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Youpi ! (patch message)

Par Kaldanm le 15/1/2003 à 13:15:46 (#3026898)

January 15, 2003 3:00 am

*** Announcing The Legacy of Ykesha ***

The Legacy of Ykesha will be the first download-only extension for EverQuest. This product will not be available in stores. This extension will include some great new gameplay features, as well as new zones for characters ranging from level 35 up to level 60.

Legacy of Ykesha Features include:

A new playable race: Frogloks
Enhanced Looking For Group Tool
New Cartography System
New Magic Item slot: Charms
Armor Dyes
Dozens of new creatures
Expanded bank capacity
New zones
New spells

For more information, please visit

*** Patch Information ***

** Gameplay/Features **

- With our last patch and the patch today, we've significantly reduced the amount of bandwidth that EverQuest needs to use, even in large raid or extremely-crowded-zone situations.
- Fixed a problem with tints not properly updating when armor is removed.
- Fixed a bug with character faces displaying incorrectly to other players when you zone in after them.
- Fixed resurrection timer that was counting down against the 3 hour limit when player was not logged in.
- Corrected a problem with health and movement updates being delayed.

** Spells **

- NPCs will now notice Druid and Shaman Percentage Heal spells in a manner similar to traditional healing spells.
- Removed the chance for slow spells to be reversed from the 17 NPCs that had this ability.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing Curses, Diseases, and Poisons from being removed.
- Raised all recast times below 2.25 seconds up to 2.25 seconds. This is a change in the spell data as the first part of a two-part change needed to correct the "Recast time not met" problem. More information is available at the Developer's Corner at

** Alternate Advancement/Special Abilities **

- The range on the Bard Ability "Boastful Bellow" has been increased slightly.
- Fixed a bug with Harm Touch that was not allowing it to increase the standard amount per level over level 60.

** User Interface **

- Fixed a bug with effects in the Songs window. They were not getting removed on the client when the bard was dispelled.
- Introduced new Story window. The purpose of this window is to provide story updates in a readily available location. ALT-N toggles the window. You can select to have the window pop up when new story elements are added if you wish.
- Item Links are once again creatable from Items and from other Item Links. Please do not attempt to "mine" the servers for undiscovered items. Links now have a built-in mechanism to prevent those who would go on fishing expeditions by sending up many bad links in an attempt to discover new items. These invalid links are logged, as are the accounts of those who create them.
- Added an optional confirmation box before spending AA points. To turn on this confirmation box, please check the Options window.

** Miscellaneous **

- Sage Quests in Plane of Knowledge have been fixed.
- The event to fight Bertoxxulous in the Crypt of Decay will reset 4 to 6 hours after the event is failed. It will respawn normally if the event is won.

** New/Changed Interface Files **

- EQUI_StoryWnd.xml (actually added with the Jan. 9th patch)
- EQUI_OptionsWnd.xml

Par Hynkuel le 15/1/2003 à 13:25:40 (#3026964)

bonne chose ça n'empeche :)

vais creer un froak bst avec son pet wood elf :mdr:

Par Lady Angel le 15/1/2003 à 13:42:12 (#3027083)


Par idenoir le 15/1/2003 à 14:10:28 (#3027321)

Une extension a downloader!!!
Je plains les malheureux sans adsl/cable.:hardos:
Rien sur les charm pop, surprenant.:mdr:


Par Azandar le 15/1/2003 à 14:11:00 (#3027324)

Je trouve que c'est un beau cadeau que fait VI à sa communeauté . Enfin une mini extension pour les " mid " , gratuite etc... On était tous partis en flam en disant qu'ils nous tondaient comme des moutons ( enfin pour ma part tout du moins :p ) mais ils nous ont bien fait mentir

/thank Verant

Par Hynkuel le 15/1/2003 à 14:17:40 (#3027391)

je crois pas que ce soit gratuite, visiblement $17.99 sur le station store

et le down se fait en petit bouts avant sa sortie, tu peux en telecharger un morceau des aujourd'hui

Par Masklinn le 15/1/2003 à 14:19:42 (#3027408)

Nope idenoir, zont pas encore decide de quelle maniere ils allaient nerfer les charms pop c tout

Par GriotteEQ le 15/1/2003 à 14:23:14 (#3027432)

Euh c'est absolument pas gratuit, faut pas rever ... Aujourd'hui ils proposent soi - disant un mini patch pour alleger le gros patch quand l'extension sortira, blabla c'est une technique pour appater le client ...

