Archives des forums MMO/MMORPG > Dark Age of Camelot > DAoC - Général > Kill Task lvl 21 - 41 ? Je reve ?
Kill Task lvl 21 - 41 ? Je reve ?
Par Abraham Lincoln le 29/7/2002 à 21:33:27 (#1872704)
rying to collect the info on the new kill tasks. This is what I have gathered from other posts, most of which came from a post made by Mikal93402. I have tried to organize it a bit, if you have more info or can fill in any blanks please do. The loc given is where the npc giving the task can be found, the item he wants and the mob that drops it. Also from what I have gathered you can only turn in a set # of the item (like the soul gems are now). Also if the mob is grey you cant do the task and if you cant get the task you cant have your higher lvl give you the item to turn in.
Task lvl............Loc.....................NPC......................Item...................Mob
?.............Cornwall...............Heylyn.................Lizard Skin........giant lizards
?.............Cornwall............Jack Landry............Silver Mirrors.............bucca
?.............Cornwall..........Afaliae Ruthic................Keys...............townsman
?.............Cornwall............Thule Ruthic............Pealliaidh Skin........pealliaidh
?.............Cornwall...........Eugene Aldar................Granite.........granite giant
?..........Caer Wiltrin..........Gregor Lannis.............Feathers.........cornish hens
?..........Caer Wiltrin..........Azreal Mucto.......Gems of Despoiled
?..........Caer Wiltrin..........Wina Wyman..................Flies..............fisherman
?..........Caer Wiltrin...............Etie........................Venom...............clerks
33............Cornwall..............Blair Aldar..............Dunter Heads..........dunters
?.........West Downs...............................Enchanted Stud....grave gob sham
?........Swanton Keep.....................................Grim Scraps
QQun serait a kel version cela correspond ?
Par Abraham Lincoln le 30/7/2002 à 1:09:09 (#1873548)
Par Loengrin Ismelüng le 30/7/2002 à 1:13:56 (#1873567)
Par evernever le 30/7/2002 à 1:16:33 (#1873579)
C'est ici version 1.51 :
General Quests
We're continuing our introduction of a new type of quest intended to pick up where kill tasks leave off. These new quests are a storyline-based type of kill task. There are 21 of these quests being added for each realm, and they are intended for players between levels 21 and 41. To maximize your benefit we recommend you do them at the suggested level, but you may need to bring a partner to ensure your success in slaying the appropriate monster. Speak with your local barkeep for more info.
@++ :merci:
Par kirinyaga le 30/7/2002 à 1:29:51 (#1873613)
Un mob sur 10 environ drop des objets que tu peux ensuite aller échanger contre de l'XP.
Par Abraham Lincoln le 30/7/2002 à 3:07:50 (#1873800)
Merci pr les reponses:merci: :merci: :merci:
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