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Trouver votre jumeu star wars [non-anglophone s'abstenir]

Par Vortex le 6/7/2002 à 22:22:41 (#1769498)

Qui est votre jumeau star wars?

C'est compliqué et en anglais, mais a la fin c'est assez marrant :)

Voila mes congennères star wars:


Moyen (47 pourcents)
Astro Mech Droids --


trè bas (13 pourcents)
Han Solo -- .


moyen (59 pourcents)

Agreebleaness: (J'ai pas trouvé de traductions)

Bas (27 pourcents)
Boba Fett


très haute (90 pourcents) (attention je suis un psychopathe :ange: )
Tuscan warriors

Par Sir Lancy Hamster le 6/7/2002 à 22:30:44 (#1769525)

Piges franchement rien !

C'est quoi la question du tout début ??? :doute: :confus: :aide:

Par Vortex le 6/7/2002 à 22:32:53 (#1769532)

Provient du message de Sir Lancy Hamster
Piges franchement rien !

C'est quoi la question du tout début ??? :doute: :confus: :aide:

J'avais prévenu :ange:

Par Fockusse le 6/7/2002 à 23:27:01 (#1769707)

Pffff.... chui arrivé a la question 32n j'arrive pas a allé plus loin :) fo du courage pour faire ce test :) je continuerais un autres jour.... :rolleyes:

Par Frère YoshiYuki le 7/7/2002 à 1:34:46 (#1770082)

Alors moi j'ai eu

Ouverture d'esprit: Oncle Owen et Tante Beru (average 35%)

conscience: Mon Mothma - Sénateur (High 69%)

Extraversion: Wampa - les petites bêtes de la planète de glace- lol (Very Low 12%)

Agréable: l'Empereur ! (Very Low 10%)

agressivité: La princesse Leia (Very Low 7%).

En gros : je suis un sale con toujours calme!

C'est ça que ça veut dire hein...

Par Kuldar Yldrad le 7/7/2002 à 1:38:45 (#1770092)


low (30 %)
Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru


low (30 %)
Admiral Ozzel


low (15 %)

Agreebleaness (pas trouvé non plus:p ):

neither high nor low (50 %)
Darth vader/Anakin Skywalker


very low (3 %)
Princess Leia

Sympa ce test :)

Par Sobert le 7/7/2002 à 11:49:33 (#1770985)

openness : 59% : Astro Mech Droids

Conscientous : 21% Admiral Ozzel

Extraversion : 37% Old Ben Kenobi

Agreeableness : 0% Emperor Palpatine
Je vous livre le texte : You: very low (0 percentile)
Emperor Palpatine -- An evil, power hungry tyrant, he is manipulative, evil, and ruthless.

Neuroticism : 15% Princess Leia.

Par lebowski le 7/7/2002 à 13:04:13 (#1771196)

ouverture d'esprit: oncle Owen et tante Beru.....35% (ca casse...)

consciencieux: grand Mof Tarkin....52%

extraverti: Luke Skywalker.....64%

"agreableté" (on dirait du Binabik dans le texte...haha): Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker.......50%

agressivité: princesse Leia.....11%

Eh Beh...

Par Seyluun le 7/7/2002 à 21:43:57 (#1773353)

openness: high 65% Wicket (un ewok...)

conscientious: low 17% Han Solo

Extraversion: low 15% Wampas

Agreeableness: very low 1% Emperor Palpatine

Neuroticism 5% very low Princess Leïa

Par Kodha le 8/7/2002 à 1:30:12 (#1774276) neither high nor low (47 percentile)
Astro Mech Droids -- This model of droid lies in the middle of the Openness dimension because although they are generally rule bound and conservative, they are also creative and often ingenious in their approach to the problem at hand. low (17 percentile)
Han Solo -- This disheveled and scruffy smuggler leads a reckless and haphazard life, with little respect for rules and procedures. neither high nor low (59 percentile)
Ewoks -- A species with extraverted and introverted tendencies. On one hand they are a shy, timid, and reclusive species. On the other hand, they are very sociable, living in groups, placing great emphasis of interpersonal relations low (27 percentile)
Boba Fett -- A mean and menacing bounty hunter, known for his ruthlessness. neither high nor low (43 percentile)
Chewbacca -- This wookie belongs in the middle of Neuroticism because on one hand he is a strong and fearless individual but on the other hand he is excitable and easily upset (as shown by his reaction before C-3P0 suggested R2-D2 "let the wookie win").

Par Sybilline le 9/7/2002 à 17:33:30 (#1782030)

opennenss: 80
Yoda -- This wise, philosophical, and thoughtful Jedi master challenges the establishment, encouraging his pupils to unlearn what they have learned and see the world in novel, creative ways.

conscientous: 25
Admiral Ozzel -- A generally conscientious soldier who is susceptible to occasional lapses & blunders, such as the mistake he made at the beginning of the imperial assault on the rebel base at Hoth.