The Legacy of Ykesha will be the first download-only extension for EverQuest. This product will not be available in stores. This extension will include some great new gameplay features, as well as new zones for characters ranging from level 35 up to level 60.

Je suis level 65, j'en deduis que ca n'aura aucun interet pour moi ?

Par Hynkuel le 15/1/2003 à 14:30:46 (#3027511)

ça depends Griotte :

Enhanced Looking For Group Tool
New Cartography System
Expanded bank capacity
New spells

ça peut toujours etre interressant, meme au 65 ;)

mais bon c'est comme les raids et pop ça.... :(

Par GriotteEQ le 15/1/2003 à 14:35:18 (#3027555)

Yup les rois du marketing vont bien prévoir un truc pour que l'extension soit indispensable a tout le monde au final :)

Par GriotteEQ le 15/1/2003 à 15:31:58 (#3028098)

C'est cense durer jusqu'a quelle heure le patch la ? :confus:

Par Hynkuel le 15/1/2003 à 15:36:04 (#3028134)

initialement 15h

Par Hynkuel le 15/1/2003 à 15:50:42 (#3028294)

d'apres EQloft

Une nouvelle race de personnages, les greloks.
Un outil de recherche de groupe amélioré.
Un outil de gestion de guildes.
Une nouvelle compétence : cartographie.
La possibilité de teindre vos pièces d'armure.
Plus de place à la banque.
Et de nouvelles créatures, de nouveaux sorts et cinq nouvelles zones...

Le téléchargement de Legacy of Ykesha sera payant et ne sera pas disponible avant mars. Nous vous donnerons plus de détails sur les modalités pratiques d'ici quelque temps.

que 5 zones ? :(

Par Valandil le 15/1/2003 à 17:17:14 (#3028991)

- Raised all recast times below 2.25 seconds up to 2.25 seconds. This is a change in the spell data as the first part of a two-part change needed to correct the "Recast time not met" problem. More information is available at the Developer's Corner at

Et merde mon cleric pourra plus me sauver la vie quand j aggro avec supernal remedy+supernal light en chain cast .

Par Hynkuel le 15/1/2003 à 17:21:14 (#3029017)

24 fevrier l'add on
on peut deja le preorder via l'interface lol

Par loupdacier le 15/1/2003 à 17:53:49 (#3029276)

Plus de place à la banque intéressant :)

Par Lady Angel le 15/1/2003 à 18:31:41 (#3029565)

Dear Customer,

The Station Store is currently undergoing difficulties. We regret that you are unable to continue your shopping experience, and we apologize for any inconvenience that this temporary outage may cause. The contents of your Shopping Cart should be available later, so please try back again soon.

The Station Store Team

A mon avis le site est engorgé : ils font un tabac comme à chaque fois...

Par Maximmilian le 15/1/2003 à 18:40:46 (#3029622)

Provient du message de Hynkuel
24 fevrier l'add on
on peut deja le preorder via l'interface lol

C'est à dire? on peut faire la cmd via EQ lancé ou il faut le commander via le Store de SOE?

Par Turin Turambar le 15/1/2003 à 19:44:22 (#3030057)

Je veux jouer un shammy Froglok je vais l'appeler Bok ou Krup :D

Par Kaldanm le 15/1/2003 à 20:42:17 (#3030456)

Bon maintenant que je suis plus au boulot, mon pitit commentaire :

L'outil de LFG, de Cartes et de gestion de Guilde :
Ca manquait, il le fallait, et c'est un appat pour ceux qui sont pas interessés par le reste. Ykesha va devenir indispensable a cause de ca (genre pas de groupe sans cet outil, ou presque :p).

