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histoire de dereth

Par bagend le 30/10/2000 à 20:51:00 (#99373)

Si vous lisez bien ce trhread, vous verez l'utilité sur le pvp de cette hisotoire ( desoler pour langlais ) :

Welcome to Dereth

Either if you've decided to play Asheron's Call, or are thinking about getting it, then this guide will help you understand what Asheron's Call is all about. If you played any other Massivley Multiplayer Online RPG, then you'll be surprised at how original AC is. But first, let me share some thoughts with you about what AC is and how things work.
First, Asheron's Call, like every other Massivley Multiplayer Online RPG, uses servers. This can confuse people at first but this is how it goes: There are several servers. A server is what you connect to in order to play. Each server has its own unique world. The geometry of the world is no different than the others, but the players, and sometimes rules, of the world are all unique. With this information, you will want to pick a server that your friends play on, or one that suits your desire, for example if you enjoy PvP Combat, you will want to chose Dartide, as its the PvP server.

Next, you need to decide what you are going to be! There are a few techniques that can be used when deciding what kind of character you will play. My favorite: go with your instincts! Whatever you think sounds coolest will be the coolest and most fun for you. Second technique: try a few out! Dont restrict yourself to only one character. If you do play only one character, you may get to a higher level faster, but what happens when you realise that you dont really like how the character is played? All that hard work for nothing! Ouch! I'm going to elaborate on characters a little.

A character is who you are in this vast virtual world. Your character's actions and talents are what other people will judge you on, and your character's actions are based on what you want your character to do. Basically, you will be getting a virtual person, and run his life. Asheron's Call is set in a virtual fantasy world, so if you want to be a machine gun firing gangster, then you had better find a different game. There are many things about Asheron's Call that are ingenious, and there are many things that are not!

The Magic System. People who dont play Asheron's Call always wonder what the big hype about its magic system is. The hype is that it is purely innovative. Never have I seen a magic system this cool in a MMORPG. Let me tell you a little about it, no? You start off by picking what kind of schools of magic you would like to follow. There are four schools of magic: War Magic, Life Magic, Item Enchantment and Creature Enchantment. Lets talk about these a little:

War Magic: War Magic is your typical attacking magic. You can do elemental based attacks (Fire, Acid, Ice, and Lightning), as well as different types of attack (Piercing, Blunt and Slashing). There are diferent kind of spells such as Acid Volley or Force Bolt or very powerful forces of magic like Cassius' Ring of Fire or Eye of the Storm.

Life Magic: Life Magic is a school of magic based on what its called, Life! You have your healing spells, you have your drain health spells, and you have your buff spells. Healing spells heal health, for yourself and for others. Drain spells drain health, mana and stamina from the target. Buff spells buff yourself up, being able to take more attacks.

Item Enchantment: Item Enchantment is a very cool form of magic. It allows you to buff up your weapons, or debuff other creatures/peoples' weapons. Also, the ever popular Gate and Portal Spells are in the Item Enchantment line of spells. Keep this in mind, you'll want to remember that when creating a character!

Creature Enchantment: Creature Enchantment is the art of buffing. These spells will allow you to buff/debuff anything! Vulnerabilities, Resistances, Skill Levels, anything of these sorts are Creature Spells.

So now you have your magic schools, how do you get your magic spells? You research them! You start off with a few spells. You can take a look at the spell formulae for these spells and use that information to create new ones.

You have different types of components: a Scarab, an Herb, a Powder, a Potion and a Talisman. Then, you have diferent types of Scarabs, Herbs, Powders, Potions and Talismans that you can put in to make a spell formula. The Scarab stand for what level the spell is. You can have 6 levels of spells. Level 6 spells are extremely powerful. Level 1 spells are powerful but nothing compared to level 6. The potions, among other things, determines the kind of damage. The Herb, will also have to do with the kind of damage that is placed. The Talisman determines the target of the spell. So, for certain targets, certain Talismans are needed. A spell formula can also consist of Tapers to create new and more powerful spells. You can buy the spell components from a magic store and you also start out with some spell components when you create your character.

Melee Characters. These are your typical Swordsmen, Macemen and the like. There are several differnt forms of melee combat. Lets talk about them:

Swords: Swords are a very powerful weapon. They use slashing as their main damage type and a few swords also have piercing damage.

Unarmed: Unarmed combat is one of the most popular forms of melee combat. The fast attacks can have damage adding up in no time. Unarmed combat has 3 basic types of weapons and each one does its own form of damage. Blunt, Slashing and Piercing.

RaK :On a side note : Je n'ai pas bcp joué avec Lord Sid/Fizzle, je ne connais donc pas ses compétence en tant que fighter, reste que je sais qu'il est l'un des fighter les + actifs de Kara et que le resultat semble souvant au rendez vous. Je concois qu'il s'exprime de facon un peu violente mais chacun fonctionne à sa facon et votre réaction n'est pas tellement moins trash

C pas la le probleme, je remet pas en cause son niveau de PvP, mais kil se vante bcp trop. Lord sid, si tu peux etre moins vantard, t hisoire pourrais etre interessante nan ?

