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Essayer le bureaucrate !

Par Munn le 23/12/2001 à 7:45:16 (#600764)

Je viens d'essayer le bureaucrat , et bien c'est cool, peut-être qu'il a de moins bon skill que l'engineer , mais son pet a une autre gueule et il a des sorts interessants...

Je vous en dirait plus quand j'aurais plus d'experience avec cette classe, mais en attendant , je vous invite à essayer cette profession délaisser sur Ao

Personellement je vous recommande la commande /pet hunt , ou mieux la macro /macro Hunt /pet hunt car avoir son pet tout rouge qui butte tranquillement la faune avoisinante pendant que l'on sirote une bonne biere avec ses potes c'est vraiement genial :p

Par Munn le 23/12/2001 à 7:47:01 (#600767)

J'ai oublier de dire quand sirotant mon verre je gagnait de l'experience :p

J'adore déja cette classe


Par Satya le 23/12/2001 à 12:35:42 (#601190)

Le bureaucrat est très sympa en effet,

le pet est en fait 4 lvl plus haut que toi, donc tu peux faire des missions hard, sans te fatiguer :)

Par Munn le 23/12/2001 à 14:04:54 (#601419)

Un petit supplement , les changements prevus pour les bureaucrates de'ici deux mois (enfin j'espere ):

Bureaucrat Changes

The following are the planned changes for the bureaucrat. Some of them will make it to the 13.2 patch.

The way charm works is going to get a small overhaul. First, understand that there were always meant to be 2 charm lines for the bureaucrats – one with ‘low’ resist, and one with ‘high’ resist. The high resist charm was meant to allow the bureaucrat to charm a second monster, albeit with some difficulty. That hasn’t worked out too well in the past, but is still the plan. We’ll call the low resist charm the stable charm, and the high resist charm the unstable charm.

The first charm change is that, for both charm lines, a percentage of the bureaucrat’s Psychology skill is going to be added to the attack roll, above and beyond the existing check. So, the higher your Psychology skill, the better chance you have of landing your charm. Second, the duration of the stable charm is going to be dramatically increased. Roughly every 50 levels, it will be increased by 5 minutes. So, a level 200 charm would last for roughly 20 minutes.

The duration of the unstable charm will be slightly extended, but not in the same way. It will still have the same, short, duration it currently has, but will have a random element to the duration added. So, you will know the minimum time the unstable charm will last, but not know exactly how long it will last.

We are also going to revamp the way mind control works so that mind controlled monsters are treated as pets in terms of what they can attack (the change where they cannot attack family members will be going away).

New XP loss reduction nanos
The bureaucrat will gain a line of nanos that let them reduce the amount of XP lost upon death. These will be a short-duration emergency nano (probably around 30 seconds in duration). They are meant to be used in the "OMG OMG OMG I’m going to die! Buff me, buff me!" situation. They will be single-target nanos, not team versions.

Pet Taunting
The bureaucrat will gain a new nano that allows them to increase the taunting ability of their pet (but only their robot pet, not any mind controlled pets). This will make it more likely that the pet will tank more often – NOT that it will tank 100% of the time.

Speech nanos
There will be some new lines of buffs and debuffs, affecting the area around the bureaucrat. Motivational speeches will do things such as increase the chance of a critical hit, or increase nano AC. De-motivational speeches will do things such as lower nano AC, lower the chance of a critical hit, or reduce current nano points. Like the engineer nanos, the effect that is placed on other people will have a very low NCU cost; the buff on the bureaucrat will have the normal NCU cost.

Pets, part 2
We are also going to look into the possibility of giving the bureaucrat pets some limited nano ability. With the existing pet AI, this may or may not be possible. What is envisioned is that the pets will get some combat buffs like the enforcer’s Challenger line of buffs. They won’t use them all the time, however, just some of the time (sort of a "Woot! My pet buffed.")

A set of paperwork tradeskills is going to be added. (More info coming)

Suits and Briefcase
Some special items are going to be made for the bureaucrat. Special, executive suit-and-tie items will be available, as will a suitcase. The suit will give some buff effects (such as increasing psychology and max nano energy, for example). The briefcase will allow the bureaucrat to open their personal bank from any location. How the bureaucrat will obtain these items has not been finalized.

Finally, here is the new design for how mind control is going to operate:

Mind Control Design
When a monster is mind controlled, it needs to be considered exactly the same as a normal pet in terms of what it can attack. This includes it being able to attack friends (both on the same side and in the same NPC family).

When the mind control on the pet wears off, the following needs to happen:

The combat it is engaged in stops. It will stop attacking, and if the thing it is fighting is a monster, that monster should also stop attacking.

The hate lists of these two monsters are modified in the following ways: assume that there is a monster A, a charmed monster B and the player Z who charmed monster B. If A and B are fighting and the mind control times out, the entry for B on A’s hate list is removed, and B then inherits A’s hate list – except for the hate B may have towards Z (B keeps its own hate towards Z rather than inheriting A’s hate towards Z). If B is not in a fight when the mind control times out, then don’t do anything to its hate list. We do it this way so that when the mind control times out, B will most likely attack Z, but can still be taunted off Z; while A goes back to fighting whoever has annoyed it the most. This means that at the end of the mind control, B and A will have the same hate list, with the exception that B will also have some additional hate towards Z.

Example: players are X, Y and Z (monsters are still A and B, B mind controlled by Z). A’s hate list looks like: X=1000, Y=1500, Z=200, B=3000. B’s hate list looks like: A=2800, Z=1800. The mind control on B wears off, and A and B stop fighting. A’s hate list then looks like: X=1000, Y=1500, Z=200. B’s hate list looks like: X=1000, Y=1500, Z=1800.

Any damage that is done by a mind controlled monster needs to be counted towards the caster in terms of who is recognized as getting the kill on a monster (both for loot and XP purposes).

Mind controlled monsters do not follow through zone lines.

It needs to be possible to have more than one mind controlled monster at the same time.

Par Wiseman le 23/12/2001 à 14:41:45 (#601597)

Bah dis donc... déjà que le crat était puissant...


Par TeQuiLa le 24/12/2001 à 11:53:58 (#605748)

vi, on est puissants, mais tellllllement mal aimés, aussi :(

faut dire que leur connerie de "motivational speech", ca aide pas pour avoir de bonnes relations...

et pour info, ya deja des trucs du copié-collé ci dessus qui sont en place, depuis le 13.3 (le motiv speech, par exemple ;) )

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