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Patch 1.53H et des Infos sur Alchemy ...

Par Slammy le 23/9/2002 à 23:58:10 (#2220436)

Spellcrafting and Alchemy Need Two More Weeks
from Sanya Thomas
2002-09-23 17:30:38

It's the opinion of the dev team, internal testing, and Pendragon that our two newest tradeskills need a little more testing than the rest of the 1.53 patch. So... we are pushing them out of 1.53 and putting them into the next patch. We wanted to let you all know that we are aiming to have Spellcrafting and Alchemy go live in two weeks. Remember, this date is not set in stone. Our testers will let us know when the new toys are ready for primetime.

I know it's been a long wait - the end is at least in sight.

Pour nous ca va pas changer grand chose .... mais maintenant Mythic prend des risques et donne des dates. un bon point.


Dark Age of Camelot

version 1.53H Test Release Notes

Monday, September 23, 2002


This is a small wrap-up version to clear away some final tweaks and bugs before 1.53 goes live. Currently we are planning on taking 1.53 live on Wednesday morning. We'll let you know if this changes.


- In order to prevent server spamming, you can now only /UPGRADE a keep once per 10 minutes.

- You should now be able to pick up the loot dropped by the Glacier Giant in the Midgard Frontier.

- Shaman now keep the single target version of their endurance regeneration spell (Earth Invigoration) when they receive the group version (Greater Earth Invigoration).

- Endurance Heal bounty potions will now properly update your endurance bar - it was working before, but was not updated properly on the interface.

- The recipe display bug - where more than 3 components in a recipe can now be displayed - has been fixed.


Realm vs. Realm (All realms) - Courier missions: Pendragon only: We have disabled the Courier missions on Pendragon while we complete further internal testing.

Item notes:

Shadowbinder's Mantle will now con correctly.

Bueno pour les Shammy ;)

Remarque : la 1.53H corrige un bug de Spellcrafting :rolleyes:

Par Braknar le 24/9/2002 à 1:07:28 (#2220681)

Les artisans vont encore attendre un peu...mais bon, le spellcrafting et l'alchimie etait censes etre dans la version de base du jeu, donc quand le retard en arrive a ce point, on peut bien attendre un patch de plus, non?:ange:
Sinon, rien de bien revolutionnaire....

Par Silva le 24/9/2002 à 2:36:47 (#2220853)

Ben ca va laisser encore un peu de temps pour se refaire financièrement avant que les nouveaux artisanats arrivent.

Par Torgrin le 24/9/2002 à 3:26:22 (#2220942)

Provient du message de Silva
Ben ca va laisser encore un peu de temps pour se refaire financièrement avant que les nouveaux artisanats arrivent.

Prépare quand même les 10-12 platines histoire de pouvoir te payer une armure et une arme! :mdr: :doute:

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