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Ouch ! Lord British dans Lineage !

Par Mind le 18/12/2001 à 20:46:47 (#580979)

Et ben ! L'air coréen ne lui a pas réussi à Lord British !

Ouch ! Ca fait un choc ! :eek:



Par dodge le 18/12/2001 à 21:37:53 (#581329)

euh le goblin que je suis se revolte !!!!!!

Par Lady Angel le 18/12/2001 à 21:41:07 (#581353)

lord british est vieux, avec une grande barbe blanche...

ils ont besoin de rajeunir l'image d'UO ou quoi ?

Par Lady Patapone le 18/12/2001 à 21:47:54 (#581404)

Garriott les accumules ma parole ....
Il fait que des conneries celui la ....
Je crois en LineAge , mais Lord British , un gringalet de ce genre .....
Là non !
Tss ....

Par Stelai le 18/12/2001 à 21:57:59 (#581461)


c tout ce k'il y ait a dire je pense

Par Lady Angel le 18/12/2001 à 21:59:13 (#581466)

Même po, c'est inadmissible.

ceci n'est pas une attaque contre les mangas mais enfin...

lord british n'est pas le résultat d'une tentative de reproduction entre FF8 et silver mince !!!

Par Main d'Argent le 19/12/2001 à 0:02:02 (#582236)

entièrement d'accord avec vous ....j'ai l'impression qu'uo perd de plus en plus de son identité....

Par Lady Angel le 19/12/2001 à 6:30:19 (#582856)

Apparement c'est pas pour UO mais pour lineage, le nouveau projet de garriott.
enfin bon, garriott est le père d'UO et des ultimas... c'est quand même une perte d'identité...

Par patchanka le 19/12/2001 à 9:59:53 (#582909)

moi je suis triste du depart de lord british, ea a commence son cycle de destruction d'UO ...:sanglote:

Par Mind le 19/12/2001 à 10:27:43 (#582985)

Provient du message de Lady Angel
Apparement c'est pas pour UO mais pour lineage, le nouveau projet de garriott.

Oui, d'où le titre de mon message : "Lord British dans Lineage !". :)

Par Mind le 19/12/2001 à 10:43:32 (#583056)

L'explication de Melantus :

It's not anime, it's the character style of Lineage. Lord British, or
other characters that appear within Lineage, are going to of course fit
within the style of the game itself. Think about it this way: Santa
Claus appears as many different forms, depending on what country he is
in. Anything from a thin wizard-looking character in a green hooded
robe, to what we have in the US. Now I'm not saying Lord British is
Santa, what I am saying is there are the ways in which fictional
characters appear depending upon the "realm" they are in. If you saw
some anime character appear on an X-Man cartoon, you would expect that
visiting character to be drawn in a similar style of where they are
visiting (of course, with a certain general appearance based upon what
they looked like in their anime appearance).

We in the US are used to and expect characters to appear a certain way.
Other countries have their own styles, and that is all we are talking
about is a regional style. Most certainly, if Lord British appeared
elsewhere, his appearance might be somewhat different then even this.
Within the game, his character looks really nice and appears as
"masculine" as any other character. He looks regal, and stands out.

It may disturb some veteran fans to see something they are familiar
with, appearing differently then they are used to. I'm an old school
Lord British fan myself, ever since the time I finished Ultima 2 and 3
and wanted to meet the monarch that declared that I should inform him of
my victory at the end of the game. However I understand that, just as
Lord British is able to travel to another realm as he has done here,
also the appearance might be apt to change. After all, he's not like any
other character within the games, is he? He's not like the shopkeeper,
or the guards, or anyone else really. I guess being an old Doctor Who
fan has also made me a little more open to the concept of appearance

If you aren't familiar with Doctor Who, he is what is known as a
"timelord", and act as sort of a cosmic detective. His appearance
changes every couple of seasons or so (They basically get a new actor to
play him), but it is fictionally written into the story as something
that Timelords experience (a change of appearance, to look like a
completely different person). At first it may sound silly, to try and
explain getting a new actor as "just something that happens" to one's
appearance. But I bought it. The reason I bought it so easily, what that
the character itself (himself) was a persona of good. He is a
representation, and not tied to a specific actor's look. Now, as much as
we might like to think otherwise, Lord British doesn't always have to
look just like Richard. So far there have been similarities drawn, but
there is no written rule saying that must be the case. Veteran players
like myself might at first be hard-pressed to come to terms with that,
but it's all more then just about looking like a particular person or
looking like a real life person to X degree. The persona itself is much
more then that, it's a representation. Just like Santa in that regard, a
representation. Perhaps an odd comparison, but it's the right time of
the year for using Santa as a comparison.

Et à propos de son pantalon :

I could be wrong, but I believe I heard those were a Korean "royalty"
style, or important-person style, or something. I'll have to double
check that with a knowledgeable source.
Don't forget as well, that certain clothing of the higher-ups in other
countries certainly doesn't look like anything we have in the US. Some
things that Samurai would wear almost looks like a female's dress, but
try to say that to the Samurai's face. :)

Pour faire bref, la version de NCSoft : "Pour les coréens cette nouvelle version de Lord British est l'incarnation même de la virilité et du bon goût vestimentaire."

Ma version : "Garriott est le nouveau bizut de l'équipe de Lineage."

R. Garriott : Vous êtes sûr de vous là ? Hmm... Ce n'est pas vraiment l'image que je me fais de Lord British...
J. Song : Pas problème Richard ! Chez nous, ça être équivalent croisement Arnold Schwarznegger et Bruce Willis ! Pas inquéter toi !

Par Lady Patapone le 19/12/2001 à 11:46:07 (#583340)

lol Mind ....
C'est vraiment des blaireaux les gens de chez NC Soft uhuh ...
Si ils veulent ressortir Dragon Ball , qu'ils évitent de le faire avec Gariott et Lord British , ca craint trop la :mdr:

Par Lady Angel le 19/12/2001 à 12:35:07 (#583588)

La virilité et le bon gout ?
une nana serais plus sensuelle
un mec plus imposant.

bref ca fais hybride prépubère mangatesque limite tapette quand même.

ca a pas la grâce d'une femme
ca a pas la force d'un homme

c'est entre les deux... et ca ressemble pas à grand chose...

Par Lady Patapone le 19/12/2001 à 12:59:33 (#583729)

:mdr: Lady Angel a trop raison , c'est d'un comique :D :D :mdr:

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