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Hum les XLs sont a nouveau allied avec les GENs ???

Par RaK le 6/1/2001 à 22:47:00 (#100406)

On dirait hum je c pas en fait :p mais c grave la rapidité a laquelle les camps se composent, se décomposent et se recomposent :)

Par Moon XL le 7/1/2001 à 1:16:00 (#100407)

et vi ca s appel la politique, on a parler, regler nos problemes, trouver des solution et voila hop c reparti pour un tour, remarque juste le monarch des GEN now c sabre donc a partir de la tout va bien.

Par Rocco X L le 7/1/2001 à 1:29:00 (#100408)

J vais ptet passer pour un con mais... c est qui les GENs?????

Par Ensis le 7/1/2001 à 1:32:00 (#100409)

d'apres ce que j'ai compris , sabrewolf en se separant a formé sa monarchie a laquelle s'est joint naudica et quelques autres qui l'ont renommés Gens

Par Ioulaum X L le 7/1/2001 à 2:02:00 (#100410)

et les vengers ds tout ça ?
je les butes mais ils me disent qu'ils sont alliés...
comem j'arrive pas a te choper in game continue =)

Par RaK le 7/1/2001 à 4:56:00 (#100411)

ROFL à ce niveau la c'est plus de la politique c'est de la prostitution :)

Regardes ce que tu as posté un truc comme 10 heures avant que l'alliance soit reformée (et je passe les insultes échangées de chaque côté entre Naudica & Venger vs Moon) :


Ok i will explain my point and some things i'm thinking about .
First i never agreed with the way GEN managed to made the guild : Carebear bullshit, the guys that joined them, propaganda etc.

The only reason why we were at peace with them, was because some core leader and the monarch of the GEN are real life friends .

We gave them our BSD for free, and then we saw lot of guys we never saw before in our BSD. My followers was very upset about it regarding they defended the BSD for 4 month for a big part.

The fact is that we dont like half of the guys that are in GEN. I talked to Wilc sometimes and he is a really cool guy, so is smashdaliver and some others, but the big part...........

Some of my followers wanted to war AB with GEN and i said, ok guys if you believe in it, lets do it, after one week, it look like they get bored...

By respect for Sabrewolf and other real life friends we keeped the peace between our 2 guilds but.........

I saw on board today that Naudica the GEN leader decided to put all the guild under the same tag : VENGER
I was wondering how Naudica could be GEN leader regarding Sabre is the monarch....
And couldnt believe it, if there s a gimp in that game , its Venger for sure.

I logged on at home to check the GEN tag and yes it was Venger...................................
Then i came to our BSD, kuhal and akuma pk player was raiding it, i fighted them alone outside and died.
Then two Venger i never saw before came outside, i was talking with akuma and said to the Venger : WTF attack them,
then i became a pk player again, akuma cast a spell on me and i recall.
Then one of the Venger asked me why i said to attack them if i was talking to them.........i couldnt simply reply to it and said at my lifestone : KILL ALL THE VENGER ITS ENOUGH.

Trust me my followers was very happy, we are honnor PK and couldnt manage to have peace with half the worst personn on DT.

I was thinking in other way, why is Venger joining GEN now? 300+ followers under him and XPwhore??? its my point.

Then i managed to tell all my real life friends under Sabre that we are at war to let them know to not come to BSD because i dont wanted to fight them.
They answered me that they dont wanted to be under Venger anyway and they all broke to join me, waiting for Sabre to come back from hollydays to clear some things.

After 10 min camping our BSD, lot of GEN guys broke to swear us, maybe for the BSD, maybe because they dont like Venger, we will clear it later.

And last the best part came : Naudica wanted to talk to me.

Thats the first tell i got from him in my life.
He was asking why we are at war, he said he need Monarch like me to take AB and other big things like that.

Seriously Naudica you must think i'm really stupid to tell me things like that.
I told him i never agreed on the carebear shit, i never agreed on the way they made the guild with propaganda and i told him that we cant be at peace with guys we dont like so why would i help them now.
Why would i help a guy that one hours ago checked his followers and saw that lot have broke, wondering why they broke and when he saw that we are at war and his followers joined me, managed to tell me the first tell he ever gave me, to tell me shit like "we need monarch like you", why would i help him???

Lets be serious a moment guys, how you can claim to be honnor PK and other thing when you act like you did????
Oh yes he said that he put his ego out to try to ally all the PK to take AB and kill our worst ennemys etc etc BULLSHIT

At this point i stopped him and said : thats the point you are wrong from the begining, my worst ennemys are not in AB, they are sitting in KARA.

