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C etait il y a 28 mois...

Par Darkdiamond le 29/5/2002 à 5:07:12 (#1546879)

Le 23 janvier 2000, Verant annonçait la sortie future de Star Wars Galaxies. Les joueurs d'Everquest réagissent sur les forums. Everquest était encore alors plein de défauts, les moqueries allaient bon train. Mon PC s'en souvient encore. Voici quelques morceaux choisis...
Attention, je doute que les personnes n'ayant pas joué à Everquest comprennent toutes ces histoires (certaines sont relativement generaliste, mais d'autres plus pointilleuses et visent directement EQ). Enfin, moi ça m'a bien fait rire.

Une derniere chose, c'est en anglais, sorry, mais c'est de l'anglais assez facile...

Obi-Wan, Lvl 50 Jedi Master
Obi-Wan: Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine..

An Darth Vader strikes Obi-Wan for 120 points of damage.
Obi-Wan is unconscious.
An Darth Vader strikes Obi-Wan for 120 points of damage.
An Darth Vader slays Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan is now 49th level.

Obi-Wan: Damn...


You tell C3PO: "3PO, 3PO, We are stuck down in the garbage shute. The walls are closing in and there is a big snake trying to eat us!! Open the door, turn off the machine, DO SOMETHING!!!"
C3PO tells you: I am A.F.K (Away from keyboard).

You say: WTF!!!!!

You tell C3PO: God dammit. DO SOMETHING!!! HELP!!!!

C3PO tells you: I am A.F.K (Away from keyboard).

You say: SON OF A B**CH!!!

A giant snake bites YOU for 68 damage
A giant snake constricts YOU for 34 damage

A wall crushes YOU for 10000 damage.

Pain and suffering tries to strike YOU but misses.

YOU have been slain by a wall.



You have entered The Jundland Wastes.

A Sand Person slashes YOU for 48 damage!
A Sand Person clubs YOU for 37 damage!
A Sand Person slashes YOU for 56 damage!

You have been SLAIN by a Sand Person!


You have entered Mos Eisley.

You say, "WTF?!"
/petition I was zoning from the Cantina to Docking Bay 94 when I found myself in the MIDDLE of the Jundland Wastes getting killed by the Sand People.

Jedi Knight Sho-Juur tells you, "How can I help you?"
You tell Sho-Juur, "I was zoning from the Cantina when I found myself HALFWAY across the continent in the Jundland Wastes where I was KILLED by Sand People. I was OBVIOUSLY killed because of a bug. Can I get an XP res?
Jedi Knight Sho-Juur tells you, "You did NOT die because of a bug..."
You tell Sho-Juur, "I did NOT die because of a bug..."
Jedi Knight Sho-Juur tells you, "You do NOT need to get an XP res..."
You tell Sho-Juur, "I do NOT need to get an XP res..."
Jedi Knight Sho-Juur tells you, "You do NOT need to bother us Jedi with your whining ANYMORE..."
You tell Sho-Juur, "I do NOT need to bother you Jedi with my whining ANYMORE..."
Jedi Knight Sho-Juur tells you, "Go away..."
You tell Sho-Jur, "Going away..."


/petition Hello, my name is Darth Vader, i'm an officer in the Imperial guild. Anyway, last night a level 5 X-Wing pilot somehow destroyed our level 50 death star! I am sure he was using some exploit. He was able to pinpoint a weakness and fly right to it. Perhaps he was using one of those packet sniffing utilities. I don't know. He must have got 20 levels from killing us anyway, his name is Luke Skywalker. Please ban him immediately.


Shout "WTF I saw Luke do it with a leg bone and skull"
a Rancor hits you for 150 points of damage.
Loading Please wait


Obi Wan says, "Luke, you must [Travel to the Dagobah System]"
You: How can I Travel to the Dagobah System?

OW: .....

You: What do I need to Travel to the Dagobah System?

OW: .....

You: Travel to the Dagobah System?

OW: .....

You: Damn it, where is the goddamn Dagomah System?!?!

Obi Wan says, "You must not let your anger get the better of you, if you wish to become a Jedi Knight"

Obi Wan has slashed you for 240 damage!

