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Nouveau type de serveur aux USA!!!

Par wolfen_donkane le 22/11/2002 à 20:02:51 (#2621793)


Ca y est Mythic à mis Online le nouveau serveur Coop (coopération). C'est simple c'est comme le serveur PvP mis à part qu'il n'est plus possible de tapper sur la gueule de tout le monde. Les trois royaumes ont entérés la hache de guerre.

Vous me dire qu'elle intéret? Et ben tout simplement le plaisir de groupé avec les autres royaumes, d'xp dans les trois royaumes et de porter la plupart des armures dispos sur les 3 royaumes.

Plus d'infos c'est com' d'hab' sur Herald -->

Before you ask, Gaheris was the squire and brother to Gawaine, and went on to become a knight. Enjoy!

EDIT - 6:32 PM EST - The notes have been updated to correct a mistake in the RVR notes.


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.55f Release Notes

Thursday, November 21, 2002



To provide the Camelot community with a way to adventure cross-realm with no worries about being killed by other players, we are unveiling our first Co-Operative Server, named Gaheris. On this type of server there is no type of player-vs-player combat at all (except for dueling) - any members of any realm can group and form guilds together, and everyone can communicate with everyone else.

For players who want to concentrate on the player vs. environment experience, this server is the type for you; by having access to the dungeons and territory of all three realms, you'll find much more content that you're used to while playing on the standard server types. Guilds who have, in the past, had problems deciding which Realm to join now do not have to worry about this, since players from any Realm can join the same guild.

For the next week or so, you will be able to charcopy to Gaheris and test it at any level you like. When we are confident that the Co-Op server is ready to go, we'll wipe characters and bring it up into open beta, much the same way we did with Mordred. After Gaheris goes open beta, we will not wipe characters there again (barring some extremely unfortunate event).

For those players who are enabled to be Shrouded Isles testers, please note that Gaheris is SI-enabled, so if you want to charcopy to Gaheris and check out the Co-Op server, please feel free to do so.

(Check the link on the left column of the Herald for more information!)


- Bards can now hold and use staves (although they cannot train in them). This is a longstanding bug. All classes should be able to hold and use staves.

- You can no longer put proc effects on jewelry, cloaks or instruments to artificially boost their level.

- Monsters will no longer attempt to cast a 20th concentration effect repeatedly.


Please note that you may not see some of these changes for a few days, as the server's object database is updated to point to the new art.

- All expansion magic-using classes now have correct spell icons.

- Helm problems in both the classic client and the SI client should be resolved for all original as well as expansion races.

- Epic armors for the Animist, Bonedancer, and Savage are now complete.

- Many new shield graphics are now in the game (for all three Realms).

- Many new Staff graphics have been added to all three Realms.


- Fixed the higher material Wrought Jewelry Boxes so they are able to be made correctly now in Albion.

- Fixed the stable leeching tincture recipe so that it creates the leeching tincture and not the ablative tincture.

- In Albion labeled the stable leeching tincture recipe correctly.


Realm v. Realm - Frontier Keeps

Keep Lords - At low health, the Keep lords will now summon help from the courtyard and the new "personal guard" spawned at keep upgrade level 8. Given their newfound confidence in their allies, keep lords will no longer use their anti-bladeturn abilities.

If you take over an enemy's keep and that realm has at least one of your relics, if you upgrade the keep to level 10 it will spawn a corpse summoner NPC. If you die in PvP and type /transfercorpse "keep name" without the quotes your corpse will transfer to that keep, although you will still need to be resurrected once you get there. Note that enemy players can kill this NPC and if they do so, the /transfercorpse command will be unavailable to you for that keep until he respawns (in one hour).

Hibernia: Touched now correctly resembles the diseased Celt that he is.


The "power level" of all siege ammunition has been increased. This should lead to higher, more consistent damage when using these weapons.

Par Oukisont le 22/11/2002 à 20:06:48 (#2621831)

et de deux fois dans la meme journée :)

Par goldim le 22/11/2002 à 20:47:01 (#2622203)

Y une chose que je pige pas (j'ai pas lu ce qui est dit j'ai la fleme :p ) si on peut pas taper sur les autres daoc sert a quoi ???

Parceque bon l'exp c marant cinq minute mai ce qui fait daoc reste quand meme le rvr...

Par Sorheim le 22/11/2002 à 20:51:00 (#2622241)

Si t'as pas lu tu peux pas comprendre alors.

Mouarf! t'es vraiment un nain, un pur un dur !! :p


Par Scany Jad le 22/11/2002 à 20:51:32 (#2622245)

Le probleme avec Mythic et on le remarque de plus en plus , ils ne savent pas trouver de juste millieu ....

C'est tout ou c'est rien ....

Donc soit c'est serveur full PVP ou serveur bisounours ...

Le mieux aurais ete de mettre que les ZF en full PVP ... ca aurais ete plus intelligent mais bon .... on parle de Mythic la ...

Par Nof SuivantSamedi le 22/11/2002 à 20:54:30 (#2622280)

Sujet déjà traité ici. Je vous conseille de le lire afin d'éviter les redites :).

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