La banque aggrandie, nouveau slot :
Rien que pour ça ca vaut le coup... un slot en plus = des stats en plus. indispensable.

les frogloks
C'est un jeu, les gars :). ca apporte rien, juste du fun. Des caster qui lancent Ice comet sur un salto, tout le monde en reve :maboule: !
D'ailleurs je trouve que EQ ressemble de plus en plus a un Zoo : entre les loups, les ours, les lesards, les chats, les tigres, les crokos, les grenouilles... ca va etre gai :bouffon: .

les coloris d'armure :
C'est ce qui m'interesse le plus :) . le seul truc, c'est que bientot tu verra des paladins en bleu foncé partout... alors que c'est du crusty !
Mais bon ca va changer de l'uniformisme de look a haut niveau, on reconnaissait les ubber depuis peu a leur uniforme "pantalon rouge et BP noire" (ou est ce l'inverse ?).

nouvelles zones :
OUI ! plus de zones pour ceux qui n'ont pas les possibilité de jouer sur PoP... si ca suis l'exemple de Guk, Sebilis, Mistmoore, Crystal Cavern, charasis ca serait SUPER interessant :). des dongeons, s'il vous plait, mdame.

Par GriotteEQ le 15/1/2003 à 20:54:49 (#3030549)

Provient du message de Kaldanm
les frogloks
C'est un jeu, les gars :). ca apporte rien, juste du fun. Des caster qui lancent Ice comet sur un salto, tout le monde en reve :maboule: !
D'ailleurs je trouve que EQ ressemble de plus en plus a un Zoo : entre les loups, les ours, les lesards, les chats, les tigres, les crokos, les grenouilles... ca va etre gai :bouffon: .


Justement on commence a etre bien loin d'un univers medieval fantastique cohérent qui m'avait donné envie de jouer a EQ ... Ca devient n'importe quoi VI n'a plus aucune imagination ... A quand les crevettes beastlords et les ornithorynques paladins ?


Par croute le 15/1/2003 à 20:57:45 (#3030572)

huk je suis un troll wiz lvl 92 :p

Par Lady Angel le 15/1/2003 à 22:41:07 (#3031307)

Si vous avez craqué et d'ors et déjà souscrit à l'extention il semblerais que l'on peut déjà jouer un froglok, c'est du moins ce qui est écrit sur le site officiel.

Info à vérifier.

Par Kaldanm le 15/1/2003 à 22:48:23 (#3031362)

Ils ont update le site :

Il vont lacher les infos au compte goute, mais on sais deja a peu pres tout sur les frogloks :

Presentation :
The Frogloks of Guk are a good-aligned race that devoutly follows Mithaniel Marr, the god of Valor. Frogloks can be a variety of classes and are the first race with both Shaman and Cleric class options open to them. Frogloks may also take the paths of Warrior, Paladin and Wizard.

Frogloks are a race of strong swimmers and are able to hold their breath for long periods of time. In addition, Frogloks have excellent night vision through the benefit of the Ultravision ability. Frogloks are able to wear both small and medium sized armor. Frogloks are viewed as an odd race, but are tolerated in all but the evil cities of Norrath. Followers of Innoruuk, Cazic-Thule and Bertoxxulous have no love for the Frogloks and will often attack them on sight.