You have become one with the Force!

Loading, please wait.....


Jar Jar Binks says, "Ah, muee-muee!! Yous'a be me FRENND??"
/ignore Jar Jar

Jar Jar Binks says, "Whuss'a MATTER? Yous'a NO talkkee much...!"

/ignoreignoreIGNORE Jar Jar DAMMIT!

Jar Jar Binks says, "How WUUD!!"

You say, "Grrrr...!
YOU slap Jar Jar Binks upside the head for 1 damage!
You have SLAIN Jar Jar Binks!

You have increased your faction with EVERY KNOWN BEING IN THE UNIVERSE!


You have entered Docking Bay 94.

You say, "What a hunk of JUNK!"
Han Solo says, "She'll make .5 past lightspeed."
You say, "THIS thing? .5 PAST lightspeed?! TWINKER!!!"


Death Star Laser fizzles
Death Star Laser fizzles
Death Star Laser fizzles
Death Star Laser fizzles
Death Star Laser fizzles
Death Star Laser fizzles
Death Star Laser fizzles
Death Star Laser fizzles
Death Star Laser fizzles
Death Star Laser fizzles
You have destroyed Dagobah
Planet Destroying (1)


Uncle Owen says, "Take these droids in and get them cleaned up."
You say, "But I was going into Toshi's Station to pick up some power converters...!"

You have become better at WHINING. (1)


I'm Darth Vader. Second-in-command of the guild .
Last night, I came across a BIGTIME cheater.
I was duelling this upstart "Ben Kenobi". He wasn't a BAD guy when I first met him. In FACT, he taught me a LOT when I first started playing, but I *TEND* to fall into the 'powergamer' catagory and that wasn't HIS style of play. Before long, I out-levelled him and he wouldn't play with me anymore saying I was too 'evil' for him...

So, anyway, I bump into him the other night and he challenged me to a DUEL!
I almost didn't recognize him because, although I *KNOW* he's a Knight, he was wearing a Robe of the Hermit (so OBVIOUSLY he's exploiting a BUG...).
The battle didn't go well for him. It wasn't even CLOSE...
But, THIS is where it all went south.
Just at the point where I was going to deliver the Death-blow, the creep VANISHED!! Apparantly, he pulled the plug on his modem to keep from from losing XP!!

I was SOOOOO mad!!!

So, Verant, PLEASE check this guy's logs to confirm his cheating and BAN him! (Or better YET, nerf him so that he can only play the game as a 'ghost', being able to talk to people but NOT do anything else.. It'll drive him CRAZY..!!!)

And people, if you bump into this 'Ben Kenobi', he's a LIAR and a CHEATER...!!! He'll tell you some NASTY things about me that AREN'T true.

I've got a reputation to protect here...

Darth Vader
Level 50 Sith Lord
Death Star Server


Hey an Ewok.
Princess Leia says, "Hey There Little guy"
Wow it only cons Green.
/em Princess Leia Takes off her Helmet.
Princess Leia says, "Don't Be afriad it's only a hat, here look."
An Ewok Pierces YOU for 60 points of Damage.
Princess Leia Shouts, "WTF"
YOU Try to Slash an Ewok but An Ewok Ripostes.
An Ewok Bashes YOU for 20 points of Damage.
An Ewok Pierces YOU for 70 points of Damage.
An Ewok Kicks you for 30 points of Damage.
Princess Leia says, "WTF is going on."
Princess Leia says, "AHHHHHHHH"
An Ewok Pierces YOU for 60 points of Damage.
YOU Have Slain by An Ewok.



Luke and Obi Pull up to Mos Eisley in the Speeder with the Droids.

Stormtrooper says, "Can I see some identification"
Obi Won Begins his Concentration.
Obi Won says, "You don't need to See his Identification."
Stormtrooper says, "We don't need to see his identification."
StormTrooper says, "Are these the Droids were looking for."
Obi Won Begins his Concentration.
Stromtrooper RESISTS the Jedi Mind Trick.
Stormtrooper says, "These are the Droids were looking for, Blast them all."
Obi Won says, "WTF"
Luke says, "WTF"
C3PO says, "WTF"
R2D2 says, "BEEP BEEP"
YOU are shot by a blast to the face.
YOU are bleeding.