Ps : pour ce ki reponde, soyer discret et poli car ya un mechant mod ki closed des thread en laisant une remarke ou l'on peux pas repondre ( ;) )
pss : je camoufle ce trhread histoire de voir aussi ki verrait ce msg :D
bag le malin ( ou le noob )

Maces: Maces use blunt as their form of attack. Not many people use maces due to their slower attack speeds, but they generally have higher damages.

Axes: Axes also include War Hammers. These are slow but extremely powerful weapons. Axes use slashing and Hammers use blunt.

Staffs: These use blunt as their form of attack and are generally a pretty balanced weapon.

Daggers: Daggers utilize piercing and slashing damage. They have some of the fastest attacks and in more powerful daggers have some very high damage ratios. This is a fairly popular form of melee combat.

Melee Combat is basically running up to something and starting to whack at it, but it gets a little bit more advanced than that. I've heard people complain that melee combat is boring. It is, however, the most complex form of melee combat I've seen to date! There are several factors that come into play when dealing with combat. First, you can adjust the strength and speed of your attacks. The faster the attack, the weaker it is. The slower your attack, the stronger it is. Next, you chose if you want to swing low, high or medium. Low creatures, like rats and rabbits, can't be hit if you swing high so make sure you keep this in mind.

Melee Weapons also have elemental attacks as well as the various types of attacks. The elemental attacks are the same as the magic elements: Acid, Fire, Lightning and Ice. The kind of element on a weapon can easily be defined by what it looks like. Fire weapons have flames running up and down the blade, Acid weapons have green acid bubbles falling off of the weapons, Frost weapons have snowflakes running around the weapon and Lightning has lightning bolts shooting up and down the weapon. Also, each element has its opposite. Acid is opposite to lightning and Fire is opposite to Frost and vice versa.

There is one other form of combat, Ranged Weapons. These consist of, basically, 2 groups.

Archer: This contains Bows, Crossbows and Heavy Crossbows. This is one of the most popular forms of characters. They have long and powerful ranged attacks. They utilize all the differnt types of attacks as well.

Thrown Weapons: Thrown Weapons are not very powerful weapons. There are alot of different Throwing types of weapons available such as Javelins, knives and clubs but they are quite expensive and cumbersome.

Archery uses Arrows and Bolts for its Bows and Crossbows, respectively. There are Blunt Arrows, Slashing arrows and Piercing arrows. The same thing goes for Bolts. There are also all the different types of elemental arrows and bolts. Many people believe that Archers are the one of the most powerful character types in the game. Ask any archer and they'll tell you that the class is very fun to play.

What else is there to do besides kill? Well, you can pick up one of the trade skills! There is Alchemy, Fletching and Cooking. They all use a "different component = a different outcome" type of mentality. Alchemy is the art of creating potions. One would use Fletching to create arrows and bolts for their Bows and Crossbows. Cooking can be used to create items that will increase health, mana and stamina.

I hope I have shed a little bit of light on what is the vast world known as Dereth. Please, if you have any more questions stop by the AC Stratics IRC Room. Our staff is always in there and willing to help. For some more tips on character creation, have a look at our character creation area. To have a look at our spells database, click here.

I hope that your adventures throughout the land of Dereth are prosporous and exciting!


Par Rocco X L le 30/10/2000 à 22:33:00 (#99374)

De toute facon je tiens a dire qd meme que les talents pvp de sidious on s en fou il n a pas a etre juger sur ca et ne l est pas.

Franchement vous vous rendrez compte que tous le monde se vante, a chacun sa facon de le faire, y en a qui essaie de le lache crue, et d autres utilisent des implicites...
Les deux facons sont aussi bien sauf qu une des deux attire des idiots qui n ont rien a faire d autre que de flam.

Pour reprendre Darky ( darky c ca? ), oui c est clair ce forum est un peu mort mais en meme temps tu n aides pas et tu ne fais rien revivre.
Si tu veux faire revivre ce forum alors vient nous montrer tes exploits PvP et la ca deviendra plus interessant.

Alala mais vraiment en y reflechissant, ce forum est PvP, ca veut dire quoi dis donc?? Ca veut pas dire qu on parle de PvP?
Si non alors d accord Sidious n a pas le droit de raconter qu il a tuer tel ou tel mec, et il n a pas nonplus le droit de vanter les merites de tel ou tel mec. En locurence on parle de PvP ici donc que ca vous plaise ou non il "se doit" de raconter ses exploits a la maniere de son choix.

Vala vala.

PS: *** Echangez vos tactiques de combat, trouvez des combinaisons d'aptitudes meurtrières, racontez vos plus grands exploits guerriers, etc. ***

Voila la phrase du forum PvP de UO qui s applique aussi a celui de AC pkoi pas...

Echangez vos tactiques de combat: Bon on a à peu pres fais ca.
Trouvez des combinaisons d'aptitudes meurtrières: Hehe pkoi pas :p
Racontez vos plus grands exploits guerriers: Voila!!!

Maintenant vous allez me repondre: ouais mais bon lui il se vante il raconte pas.