Extraversion: 31
"Old Ben" Kenobi -- this crazy old hermit isn't seen much. He doesn't appear to desire company, keeping himself to himself.

agreableness: 79
Qui-Gon Jinn -- This Jedi master is loyal, sensitive, and sympathetic.

neurotism: 14
Princess Leia-- A confident & calm individual who does not crack under pressure (e.g.,. when being threatened by Lord Vader). She is brave and relaxed, even when in great danger (e.g., when disguising herself as a bounty hunter to gain access to Jabba the Hutt's palace).

waaaa, chuis Yoda!!!!:amour: :amour:

Par Garou Willer le 10/7/2002 à 0:02:15 (#1783849)

You: high (80 percentile)
Yoda -- This wise, philosophical, and thoughtful Jedi master challenges the establishment, encouraging his pupils to unlearn what they have learned and see the world in novel, creative ways.

You: high (74 percentile)
Mon Mothma -- This is a senator of great integrity and responsibility whose talent for organization has streamlined the Alliances communications, decision-making, & accounting.

You: high (74 percentile)
Luke Skywalker -- An ambitious, energetic, and adventuresome young man. He longs to leave the slow paced, lonely life on Tattooine.

You: very high (87 percentile)
Obi-Wan Kenobi -- This loyal, kind, and honorable young Jedi is a good man.

You: very low (4 percentile)
Princess Leia -- A confident & calm individual who does not crack under pressure (e.g.,. when being threatened by Lord Vader). She is brave and relaxed, even when in great danger (e.g., when disguising herself as a bounty hunter to gain access to Jabba the Hutt's palace).

Par Sybilline le 10/7/2002 à 17:42:31 (#1787315)

mdr, c'est moi ou les stats de Garou rendent tout le monde béat d'admiration?? :D

C'est vrai Garou, si tu n'as pas triché, tu frises la perfection sur ce coup là. :chut:

(Coment ça le niveau en anglais aussi?? Méééé non....)

Par Filwe Elk le 10/7/2002 à 20:02:47 (#1787980)

openness high (65 percentile)

Wicket -- A particularly curious, inventive, and resourceful young Ewok, open to exploring new ideas and developing novel solutions to everyday problems (e.g., destroying AT-STs).

High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.

conscientous low (30 percentile)

Admiral Ozzel -- A generally conscientious soldier who is susceptible to occasional lapses & blunders, such as the mistake he made at the beginning of the imperial assault on the rebel base at Hoth.

High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.

extraversion high (64 percentile)

Luke Skywalker -- An ambitious, energetic, and adventuresome young man. He longs to leave the slow paced, lonely life on Tattooine.

High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.

agreeableness neither high nor low (38 percentile)

Boba Fett -- A mean and menacing bounty hunter, known for his ruthlessness.

High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.

neurtosim low (22 percentile)

R2-D2 -- A brave droid, who remains calm, confident and unperturbed even during the most dangerous of missions.

High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.

Par Qu'un Oeil le 16/7/2002 à 1:24:39 (#1811088)

neither high nor low (35 percentile)

Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru -- Taking the role of Luke Skywalkers Guardians on Tatooine, they prefer to focus on pragmatic everyday needs of moisture farming. They are generally unwilling to entertain Luke's broader vision, protecting Luke from new ideas (even if they know some of them to be true!).

High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.

neither high nor low (41 percentile)

Grand Moff Tarkin -- Is in the middle of conscientiousness because although he is usually a highly organized leader with a keen eye for detail, he occasionally misses a small but crucial detail (e.g., vulnerable exhaust ports on death stars).

High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.

very low (5 percentile)

Wampas -- reclusive creatures of the ice planet Hoth. They are rarely seen & generally shy, leading a solitary existence.

High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.

very low (14 percentile)

Emperor Palpatine -- An evil, power hungry tyrant, he is manipulative, evil, and ruthless.

High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.

low (27 percentile)

R2-D2 -- A brave droid, who remains calm, confident and unperturbed even during the most dangerous of missions.

High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.

Rhaaaa ca c'est du test

Par Merlin Astaldo le 16/7/2002 à 2:16:51 (#1811201)

Hihi sympa mais franchement long :)

Par Thorak le 16/7/2002 à 13:15:28 (#1812862)

You: neither high nor low (59 percentile)
Astro Mech Droids -- This model of droid lies in the middle of the Openness dimension because although they are generally rule bound and conservative, they are also creative and often ingenious in their approach to the problem at hand.

You: very low (13 percentile)
Han Solo -- This disheveled and scruffy smuggler leads a reckless and haphazard life, with little respect for rules and procedures.

You: high (79 percentile)
Luke Skywalker -- An ambitious, energetic, and adventuresome young man. He longs to leave the slow paced, lonely life on Tattooine.

You: neither high nor low (38 percentile)
Boba Fett -- A mean and menacing bounty hunter, known for his ruthlessness.

You: high (66 percentile)
C-3P0 -- This fussy droid is generally anxious and nervous with a constitution that often seems unsuitable for the danger in which it finds itself.

Je dois dire que ce n'est pas vraiment le resultat auquel je m'attendais... faudra peut etre que je revoie mon vocabulaire Anglais, j'suis sur, ca ne put venir que de la, j'ai pas compris les questions, c'est tout... ;)

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