Starting stats :
STR 70
STA 80
AGI 100
DEX 100
WIS 75
INT 75
CHA 50
+30 Bonus points to spend

Special innate :
Swimming begins at a skill level of 125
Amphibious Breathing (ability to hold their breath under water for long periods of time)
Higher Magic and Poison Resistance
Able to wear small and medium sized armor

Classes :

Deity choice :
Mithaniel Marr

The origins of the frogloks, as told by the honorable Glupurp Stoneskipper, Paladin of Marr :
My noble kinsman, I bring to you the knowledge of our origins, as well as the origins of Man, that have been bestowed upon me by the scholars of the City of New Tanaan, and those who have visited the Halls of Honor, home of our Lord Mithaniel Marr. I am but a humble Paladin of Mithaniel Marr, born like many of our kind in the swamps of Southern Antonica. I deserve no adulation for penning these words. This work is in honor of all Froglok, current, past and yet to come.

In the early ages of Norrath, before the arrival of Man, the Marr Twins did walk the face of Norrath. The children of a God of Power, Tarrew Marr the Water Lord, the Marr Twins searched for a cause to champion amongst the mortals of Norrath. The Gods of Nature puzzled over the Marr Twins' absence of divine purpose, and the Gods of Influence scoffed at the Twins for seeking such a purpose amongst the mortals. The most malicious of the gods, Innoruuk and Cazic-Thule, sought to corrupt the young Twins. Such an accomplishment would greatly strengthen the forces of Hatred and Fear.

Innoruuk, the twisted God of Hatred and Spite, sent his mortal followers to Tarrew's daughter, Erollisi Marr, to seduce her into the darkness. With the wisdom imparted to Erollisi by her father, she saw through the Teir'Dals' deceptions; their wickedness was more visible to her eyes than even their physical forms. So it came to pass that Erollisi journeyed to the lands of Tunare's fair elves, to escape the sickening advances of the Teir'Dal. It was in the early kingdoms of the elves that Erollisi did find warmth, peace and beauty in the harsh realm of the mortals. It was here that she embraced, and was in return embraced, by a most mortal of traits: Love.

While Erollisi fended off the advances of Innoruuk's mortal agents, the forces of Cazic-Thule beset her twin brother, Mithaniel Marr. Serpents, phantoms and all manner of frightful creatures conjured and commanded by Cazic-Thule's mortal minions came to Mithaniel to assault his body and mind. But Mithaniel was no mortal, and his will was strong; the minions of Thule could not instill within him the fear of their dark lord. They did succeed, however, in luring the brave Mithaniel to the swamps of Norrath, the deadly, dank lands where the creatures of Cazic-Thule were the strongest and most numerous. An army of trolls, lizard folk and forgotten creatures of unspeakable horror beset Mithaniel Marr, and so it came to pass that he became a captive to the minions of the Lord of Fear.

Mithaniel, imprisoned in magical bonds provided to his captors by Cazic-Thule and tortured by relentless monstrosities, prayed to his father day and night for forgiveness and salvation. The prayers continued unanswered until the brave god, weary from torture and weakened by the dark magic of Cazic-Thule, fell into a deep slumber.

It was then that Terris-Thule visited the slumbering god to infect his sleep with nightmares more horrible than the events he had endured at the hands of his captors during his waking hours. However, at the beseeching of her father, Cazic-Thule, Terris was not permitted to inflict such terror onto Mithaniel Marr until after she first deceived him through his dreams to steal the gift of life from his body. So Terris did as her father commanded and the slumbering horrors began.

Morell-Thule, the forsaken son of Cazic, and brother of Terris, took notice of Terris' manipulations of the slumbering God, for while Terris is the Queen of Nightmares, Morell is the King of Dreams. For reasons unknown, perhaps simply to foil the plans of his wicked father and sister, Morell-Thule stole the gift of life that had been taken from the slumbering Mithaniel and escaped into his Demi-Plane of Dreams. Knowing that his enraged family would soon visit his home, Morell divided Mithaniels Gift of Life, scattering one half across all the swamps of Norrath, the sacred lands of his father, Cazic-Thule.

Where Mithaniel's Gift of Life fell upon the swamps of Norrath, the first Froglok Tads were born. Those first Tads had the hardest trials of our people. Until that point, the swamps belonged only to the foul and destructive creatures of the dark gods. Fortunately the gift of life that had brought our first ancestors into being also empowered them with the bravery and valor Mithaniel Marr had exhibited during his trials in the mortal realms.