YOU have been slain by a Stormtrooper.



Obiwan shouts, "Inc!"
DarthVader shouts, "OBIWAN!"

Obiwan has been slain by DarthVader.

C3PO shouts, "Vader argod! Camping!"

R2D2 shouts, "Camping!"

DarthVader shouts, "R2D2!"

R2D2 has been slain by DartVader.

LukeSkywalker shouts, "ROFLMAO that ***** got it good!"

DarthVader shouts, "LUKE!"

LukeSkywalker says, "Oh ****..."

DarthVader shouts, "I am your father!"


Chewi - "Argleargleargleargle"
Han - "What!"
Chewie - "Argleargleargleargle"
Han -"WTF doOd, speak common will ya"
Chewie "That stormtopper threw a thermal detonator at you"
Han "Doh!"
You have been hit by a thermal detonator for 32000 damage



Patch Message:
We have enhancec Jar-Jar Binxs as too many people were complaining they couldn't get a chance to kill him. Jar-Jar is now level 53, can now See Cloaked, Can mass fear. . . er annoy, and will randomly spawn in any zone and follow any person at random jabbering his head off. We are also including a library of speech for Jar-Jar to go along with his phrases. This patch should take three hours to download. We have also removed Darth Maul as everyone seemed to like him -- eh, I mean he had pathing problems.


L'intégrale (5 pages de posts) sur demande!


Par chaya le 29/5/2002 à 11:35:29 (#1548118)

Attention, je doute que les personnes n'ayant pas joué à Everquest comprennent toutes ces histoires

:doute: Ca tu peux le dire, j'ai rien mais alors rien du tout compris... :doute:

Par Elladan Araphin le 29/5/2002 à 11:41:12 (#1548151)

Tout pareil que Chaya.


Par Rollback le 29/5/2002 à 11:53:02 (#1548218)

Excellent ! En particulier celui là :

/petition Hello, my name is Darth Vader, i'm an officer in the Imperial guild. Anyway, last night a level 5 X-Wing pilot somehow destroyed our level 50 death star! I am sure he was using some exploit. He was able to pinpoint a weakness and fly right to it. Perhaps he was using one of those packet sniffing utilities. I don't know. He must have got 20 levels from killing us anyway, his name is Luke Skywalker. Please ban him immediately.


Par Lumina le 29/5/2002 à 11:54:47 (#1548229)

c'etait tres divertissant :)

Par Poudre le 29/5/2002 à 14:22:33 (#1549122)

Jar Jar Binks says, "Ah, muee-muee!! Yous'a be me FRENND??"
/ignore Jar Jar

Jar Jar Binks says, "Whuss'a MATTER? Yous'a NO talkkee much...!"

/ignoreignoreIGNORE Jar Jar DAMMIT!

Jar Jar Binks says, "How WUUD!!"

You say, "Grrrr...!
YOU slap Jar Jar Binks upside the head for 1 damage!
You have SLAIN Jar Jar Binks!

You have increased your faction with EVERY KNOWN BEING IN THE UNIVERSE!

Excellent :mdr:

Par Ondarius Ed Troac le 29/5/2002 à 18:44:49 (#1550650)

Obi Wan says, "Luke, you must [Travel to the Dagobah System]"
You: How can I Travel to the Dagobah System?

OW: .....

You: What do I need to Travel to the Dagobah System?

OW: .....

You: Travel to the Dagobah System?

OW: .....

You: Damn it, where is the goddamn Dagomah System?!?!

Obi Wan says, "You must not let your anger get the better of you, if you wish to become a Jedi Knight"

Obi Wan has slashed you for 240 damage!

You have become one with the Force!

Loading, please wait.....

You tell C3PO: "3PO, 3PO, We are stuck down in the garbage shute. The walls are closing in and there is a big snake trying to eat us!! Open the door, turn off the machine, DO SOMETHING!!!"
C3PO tells you: I am A.F.K (Away from keyboard).

