175796)

Le nécro est une classe albionnaise vrai :)
Mais le Bonedancer, classe Midgardienne qui va avec le singe, est dans le mĂȘme genre (une sorte de chaman de la mort)

Par Vecha le 17/9/2002 Ă  19:58:35 (#2175863)

Pour répondre aux questions que vous vous posez, n'oubliez pas qu'il y a le site officiel de Shrouded Isles :ange:

Pour les nouvelles classes:

Realm of Midgard


The Bonedancer is a primary Midgard spellcaster that follows the ancient pre-Norse god Bogdar, who has been accepted by the Norse gods when the Valkyn race became civilized and integrated with the rest of Midgard. Bogdar grants Bonedancers the power to re-animate the skeletal remains of discarded animal bodies and use them as weapons, as objects of power, and as creatures that will obey commands.
Specific information about Bonedancer magic lines will be released shortly.


The Savage is a fighter who disdains normal weapons in favor of hand-to-hand combat. Savages aren't interested in mastering the art of complicated weapons - instead they affix simple sharp, blunt, or piercing weapons to their hands and swing away. They wear up to studded armor. Savages follow the Valkyn god of war, Rakor, who represents bloodlust and the battlefield. Rakor has been adopted by the Norse gods, especially Modi and Odin, as a brother-in-arms so long as the Valkyn continue assisting the Norse in their fight against the Morvaltar.
Savages learn special combat styles based on their hand-to-hand fighting skill, some of which may allow them to damage multiple enemies at once.

Pour la nouvelle race:


A pre-historic race of humanoids, the Valkyn are a domesticated splinter group of the Morvalt, the race that has taken over Aegir, the mythological land of the Troll Fathers. The Valkyn have allied with Midgard and the Troll Fathers to liberate Aegir from the Morvalt.
Valkyn are hunched, lithe, muscular creatures that are tribal in nature. They follow their own set of gods, who have been accepted by the Norse pantheon, so long as the Valkyn continue to aid them in their quest to eradicate the Morvalt from Aegir.

Please note that this is a concept sketch - the resulting in-game model may appear somewhat different. As soon as we have an in-game Valkyn, we'll post a screenshot here. ( )

Pour la nouvelle zone:

Troll and Kobold myths tell of the Troll Fathers, a race of ancient and wise creatures who were the precursors to both of these underground races. The Troll Fathers of legend lived on an island called Aegir in their formidable underground city, Trollheim. Young Trolls and Kobolds were told these stories of the Troll Fathers, especially about their legendary wisdom and power.

Then one day, out of the pages of myth, a lone Troll Father came to Jordheim, bringing with him disturbing news. A race of prehistoric savages, the Morvalt, swept across Aegir, destroying all in their path. Trollheim held out for a time, and resistance still continues, but most of the island has come under the domination of these savage beasts. The Troll Fathers have been successful in taming some of the savages, though. This tamed group, known as the Valkyn, have adapted to Midgard ways, accepted their god as one of the Norse pantheon, and has joined forces with the Troll Fathers and the Norse to cleanse Aegir and Trollheim of the Morvaltar.

Améliorations graphiques:

Graphical Enhancements

Dark Age of Camelot is a beautiful game, even without a graphical overhaul. However, Dark Age of Camelot: Shrouded Isles will present the user with an even more beautifully detailed view of the game's world. Albion, Hibernia, and Midgard have never looked so good, with crisp details, smooth animation, and lots of new graphical effects.

Here's a short list of some of the new features:

Reflective surfaces
Realistic water with reflection with wakes as you move through it.
Shadows on players, monsters, and world objects.
Super high-resolution textures make every player, monster, and world object (including the ground!) more detailed.
Animation blending makes all monsters and characters move more smoothly and realistically.
Mip-mapping reduces texture "sparkle" at long distances.
New terrain system supports cliffs and other vertical surfaces not supported in the "outside" terrain areas of the world in the original game.
Faster frame rate.

( site officiel ici )

Par Nof SuivantSamedi le 17/9/2002 Ă  20:36:59 (#2176122)

Une vision des Ăźles ;)

Par sanaya/Zzorgh/Kimii le 18/9/2002 Ă  0:44:51 (#2177544)

2 nouveaux Dieux aussi Bogdar et Rakor

Par gulfora le 19/9/2002 Ă  6:11:57 (#2185781)

la principale difference entre le necro et le bonedancer vient au niveau du pet

le bonedancer ressucitera un cadavre d animaux , d ou un pet un peu similaire a celui du chasseur ou du sorcier

( 1 seul pet a la foit , mob charmé , permanant )

pour le necro mythic a preciser que que les systeme de pet sera completement inedit et que ce qui s en rapprochait le plus actuellement etait les pet de therugiste

d ou , je pense que le necro pourra avoir plusieur pets temporaire et/ou faible

en effet dans les film sur les mort vivant , quel est la force des zombie et autre squellettes ?

leur nombre , ils ont sont tres faible mais pour 1 tuer , 3 reviennent

l'armee des tenebre d'evil dead 3
les zombies de resident evil ou du retour des mort-vivant XXX
c est dans le meme genre

une armee ultra nombreuse de geurrier inintelligent , totalement insensible a la douleur faisant plier l enemi sous leur masse


pour justifier quelque peut ma theorie

tiré du site officiel

they can summon dead bodies and command them


ils peuvent invoquer ( et non charmer ) deS corpS mortS et les commander

dead bodies est bien au pluriel

Par Tapecaillou le 20/9/2002 Ă  14:08:34 (#2194933)

they can summon dead bodies and command them

Pas etre pour pinailler mais

Valewalkers don't get armor; instead they wear mage-like cloth robes

Pas etre pour ca que tapioutes hibs porter plusieurs robes en meme temps ...

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