Once the swamps had been seeded with the first of our kind, the Lord of Dreams, Morell-Thule, visited Mithaniel Marr's twin sister, Erollisi Marr. While the Goddess of Love blissfully rested in the lands of the fair elves, Morell-Thule entered her dreams and gave to her the second half of Mithaniel's Gift of Life. It was soon to be evident to the fair elves that their visiting daughter of the gods was with child and they took her to an uninhabited region of the frozen northlands of Antonica, where they could tend to and guard her in seclusion.

While the elves watched after Erollisi, the first of our ancestors grew from Tads into adult Frogloks, and Morell-Thule gifted them with dreams of the imprisoned Mithaniel Marr, and visions of a means to free the brave son of Tarrew. So it came to pass that from all the swamps of Norrath, the first Frogloks rose in arms against the minions of Cazic-Thule, fighting valiantly to the site of Mithaniel Marr's imprisonment, guided by visions from the Lord of Dreams.

For uncounted years the Frogloks battled the evil inhabitants of Norraths swamplands, learning the lessons of both victory and defeat. Alas, Cazic-Thule is an ancient and powerful god, and his minions are numerous and diverse. Try as they might, the ancestor Frogloks could not reach their imprisoned god, but never did they cease their efforts, despite the daunting odds.

Then, after some time, a small army arrived on the borders of the swamp that was Mithaniel Marr's prison. Not an army of Frogloks, but an army of Northmen, the children of Erollisi Marr. They, too, had been guided by visions and dreams of the imprisoned god from whose life they were conceived. Seeking justice for the imprisonment of their father, the Northmen joined with the Froglok armies and the alliance of Froglok and Man succeeded in freeing their father Mithaniel Marr. The minions of Cazic-Thule and the Avatar of Fear himself fell before the unity and valor of the children of Marr. For the first time in the history of Norrath, the swamps were not safe for the evil creations of the dark gods.

It was in the brave and selfless actions of the ancestor Frogloks and Northmen that Mithaniel Marr discovered the mortal trait of Valor, and because of Morell-Thule's honorable delivering of the truth of our origins to our ancestors in visions and dream, Mithaniel also chose to champion the virtues of honesty as well as valor.

Such is the tale of my Lord Mithaniel Marr, of the origins of my fellow Frogloks, and of our distant brethren, the race of Men. It is a shame that so many of our kind, as well as many of the race of men, have strayed from the virtues of our ancestors. May Mithaniel Marr bless us, his faithful servants, with the powers to redeem our fallen kin from the clutches of evil.

Ouais, c'est long :p

Par Serruriere le 16/1/2003 à 9:54:25 (#3033249)

A quand ce genre de signature ?


Bon oki, je sors ;)

Par Serapho le 16/1/2003 à 10:56:39 (#3033586)

Froggy c'est deja pris :p

je me demande quelle sera la ville de depart des grenouilles moi: le village de swamp of no hope ? au moin il servirait a quelque chose :)

Par Hynkuel le 16/1/2003 à 11:19:17 (#3033717)

je pense pas que ce soit sur kurnark cause extensions

Par Masklinn le 16/1/2003 à 12:47:36 (#3034291)

Guk, sur a 95%

Par Wizoom le 16/1/2003 à 13:11:53 (#3034472)

je trouve que les stats sont zarb pour les classes proposées... en caster ou en tank avec toute cette agi et dex, non ?
enfin... le plus important c'est le fun :)... mais bon.. un wiz Frog.. a part en tuant les mobs en les faisant mourrir de rire avec des bonds... bof...
sauf si ils ont des équipements de fou Frog only (?)
bref... un MT frog... fun :)


Par croute le 16/1/2003 à 13:13:44 (#3034482)

huk ville guk et sebilis :D
huk le reste => KOS :p

Par Serapho le 16/1/2003 à 13:48:20 (#3034722)