You say: WTF!!!!!

You tell C3PO: God dammit. DO SOMETHING!!! HELP!!!!

C3PO tells you: I am A.F.K (Away from keyboard).

You say: SON OF A B**CH!!!

A giant snake bites YOU for 68 damage
A giant snake constricts YOU for 34 damage

A wall crushes YOU for 10000 damage.

Pain and suffering tries to strike YOU but misses.

YOU have been slain by a wall.


Obiwan shouts, "Inc!"
DarthVader shouts, "OBIWAN!"

Obiwan has been slain by DarthVader.

C3PO shouts, "Vader argod! Camping!"

R2D2 shouts, "Camping!"

DarthVader shouts, "R2D2!"

R2D2 has been slain by DartVader.

LukeSkywalker shouts, "ROFLMAO that ***** got it good!"

DarthVader shouts, "LUKE!"

LukeSkywalker says, "Oh ****..."

DarthVader shouts, "I am your father!"


Re: C etait il y a 28 mois...

Par Darkdiamond le 29/5/2002 à 18:59:21 (#1550732)

Désolé Chaya et Elladan, je pense qu'expliquer ces blagues leur ferait perdre tout leur charme (la plus part m'ont fait rire car elles m'ont fait penser à des expériences malheureuses sur Everquest).

Enfin, personellement ma favorite est :

Luke and Obi Pull up to Mos Eisley in the Speeder with the Droids.

Stormtrooper says, "Can I see some identification"
Obi Won Begins his Concentration.
Obi Won says, "You don't need to See his Identification."
Stormtrooper says, "We don't need to see his identification."
StormTrooper says, "Are these the Droids were looking for."
Obi Won Begins his Concentration.
Stromtrooper RESISTS the Jedi Mind Trick.
Stormtrooper says, "These are the Droids were looking for, Blast them all."
Obi Won says, "WTF"
Luke says, "WTF"
C3PO says, "WTF"
R2D2 says, "BEEP BEEP"
YOU are shot by a blast to the face.
YOU are bleeding.

YOU have been slain by a Stormtrooper.



Par Delhanil le 29/5/2002 à 20:15:55 (#1551147)


Même sans avoir été sur EQ, c'est quand même assez compréhensible, comme type de situation...... LoL:hardos:

Provient du message de Darkdiamond :
L'intégrale (5 pages de posts) sur demande!

Demande effectuée..........:ange:

Par Garou Willer le 29/5/2002 à 22:31:37 (#1552091)

Reelement excellent !:mdr:

Par Dreadskulo le 29/5/2002 à 23:07:24 (#1552284)

Bof j suis loin d etre par terre a hurler de rire
A la limite sourire sur certains mais c est tout

Remarque c est bon signe prouve que je suis desintoxique des EQ likes ....bonne nouvelle donc :)

En fait j crois surtout que apres SWI, je suis devenu difficile :cool:

Par Jérav Enrou le 29/5/2002 à 23:54:15 (#1552497)

Très fort, merci Dark. :bouffon:

Par Arkanne le 30/5/2002 à 3:30:14 (#1553150)

Je veux bien l'integrale aussi :)

WTF ça veut dire quoi sinon ?

Par Eagle le 30/5/2002 à 4:08:11 (#1553192)

what the..:monstre:

Par chaya le 30/5/2002 à 10:25:50 (#1553948)

Désolé Chaya et Elladan, je pense qu'expliquer ces blagues leur ferait perdre tout leur charme

Bah ca fait rien , on aura bien l'occasion de rire Ingame un de ces jours ;)

Vivement que je recoive ma confirmation pour la béta :cool:

Je crois que je reve deja un peu trop là....

Par Arkanne le 30/5/2002 à 19:04:35 (#1556966)

Provient du message de Eagle :
what the..:monstre:

Ok merci bien :)

Par buba le 1/6/2002 à 20:44:03 (#1571461)

j'ai jouer pendant plus de trois ans a everquest et ca me fais pas du tout rire ... :monstre:

JOL Archives 1.0.1
@ JOL / JeuxOnLine