I think some guys like Sabre, Victoire, Smashdaliver, Orestes, Wilc, Sacre and some others was sincere when they joined or started GEN, maybe they made some error about carebear but i think they had true goals, but you Naudica, how can you stand in front of me telling me you need monarch like me when you never gave me a tell at begining, how you want people to respect you and what you are doing when in my point all you are doing is propaganda and XPwhore?
You never gave a shit about politics and goal as you told it in some post before GEN started, all you saw when GEN was about to begin is the opportunity to take some followers, and maybe to control a big bad boys guild, we saw how you managed to made all, think you was the leader.

Now the fact is that you are homeless, without a spot to lose vitae, the fact is that you cant handle two fight at the same time, u cant manage to take AB and our BSD, the fact is that you made some bad manipulation, all you made wrong is now in front of you and all you have to say is "we need you"

I m not a child, i m not a 12 years old guy, next time you want to do things like that, just be sure that the guy, you have in front of you, is more dumb than you.

The last fact is that, if the real GEN core dont do anything about guys like Venger, Naudica and some others, i gave them one week left to split.

Taking people by propaganda is not the only thing, you have to know who you are taking and why they are joining, being a core leader is not a thing you claim on board, its a thing you need to assume ingame.

You said to one of my followers that only Moon XL thought GEN was ally with XL, now you are the only one that think you can have me as an ally...

I m sorry for Wilc and others real core, guys just clear your guild and give me a tell in game to see if we can be ally.

For now the war is on, good luck Naudica.


En gros tu expliques que t pas d'accord avec les id pronées par GEN, que tu veux fight les Vengers et donc qu'ils ne peuvent être dans les GEN avec vous (encore moins sous le même tag, m'enfin ca c pas difficile à changer un tag :)) et que Naudica n'arrête pas de te prendre pour un con (ce qui vu ses réponses et celle de Venger n'est pas à remettre en doute :))...


[This message has been edited by RaK (edited 07 Janvier 2001).]

Par Gol le 7/1/2001 à 8:23:00 (#100412)

ça doit vraiment te faire mal qque part RaK pour que tu daignes poster ici , ce que tu viens de poster ...

eheh, te mets pas en Golère quand même ;)


Par mercu le 7/1/2001 à 10:13:00 (#100413)

LOL DE LA PROSTITUTION ROFL. t'es devenu fou toi =)

Par RaK le 7/1/2001 à 11:14:00 (#100414)

Bah un controle copy / controle paste c pas fatigant gol ca prend 2 secs :) Si tu crois que j'allais taper tout ca :)

D'ailleurs ca pas été compliqué a trouver puisque Moon a fait un repost de cela avant hier a 11h30 :

Mais il n'y a apparemment que moi pour trouver bizarre un virage a 180° en moins d'une 15aine d'heures après toutes les insultes qu'ils ont échangées :)

Non en fait je trouve pas ca bizarre vu que les XLs ont du mal a contenir les Alberons et que les GENs ont eux aussi besoin de ce BSD :p

[This message has been edited by RaK (edited 07 Janvier 2001).]

Par RaK le 7/1/2001 à 11:18:00 (#100415)

Mercu tu as raison j'ai fait un contre sens :)

La prostitution tu vends ton corps, la c leur ame qu'ils ont vendu :)

Par Red X le 7/1/2001 à 12:30:00 (#100416)


apres RaK le modérateur, RaK le fouteur de merde :D

tu te laches la !
pas compliqué, je crois que Moon ne voulait pas voir de Venger ds son BSD surtout si ceux si essaient de le que l'on a swear a Venger juste pour le tag bah Moon a fait la guerre a tout les venger c tout.

now, on est toujours SXL.donc y a pas de raisons que la guerre continue, c'est pas de la prostitution ni vente d'ames, c'est simplement un raisonnement logique qui abouti a des consequences logiques.faut pas chercher midi a 14 heures comme on dit =) l'explication est a la portée de tous.

Par Moon XL le 7/1/2001 à 17:32:00 (#100417)

et rak tu c koi?? t as tout compris, plutot que se disperser sur 2 fronts : ab et teth ben on se regroupe sur un seul front : ab on s occupera des mindeater apres, c fort nan? mdr

Par RaK le 7/1/2001 à 20:47:00 (#100418)

Ca a le mérite d'être clair cette fois ;)

Par bagend le 7/1/2001 à 21:27:00 (#100419)

et ca prend ke 2 lignes :)

Par Ensis le 7/1/2001 à 21:47:00 (#100420)

tiens l'interview de naudica sur dnn =)
en passant bekka l'intervieweur est français ?

Par Ioulaum X L le 8/1/2001 à 2:02:00 (#100421)

nan bekka est anglaise

Par Red X le 8/1/2001 à 17:01:00 (#100422)

et elle suce ? argl pardon me censuce pas RaK :D !

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