GUk, Seb, j'en doute fort prce que ce sont des donjons depourvus de structures pour en faire des villes (guildes, marchands, banque, quets NPC, etc etc)

De plus cela signifierait que:
innothule swamp soit revampé pour offrir des mobs aux futures newbie froglocks
les gardes de guk deviennent des gardes de newbies ce qu fait de guk une zone tres dangereuse d'acces pour qui ne peu pas s'invisibiliser.
il faudrait revamper Trakanon's teeth pour en faire une zone de newbie aussi, avec des gardes baleze a l'entrée de sebilis

je maintiens l'option swamp of no hope:
-il y a deja un village, donc il n'y a plus qu'a ajouter les bons NPCs
-la zone est desertique, c'est facil de mettre des mobs low level autour du village et tout aussi facil de mettre de vrais gardes autour du village
-c'est toujours tres facil d'implanter les quetes de newbies come pour toutes les autres villes.

ou bien je me plante completement et Sony va nous pondre une zone expres pour les grenouilles.
Et la mon hypothese est la suivante:
depuis peu dans sebilis, on recoit des faction hits positifs avec: "frogloks of krup".
je ne sais pas de quelle faction il s'agit, mais pourquoi ne serait'ce pas le nom de la ville de départ des frogloks: Krup

faudra aussi penser a ajouter un teleporteur dans PoK ( est ce qu'il va faloir se telecharger une nouvelle version de la zone ?)

Par GriotteEQ le 16/1/2003 à 13:49:04 (#3034725)

Marrant ça, une frog a 75 de base en INT soit autant qu'un humain . Attention je ne dis pas ça pour accabler nos amis humains, juste pour dire que non seulement Verant n'a aucune imagination dans sa creation de races ( fallait bien en sortir une nouvelle a la va vite pour faire semblant d'innover dans legacy of machin ) , mais en plus ils sont incapables de faire des stats coherentes ( non je trouve pas normal qu'une grenouille ait 75 en int de base comme je trouverais anormal qu'un elfe ait 90 en force de base ) . Une grenouille wizard ou paladin je trouve ca quelque peu incohérent aussi . Bref apres les rangers halflings et les gnomes sk ( qui pouvaient encore passer ... ) la par contre je trouve que c'est un peu gros .

Enfin l'important c'est que ca croasse dans tous les sens et que ca amuse le client, si c'est pas cohérent VI en a pas grand chose a f.....

Par Hynkuel le 16/1/2003 à 14:00:01 (#3034806)

Provient du message de Serapho
je maintiens l'option swamp of no hope:
-il y a deja un village, donc il n'y a plus qu'a ajouter les bons NPCs
-la zone est desertique, c'est facil de mettre des mobs low level autour du village et tout aussi facil de mettre de vrais gardes autour du village
-c'est toujours tres facil d'implanter les quetes de newbies come pour toutes les autres villes.

je n'y crois pas.

tout simplement pasqu'un add on qui fait de l'add on sur d'autres add on c'est difficilement réalisable, sauf si ils fournissent Jurnark avec.

ce qui veut dire que la ville sera forcement accessible des zones du "vieux" everquest, soit Antonica, Fayder ou Odus. Il peut s'agir d'un nouveau continent aussi (Odus n'a pas beaucoup de zones par exemple)

Griotte, la goulbane tu la recuperes sur un froglok paladin.
On est habitué a voir des "mechants" frogloks comme à Sebilis, mais à Upper Guk les lighty ne sont pas kos à la base. Il est vrai que les stats sont bizarre mais bon si ils ont décidés ça comme ça

Par Serapho le 17/1/2003 à 11:42:01 (#3040652)

et maintenant une deception:

c'est une extension pour les levels 35 60.

dommage je suis deja 60, et je suis bien coincé dans le tier 1 de PoP en ce moment,1 ou 2 de zones de plus pour monter au 65 ne m'aurait pas fait de mal

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