Trouvez moi une facon de mieux raconter, surtout que lui felicite les adversaires

Par Darky le 31/10/2000 à 0:04:00 (#99375)

J'aimerais bien faire revivre ce forum mais ça m'est impossible car j'ai rien a raconter vu que je joue plus ... et la on m'a me dire ouais bah alors dégage keske tu fous la ... mais j'avais envie de dire ça ... ça a pris des proportions monstrueuses lol
Rocco j'avais pas la prétention de le faire revivre c t juste une remarque certe un peu crue mais qui a fait réagir ... Lord est d'ailleurs méga irritable et a l'insulte facile, c pas bon pour établir le dialogue héhéhéh
Je partage parfaitement ta vision de ce que doit etre ce forum mais bon la ça me titillait graaaave de dire ce que je pensais. C aussi une vision un peu utopique a mon avis mais bon on peut rêver !
Le forum devrait plutot etre renomé forum DT :) bien qu'on puisse pvp sur les carebear mais bon
Bon voila tout a été dit
Mistouze Rak va passer le locker je le sens je le sens
Tchao tchao

Par Rocco X L le 31/10/2000 à 13:11:00 (#99376)

En tout cas, ca me plait pas la facon dont vous avez tous a vous acharner sur Sidious, il est avant tout digne de respect comme tout le monde et ca implique donc un egard enver lui.

Meme si l insulte lui est facile, prends ca en compte et ne l attaque pas.

Par Sacre X L le 31/10/2000 à 13:19:00 (#99377)

Rocco ou LE Defenseur Des Opprimés :D

Par Darky le 31/10/2000 à 13:27:00 (#99378)

Entre nous c plutot lui qui manque un peu de respect ...
Enfin bon

Par bagend le 31/10/2000 à 13:34:00 (#99379)

tous archanés dessus ?? yavais casiement ke moi et Darky ! Ca metonnerai kon represente toute la communauté d'Ac ;)
Sinon un gars ki a l'insulte facil, jvois mal comment il pourrait etre digne de respect :-/ et je suis d'accord de le prendre en compte mais lui aussi, et pis on s'en fou des insulte, fo juste kil apprenne a conté les histoires ;)

Par PenPen le 31/10/2000 à 18:09:00 (#99380)

en fait il parait qu'il y a un gars dans casimir ...
chui decu

Par Sacre X L le 31/10/2000 à 23:10:00 (#99381)

Ouais ! jlai appris la semaine derniere :(

Par Ze Lord Sidious le 1/11/2000 à 1:33:00 (#99382)

Non, le probleme, c est qu a chaque fois que je suis malade, j ai l insulte qui part plus vite que la pensée... je sais c'est un peu cru, mais excusez moi par indulgeance, j ai plus de 39 de fièvre depuis 4 jours :(

Ma copine me dorlotte mais des que je suis contrarié c'est l'horreur :(

Bon, pour en revenir aux fait :p comment veux-tu que je raconte un exploit de ma part sans que cela semble vantard? si ca ne l était pas, ce serait pire... immagine : oui bon j ai tué stargod, mais bon, ca a rien d exeptionnel... t immagine ca toi????? je l ai tué une fois en 1 vs 1 et je trouvais que ca vallait un post... tres peu de gens pauvent dire l avoir tué, et j ai eu une chance monstrueuse d'en faire partie (stargod a fizzle 4 fois)... n etes vous pas d accord? si on ne se vante pas lorsque l on accompli quelque chose de proprement spéctaculaire, on viens en parler, et on est fier :D

et c normal de flame, mais pas de s acharner :)

ps : Victoire, désolé pour l'arc en peau d olthoi :) mais c'est moi qui ai eu le l00t donc..... mon spy s est racheté son armure Carebear que Mister "Sabretruc ki vends" s'évértue a me pier :)

Par Sacre X L le 1/11/2000 à 12:18:00 (#99383)

Moi ! jai deja tué Stargod 1v1 ! =))) et pis avant hier jai butté Dvn en duel bah c lui qui lavait cherché hein !? =)

Par Ze Lord Sidious le 1/11/2000 à 13:12:00 (#99384)

Ba tu vois, on est pas foule a pouvoir dire qu on l as fait :)

va tuer D plutot, parceque LUI c un gros emmerdeur... Bravo pour le kill de DVN quand meme, ca fait toujours plaisir de le frapper celui la... :p

Par Rocco X L le 2/11/2000 à 0:44:00 (#99385)

Et pis moi, jai tuer Sacre en duel ya pas lgt, pis DVN j ai jamais eu l occasion de le fighter... Bon je le nique c est ca? :)

Par Sacre X L le 2/11/2000 à 10:44:00 (#99386)

AH coco !! enfoiré ! tu sais tres bien que ca c joué d'un rien =)

Par RedSkins/MaX le 2/11/2000 à 12:10:00 (#99387)

DVN TF ou D TF cest le meme joueur sidious

Don't Drink And Drive Smoke A Spliff And Fly

Par Ze Lord Sidious le 2/11/2000 à 15:34:00 (#99388)

utilise cerveau sur post...
je parle du perso, pas du joueur... :D

au fait? ou en est tu?

[This message has been edited by Ze Lord Sidious (edited 02 Novembre 2000).]

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